My long lost lover
Once upon a long, long
There was girl who
stole my heart.
So smart she was to me;
Only her eyes would speak to me
Her words polished like
Cuts through a thousand layers
Of flesh and bone
Her smile, oh so
Unfazed, like no other.
She is the star of the show,
Never dismissing that fact;
She could rattle the stars
And shake the earth
Where rest shows fear;
All i could see was her
Streaming from inside out
I would dream of the
Life of me and her
Thinking of the stories
We made , that i could
Ink down
She doesn’t like me.
But yet i try
Again and again
To win her heart;
Wonder if it’s love
Or are we just
Long-lost lovers?
something i wish to say
Hey, it's been some time, right?
Well, I am sorry for a lot of things, but I wonder when will you read my message,
let alone reply me.
I miss you. *deletes message*
It's Valentines' Day today, do you remember?
I am making a fool of myself again, why do you even care? You can barely even organise your life properly, let alone with me inside. You don't even leave your notifications on, you won't realise this. You can't even feel what I am feeling.
God, sometimes you wonder if they love you the way you love them.
well sweetheart, you should know the answer
Can I peel that mask off?
"Honestly speaking, life is a joke-"
"Life is a joke? Why?"
"Nah, you won't get it-"
"... If you say so..."
But seriously-
What were you implying then?
Why won't I get it?
... I guess I wasn't that smart afterall...
Those thoughts had been swirling in Alise's head as she stared at him while still making sure she had that blank face on. She watched him swagger and make those useless jokes with that bunch of boys she was sure weren't really nice to him. That made her wince as she got back to her work. It was no use. One week. It has literally been 7 days straight and Alise still wasn't able to figure out what those words meant. She thought about it everytime she was free: after homework, watching a video, in the toilet, before bed for 7 days straight. The stuff he told her was stuck somewhere in her mind and she couldn't find a way to let go of them. They were harder to decipher than those stupid algebra questions or English devices. At least those had the full picture, but him... Let's say she only knew the fragments of the once full mirror. She wasn't sure if she should ask him what they meant, or whether she should investigate it herself. Nah. I hate asking for details... I don't like to pry so much, not after when he told me stuff so personal... So she went with Plan B. She hated staying discreet but she really had no choice. The noise died down. Alise then proceeded to write her essay which she had only scribbled a few words. At the corner of her eye, she watched him as he sighed. He was doing his work, but she could tell that part of him was no where to be found. He looks almost tired. More or less sick of something. Alise then realised it. He was tired of making jokes. He was tired of life.
"Are you bored just standing here?"
Alise stood at the side of the table still thinking of him as the class went crazy. It wasn't so long ago where he had asked her the question. Are you bored just standing there? She wondered how she had lied so easily. To put it bluntly she WAS bored. But again, she didn't like to bother people. So nein. Well... All she could do was watch the commotion. There was some sort of "wrestling match" going on, but she was sure if it were really a match, some's leg would have came flying off by this point. She chuckled at that thought. But really, all her mind could ponder about was how confusing a boy can be. She thought she had seen it all, knew it all. But really she was still too young. Life had its own mixed bag of surprises for everyone and she was pretty sure she wasnt finished with it. But seriously he was too much. A boy with a past is one thing, but a guy with a mask, well, she gets curious. To the point she wishes to just peel it off from him and see the real person beneath it. But-
The thing is, she doesn't know where to start...
The End?
Notes: This story is real and would only end when he reads this in which he probably won't-
Moral des Lebens: Einer
(Moral of Life: One)
Life is one funny thing -
You got Coincidences and Synchronicity ; You got those Morals and Life Lessons.
But, what if they all occur at once?
Today was a very weird day. Today made me question life once again.
Not that type of question. (No, no, it's not about how my life sucks)
Today was the Holy Cooking Examination.
The perfect day for things to go wrong. (Yes, I mean literally burning the kitchern down)
And most importantly, it was the day my dear friend forgot to bring eggs to school.
What she did next would have proved to be a stupid, yet interesting discovery of mankind.
Before we move on though, you have reached the Intermission part.
I highly encourage those who read this to actually watch all 2 seasons and 18 episodes of whatever I am showing. (I finished watching that episode just 2 days ago)
Warning: Contains Fantasy Violence, Animated Blood and Realistic Violence.
(Reccommended for people ages 13 and above)
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRZ4Qs_d11o
It was a comment someone sent that struck me as “interesting”.
