What’s the Point?
What's the point in trying anymore
When the people you trying for don't even care.
They don't even notice.
What's the point in putting on a show
When they could care less whether you're happy or sad.
They don't even notice when you're upset or suicidal.
What's the point of giving up everything
When you never get anything back.
They don't care.
They don't notice.
What's the point in doing anything,
What's the point in any of it at all.
Why did you have to break my heart?
String my along and tear me apart.
Why didn't I see the signs?
Stay at home and believe your lies.
Why can't you see that I cared
And just want to go back to the times we shared?
Why did you have to go and switch up?
But as much as I try you don't want to make up.
Why did you have to lie to me?
Look at me and pretend to be what I need.
Why do I lay here and cry every night?
I guess I should have listened
Because they all seem to be right
Why am I still sitting here hurt?
Because while your out not thinking of me,
I'm still here HeartBroken.
Who am I?
I don't know who I am anymore
I don't know what to do
All I know is I'm Ina dark place and I can seem to find a way out
I feel to lost and and unheard
So confused
I feel like I am drowning
Like my lungs are burning but I don't know how to stop it
I am drowning and no one can see me
I am drowning and no one around can notice a slight difference
I am drowning and yet they think I am fine
That this thing I feel so deep inside is just an act
I am so lost and so miserable that I can finally say that it's okay
That I'm used to it
I can say that it doesn't matter anymore
Even though I know that it does
I have become so good at lying to
But even better at lying to everyone around me
I have become so good at hiding my true feelings
Keeping them locked up inside
I don't know who I am anymore
I can't recognize the girl in the mirror
And yet I'm okay with that.
Day by Day
Everyday it's the same old thing
Nothing's changed, nobody cares
I'm invisible
To them I'm happy
Because no one can see the true pain
Hidden behind my smile
They look at me and tell me to
To not tell people how I really feel
They say they'll take me
To a place I don't want to be
They talk behind my back
And always point out my flaws
I hide who I really am
I hide the pain and tears behind my smile
No one ever has time to listen
But it's not like I'd tell them anyway
They've all changed
My friends
My family
I don't know what to do
I hide in my room
So that I don't have to fake it
I put in a show
But sometimes I just want to give up
I will never be good enough
I eat away my pain
And take all the bullshit they say
I listen bad try to be obedient
I try hard but the don't understand
I just want to be seen
I just want to be heard
I want to be me...
But they will never see the depression hidden in my eyes
They don't know what it's like being me
They don't know what it's like to struggle through everything
They don't know how hard it is for me to get through the day
To hold back the tears
To stay focused
To force a smile that hurts every time I have to put it on
I'm like a clown
Covered in make up
Except I can't take it off...