crack hands
my mother says i speak with my hands. red fingertips ripped raw, scratching skin, digging holes to bones. she says the dried blood beneath my nail beds reminds her of women whose homes are shadows and alleys, who swallow grease and eat needles, who need a fix and need fixing but can't do it on their own. she says to please keep my left hand away from my right, stop your picking, jesus christ. she says i am lucky i still have skin to grow.
my grandmother passed down her bad habits. my father passed them down to me, and i have inherited every piece of dead skin they have peeled off their bodies. my grandmother picked her shoulders, my father picked his fingers and his toes. i was born a hybrid who is willing to scavenge both.
when i am ten, my mother coats my hands in lotion, the kind that smells like a head cold in the winter. she wraps gloves to my wrists in gauze, tells me to wear them while i sleep. she thinks double layers can stop me. i rip the fleece off with my teeth.
i'm at my worst when i'm with god. my mother holds my hand during the our father and won't let go until mass ends. she slaps my arm every time i pretend to fold my palms to pray but start to pick again. at penance i stain the pew when i rest my red nails on its wood. the priest and i both know i won't confess to the mess i've made even though i should.
i learn how to shake hands with strangers and grip their palms like i am whole. lightly squeeze, dip and flip at a fifteen degree angle. i hide the animal my father sees, whose maimed joints i make look tame. the cracks in my knuckles go deeper than any routine can tame.
I am drowning in the center
Of the ocean. I scream and yell,
But no one swims my way. There
Are bolts of lightning as the waves
Violently rage on. I watch the people
As they laugh and play, unaware of
The voices in my head. They are
Oblivious to the tornado eating
My body. I gasp in between gulps
Of water as the ocean quickly silences
My cries of pleas. This is what depression
Feels like. I am drowning and no one knows.
Prose Challenge of the Week #63
Hello, Prosers,
We hope this challenge announcement finds you well and writing!
It’s week sixty-three of the Prose Challenge of the Week.
For the last week, you have been writing about a female Lucifer, and man, did you deliver. Before we check out who the deserving winner and recipient of $100 is, let’s take a look at this week’s prompt:
CotW #63: Take a much-loved Disney story, twist it into an adult, kick-in-the-gut tale. Poetry or Prose. The most eloquent, elegant, entertaining entry, ascertained by Prose, earns $100 and stays atop the Spotlight shelf for six straight days. Feel free to invite friends, distant family, even strange acquaintances to play this challenge with you anonymously. Please use #twistedtales for sharing online. Now lights, camera, fiction.
Now, back to the winner of week sixty-two.
We have read all of your entries, and have come to a decision. The winner of the Lucifer challenge is @Delilah49 with their piece, Who is the Devil?
Congratulations! You have just won $100. We’ll be in touch with you shortly.
In the meantime, you have one week to get your write on!
Until next time, Prosers,
~cold roots
I smiled once, in a photograph
somewhere, thunder is stranded
in a squall of clouds
like an afterthought
or the burden of shadows
yet to fall
rain jewels the periphery
curses the storm
that brought you here
& so what if
I'm rain-drunk
dancing barefoot
shivering like
a virgin with
a tickle crawling
through my veins
the same as what
salt does to ice
old words melting
into new poetry
observe the crocus
pushing away the innocence
of new march snow
leaving its blood-red stain
in the budding
rising like sin from preying hands
in the last season, as the sun sits low & late
bury the all of me
bone & ash
smoke & secrets
lah 4.1.17 ©
god is just a
wish on a shooting star.
heartbeats stop and
life still hardly seems subpar.
I listen for harmony
but I'm greeted with crime.
he lied only once when
he said he was all mine.
I claim people can't be
'broken' but really we break.
I try my best to be present,
another mistake.
life's not fair
just a big chess game
check, check, checkmate
down in flames.
Deep in the caves of the purple mountains
A girl lies slumbering
Sedated by illusion
Trapped in an eternal cycle
Until a voices whispers
"It is time to awaken little one. You have been asleep for too long. It is time to awaken from this great illusion, awaken, and realize the destiny that lies ahead. Wake up!"
Her eyes finally opened for the firs time in an eternity
"How did I get here?" She wondered
But then, she saw a sight so beautiful no human mind could ever understand
Light poured in from all directions
Shining out ignorance!
Shining out pain!
Shining out hatred and sorrow!
Breaking down the walls of this grans illusion!
Until there was nothing left
But peace and serenity
Now children of the earth,
It is time to wake up!
What is Justice?
Justice is equality, fairness, a level playing field and impartiality. Justice is something that we aspire to in our courts of law, in the workplace and in our lives.
Justice is a system invented by man whereby wrongs may be put right, for only human beings are supposed to have a sense of right and wrong. But, having said all this, does Justice actually exist? That's a very difficult question to answer is it not?
Is it Justice if it can be bought? No, but you can buy a version of corrupted Justice if you have the readies, and a version of corrupted Justice is to all intents and purposes real Justice isn't it? No it isn't, but it happens doesn't it dear Prosers? Surely, if we employ a system of laws that can turn a blind eye to corrupt Justice, then the system is broken, and if the system is broken can true Justice be served?
Of course it can't.
Is true Justice an eye for an eye? It may seem so, but it isn't. Is it Justice if half the world has so much food that it discards huge amounts every single day, while others fight for scraps?
On a personal level I gaze out into a corrupted and decaying society that clings to its false promises on a dying world that struggles to cope.
Justice? Don't make me laugh.
I suppose we all view ourselves in a favourable light don't we. I do honestly have a low self esteem and this is something that has plagued me since childhood, but when I stand before a mirror and adjust my tie, I don't see my age, I see a handsome grown man smiling back at me.
Yesterday I was out with friends and we enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon in Keswick, at one point the cameras came out as we watched Chanade playing and I somehow ended up in a video.
I watched the video later when we arrived back home and was horrified to see this wizened old fart wearing my clothes. I looked like something that had been dug up!
Of course what we see in mirrors is enhanced by our egos isn't it, but seeing myself in photo or video is truly horrific, I hate it.
But how I appear to be differs from my opinion of myself, as when I dress for work I see a smart, crisp professional, but others see a half blind old fool who is as scruffy as he is demented. I think I am talented when in fact I am not, I think I am gifted when in reality I'm a dolt with an imagination, and I see myself as an empathic philanthropist when in fact I'm little more than a cabbage.
Self praise is no praise.
Nothing smooths wrinkles like an ego, and even though I may have facial features only a slug could love, my mirror loves me every time.
what a morbid thought
of course I do no hope to die
I intend to live forever
however, under the inevitable circumstance that is called the circle of life,
I know there must come a day
when that day comes
I hope to die in complete peace
maybe in my sleep
maybe a casual fall
whatever it is
Just don't let me know that I'm dead