First Kiss
I don't know what to think
I don't know what to feel
I don't know why
What's wrong with me?
I wish I knew what you were thinking
What you were feeling
I don't care if it'd hurt
At least I'd have a definitive answer
Confused, my heart aches
Happy, it still yearns
Fearful, it needs more
Frantic, my mind can't take it
My eyes sear
My heart pounds
My stomach knots
My lungs panic
I let my feelings show
I think it's my fault...
I like you too much
It is all my fault...
I cannot live life this way
Without knowing, always thinking "what if?"
I'd rather risk it all and have you hate me
Than not know if I'm missing out on a lifetime of happiness
This life happens once
I am so afraid
Afraid to live, afraid to love
Afraid to miss out, to regret
What do I do?
What are we?
Who will we become?
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
~repost for challenge~
The Cliffside
They remind me of all that has been
Of all that cannot not be
I knew a girl
Radiant with angelic light
We loved each other
Gazed upon the stars every night
Nothing ever lasts
Only the stars up above
So I'll tell a tale
Of heartache, courtship and love
The wind wraps around me
Hair flowing in the breeze
And the seas below remind me
Of all that has been
Of all that will not be
She fell away from
The tender touch of happiness
I tried to help
But in vain, as she was lost within the mess
And the wind wraps around me
Hands float from my sides
And the rocks below taunt me
Of all that has been
Of all that will not be
The girl met a man
Who could help free her from the storm
I watched in dejection
As she went on to love him even more
The wind wraps around me
The sun sets sail for west
The tides that loom remind me
Of all that has been...
They walk, their hands entwined
Their beings bound in love
Footprints in the sand remind me
Of all that has been...
And the wind whips about me
The stars begin to fade
And the ocean foam embraces
All that has been
And all that can never be
-repost for challenge-
Who or what defines my value?
My worth is perceptibly unsteady
Shaped by down-trodden eyes
Casting shadows with every glance
Feeble minds grasp at straws
Social exploitation reigns as sovereign
The elite expedite mediocrity
Whilst followers ride an ever-looping current
Their community, their idols
Give meaning to their worthless lives
So they slog on, working towards nothing
Their life fades as the dawn unto dusk
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder
Yet beauty is a construct formed not from within
Rather, it is force fed to us by sinners and liars
All who cower in their own shadows and flaws
You can define your own value
But what does it matter?
Is art still art if no one bears witness?
Only the ones that matter truly care
Who truly matters?
Every choice we make branches another path
Each path leads to different people
Those people who matter in one lifetime
Matter not in another
Yet we focus our attention on them, ourselves, and our idols
No one thing, no one person
Can give us meaning
Can anything at all?
Do we actually have worth?
We live in a minuscule moment
Only a thread in the fabric of time
What do we matter in the end of it all?
We are just that
Matter, in the end of it all