“Never understimate a man who has nothing to lose.”
If I were to list what happened in "Animosity", here are just generally what happened:
(I am not spoiling)
1. People with weird superpowers started a weird plan to defeat the bad guy
2. They carried it out.
3, Kinda didn't go as planned.
4. D e t e r m i n a t i o n
5. Reunion. (there were 2 :D)
6. A crazy fight where it goes like this: Fighting, fainting, fighting again, someone dies, crying, more crying, someone goes crazy, fights more, faints, crying, carrying, the bad guy went crazy...
7. Ended with our dear protagonist appearing to the rescue :D
Okay. It's fine if you don't understand.
If you watched it, then good? (but u would have to watch the previous 17 episodes and season 1 to understand)
What was the whole gist was:
"Humans go on extreme measures when they are in desperate need."
No hooman was a right mind in school would go buy 4 eggs from a random canteen store, unless they desperately need it for something. In this case, our example here needed to cook fried rice and needed 4 eggs but had none. (how ironic)
And instead of shamefully walking back to her seat, she got the whole class to clap for her, holding up her eggs for all to see, as if they were 4 gold bars she painfully dug up instead of 4 damp, wet eggs in a funny looking plastic bag from the canteen store.
People view it as a genuienly funny yet smart thing to do.
But I don't. I don't think something like that deserves a standing ovation.
Not that I am salty or what, it's just too attention-seeking.
At the end of that day, here's the moral of the story:
"Hoomans go into extreme measures when they in desperate need."
(my dub of that guy's comment in real life)
That is basically how I conclude our human survival instinct. My friend has just showed a perfect portrayal of one out of trillion other cases. (Alot included homework)
We humans, cannot be compared with those Gaster Blaster boys in the show, but one trait we share common is when we have a desperate call for something, we can make the impossible be possible.
And that is some super power that you have too.
~31.08.20 Characidal_kid/Evie~
Notes: The video link above is Glitchtale Season 2, Episode 11"Animosity" by Camila Cuevas. Please do check out and support her YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/CamilaCuevas/playlists
Camila is amzing. I love her animations and artworks. Even though this is a rather shabby piece of writing, but I still really want to take some time and cite this, because she really derserves this! ;D
(Me: Who worships Camila as my God lol)
~I M I T A T I O N~
School, English-Literature Exam (Speech)
Alise: *finishes speech* Thanks everyone! *Walks back to seat*
Cameron: *grabs Alise's arm and glares* Why do you have to imitate me?
Alise: *Pulls away and takes in deep breath* Cameron! I had enough of your nonsense! You thinking imitating you is that easy well TAKE THAT, it's very well NOT. *spits out words menacingly*
Cameron: *flinches at seat, but tries not to show* So? The way you say that speech, ain't it the same way as mine? *Stands up*
Alise: *Rolls eyes* Well so SORRY for the inconvience cause, but I am just trying to be myself and whether you like it or not, it doesn't matter. Learn how to deal with things Cameron, you're not a kid anymore. Plus WHAT'S EVEN THE BIG DEAL IF I WAS BEING DRAMATIC TOO? YOU KNOW THAT I AM JUST THIS WAY!
Cameron: *Very taken aback and instantly regrets what she said* ...
Alise: *Sits down and crosses leg* Cameron. If you would like to try imitating someone, go for it. Maybe until then you would understand how HARD it is to imitate someone and that I am merely like how I was. Honestly- *Crosses arm* I don't care about your opinions anymore. I am SO TIRED of trying to please you. Not anymore. I get my grades and you get your's, THAT'S fair enough!
~11.08.20 @Characidal_kid/Evie~
Notes: I am not sure if posting this was a good idea because I am afraid this may actually happen and "Cameron" in real life might just murder me alive-
Shouldn't think so badly for now... Imma hope for the best and yeah-
~T s c h ü s s~
I wonder...
(This is probably going to be cringey, really cringey)
I wonder why you hadn't told me about
your darkest secrets,
when you told me you wouldn't lie.
I found out from another lost soul,
who moved on as well and told me with sorrow
all the past happiness you and her had.
Had you truly moved on?
Or are you still stuck,
in that storm you caused... All that years ago?
Do you want to be with me
away from all those nightmares you had.
Perhalps, it was me - ALL ME.
Maybe it was ME who couldn't move on.
Now I wonder what has become of us...
