5th Grade Me Knew It All Along
Gender and I don't have an
Easy relationship.
I don't know what it is.
I just knew what I was told:
Some people are boys,
Some people are girls.
End of story.
But was it really?
Since 5th grade,
The year of
I knew
That I was a bit
I didn't fit in well
With the girls
Or the boys.
I dressed too feminine,
But I acted too masculine.
I looked like both,
And I felt like
But I was a girl,
I was told that fact
My whole life.
That's who I am.
I can't change it.
I have to stay in the
Girl's line,
Girl's group,
Girl's bathroom.
"You look masculine."
A simple sentence, dared said
By one of my closest friends,
Why did that bring me
Why did I ask,
With so much energy,
What if I could change it?
What if I weren't a girl?
What if I were a boy?
Or what if I were
I baked and cleaned with my mom,
I helped my dad with house repairs,
I played cars and Barbies with my brother.
I had friends that were girls,
And we giggled and gossiped.
I had friends that were boys,
And we joked and teased.
I wore skirts in the spring,
Pants in the winter.
I sang songs in the choir,
I screamed on the playground.
Where do I fit in?
Is that okay?
Is that what I want?
Is it really that simple,
To be neither,
Can I be that,
Not one or the other,
Not the in-between,
But the nothingness?
Is there even a word for that?
Apparently there are multiple,
You take your pick;
It's not a "one size fits all,"
It's not two boxes anymore,
It's a whole world of identities
It's what fits you.
6th grade me learned one:
Neither male nor female.
But I was a girl.
I was told that fact
My whole life.
That's who I am.
That's who I was.
Could I change it?
I did.
9th grade.
But it didn't fit right.
That wasn't me
So now, in 10th grade,
I found another word:
A lack of gender.
Five years later,
And 10th grade me
Wants to go back
To 5th grade me
And tell them,
"You knew all along".
Work Cycle
And so the cycle continues,
Because I never learn.
Another plan,
Another chance,
Another project or task,
So simple and easy to follow,
Yet also so easy to forget,
So easy to fail.
The weight of expectations,
The feeling of eyes, always watching,
Continues to hang over me
And judge
Every move, every mistake,
Every frustrated defeat.
It only adds to my own judgement
Of myself, of my work.
The bed and its sheets,
Thick as blubber,
Attempts at luring me into sleep.
With a shake of the head,
The thought, like a marble,
Rolls out of my mind.
I continue to work until the darkness
And the sheet swallow me whole.
I must get drunk off this feeling.
Why else would I continue
To keep myself from production,
And then binge the night before
An assignment is due?
It's better than waiting for sleep.
And so the cycle continues,
Because I cannot learn.
Falling into the Rabbit Hole
Surrounded by darkness,
The only source of light in this room
Is the phone screen
With your last message
Burning into my retinas.
And I'm sitting here,
Making a poor attempt at
Stifling my laughter
And trying to think of a good response.
My smile grows wider
And my face becomes hotter
With every new text you send.
Now I've fallen down the rabbit hole
That I've tumbled into so many times
And had to crawl my way out
With scraped knees and bruised arms
And dirt under my nails.
But the nights are perfect for our conversations
And indulging in this feeling of falling
Until I see you again tomorrow.
Procrastination vs. Perfection
Shouldn't procrastination
And the insatiable desire
To always do absolutely perfectly
On every assignment, every single project
Balance each other out?
Shouldn't my craving
To stay in bed all day
Mourning over this very dilemma
That I write about now,
Be overshadowed by the sheer need
To do well, to impress?
They don't balance.
Nothing changes.
Except that my assignments
Are done so meticulously
That you would never even believe,
Never imagine,
That I stayed up until 12 A.M.
Finishing it.
Love in Friendship
I knew from the moment that you laughed with me at a stupid mistake I made that I could no longer consider our friendship situational, where kids in tiny, ruthless classes had to scramble to find one merciful friend, but that I now considered it fate. It's an overused word with no longer any deep meaning behind it, but when I look at our relationship, I believe it with my whole being: when you laugh, my sides and lungs hurt from the most atrocious belly-laugh; when I cry, you sob with me and comfort me through it; when you vented to me, becoming more selfish with conversations only revolving around you and tearing bits of our relationship apart, I stood by and continued to support you; when I tore into you for your words and actions, when I broke your heart, a piece of me broke too. But like a broken bone, we came back together, we apologized and learned together, and we healed to be stronger - not unbreakable - and I consider myself lucky to have met you, and grateful for the laughter, the sobbing, the insane school stories, and even to just hear about dumb, boring days.