~20.07.20~ Characidal_kid/Evie
Knock knock
I was depressed after what had happened. Now I stood at behind the firm stone door of the ruins, completely shunned away from the rest of the world. In my eyes tears ran freely. I recalled that the day where I got the news of the death of my father. It was a breezy afternoon and I was out with Chara. It was an amzing day to begin with, we had a whole hour of fun until my father's sick kick, Alphys, came to find me.
"I'm so sorry... Dr. Lenore... Your father... He fell into the CORE along with his 5 other companions."
I stood dead in my tracks.
"He... Wha....t...."
I was stunned in silence. My father, the greatest royal scientist of all time... dead?
"This must have been a mistake... Alphys, please, tell me this is a joke?"
She said nothing. But the look on her face. It shows it all. I bent down and in the arms of Chara, I wept.
After the episode, I had to accept the fact that my father had died. nobody would have survived that fall anyway, especially not into the CORE. My father had said that. Tears still lingered in my eyes as I collected whatever possessions my father had in the lab. They were mostly just blueprints and notes from previous experiments. I packed them all neatly in alphabatical order into cardboard boxes I found lying around. Soon after, I realised that I had no where to go. I had spent my whole 17 years of life in this very lab and never left it since. Where shall I go?
I didn't like the town anyways, it was loud. Waterfall? Too wet. Hotlands... Never. After contemplating here and there I suddenly recalled a place that my father had once said - the ruins. The most secluded place I could find, plus I don't want people coming up and giving me their sincere condolences, it honestly makes me feel worst.
So here I am. In the ruins for the past 2 years. I wonder what is going on with Chara and Alphys, two of my very best buds. I wiped my tears away and sat down onto the cold hard floor, my back against the door as I drifted away...
Knock, knock...
Huh... Wait, who could be at my door? I thought nobody knew about the ruins except for me...
I replied unknowingly "Who's there."
The guy at the other guy seemed very surprised that I was there. I heard him mutter that he didn't expect a girl to reply him. Pooh, rude. I rolled my eyes.
"Dishes," He said.
"Dishes who?" I said.
"Dishes a very bad joke."
"Hahahahahahahaha..." I laughed and laughed. I can't believed I actually laughed! It feels so good to laugh again... After for such a long time.
"Hey bro..." I said, my stomach still painful from laughter.
"Mind if you come back tomorrow... For the jokes?"
"Sure thing, after all, you're a great audience."
I’m here! (For a certain Mika-chan)
Notes: This is written for one of my best friends I met on Instagram. It’s sad that she decided to closed her DMs last night, however I would like to say that I am glad to be one of the last people she talked to before closing it, which makes me feel that she would not forget me easily. Although the closing made me cry a lot last night and well... Imma pour my heart out on prose. This is dedicated to my dear friend... Lory.
We grown from strangers
to close friends
starting with a DM
that you sent.
No that you are closing it
I feel emptiness
Like a carrier without a soul.
It all started with that DM
On a Monday, 6am
I went on Instagram
and found you sitting in my requests.
We then talked a lot
From dusk till dawn,
morning till night
Spent every 24 hours
talking to you.
At first you were skeptical:
Who I was, what I am
Was I a creep?
A bot?
You won’t know.
But I assured you that
I was real.
One Month:
I spent my CNY celebration with you.
On the internet, sitting cross-legged on the sofa
burning data.
We talked our about our lifes on the other side of Earth
One in Asia, one in Europe.
You taught me so much about your land
I began to feel the real
Two Months:
Two months passed as we talked
as the storm brewed on, bubbling.
However, we stood strong together.
We then started roleplays:
You as “Yuichiro”
Me as “Mikaela”
Two as brothers
Us as sisters.
Time flies:
As the months fly by,
the storm went out of control.
A gap of a wide, endless ocean
seperating us.
We all are depressed
We all grew distant
Narrowing down to a mere “How are yous”
Once in awhile.
I really regretted
Not talking to you
while we still could.
Now I know its too late
I am always too late.
Life is full of regrets
But I wanna say something.
Hopefully it won’t be too
“I will be here for you”
No matter where you go,
how far to you go,
where in society you lie,
I am here for you.
When you need advice, when you need to rant
When you just need help
Just remember
I’m here. Always here.
I am still your friend,
Your hope
Your torch
Your Determination.
Final words:
No matter where you are
Or whether this will reach you...
I just wish to tell you that:
“I am here for you.”
Your friend, Evie