I’ll help him find the truth
He says he is a monster.
All he sees is red.
He’s bashed in heads,
Broken hands,
And busted lips.
He believes rage
Is all he is capable of
But I know the truth.
He is a teddy bear.
All he wants is love.
He’s stroked my head,
Held my hand,
And kissed my lips.
I know how much affection
He is truly capable of
I just wish he could see it too.
I never thought I’d die
By the hands of you.
I never thought I’d love him.
I never thought they would hurt me,
But I was blind.
I kept on crying,
Hoping someone would hear me.
I mourned losing myself.
I was stuck,
A constant carrousel
Of sorrow.
No one to help me,
No one to show me the way.
I learned in the abyss
How to protect my heart
And how to survive on my own.
I learned how to be my own saviour,
Because I’m the only one who cares enough
To try.
Co written by my two younger sisters and I <3
I don’t give a
Fuck being perfect.
Fuck caring about what others think.
We’re on this world for a very short time,
Not long enough to live up to any standards
Other than our own.
Who cares if I dress provocatively?
Who cares if I eat too much good food?
Who cares if I don’t have a slim waist
Or if I’m tall?
Who cares if I have stretch marks
Or cellulite
Or pimples
Or a tummy that pushes out a bit?
Who cares if I do my makeup
So dark it’s the night sky
Or so bright
Boats know where shore is?
Who truly cares about what I do?
No one.
No one is watching my every move.
No one is judging my every choice.
No one cares.
So as long as I’m happy doing what I’m doing,
I’m gunna keep on doing it.
I made it.
Four hours
Until I’m an adult.
Wait, now it’s three.
Where is the time going?
I’m scared.
I never thought
I would make it this far.
All my life
This day was a blur.
I didn’t think I’d be alive
To see this day.
What do I do?
I’ve joked
About drugs and alcohol,
About how they’ll be legal,
But should I actually take them?
Now two hours.
Oh god,
What do I do?
I’m running out of time!
One hour!
Will I make it?
Will I stay alive?
Thirty minutes!
I can’t think!
I can’t breath!
Five minutes!
I can’t!
Four minutes!
I won’t!
There’s nothing
I can
I made it...?
I made it.
Self love
I care about myself
Because no one else will.
No one is willing to stay up late with me
And hold me tight
So I feel alright,
So I will hug myself
And caress my own face
Whispering that things will work out.
No one will take me out on dates
And make me feel pretty,
So I will go to dinner alone
And bask in my own company
Then take myself out shopping
For a outfit that makes me feel beautiful.
No one will cook me dinner
And make sure I’m eating right,
So I will dance around my kitchen
While cooking delicious food
And blast the music
That makes my heart sing.
I will continue to do this,
Even if someone comes to care,
Because I have grown to love myself
And they can never take that away.
First crush
Look up at him,
Look away.
Look back at him
And study his features.
His eyes are captivating.
Wait,he caught you staring!
Look down at your paper
And pretend you weren’t gawking.
He’s coming closer.
He’s at your desk.
He taps your shoulder.
You look up at his gorgeous face
And fake ignorance.
He flashes his pearly whites
And let’s out a melodic laugh
That makes your heart flutter.
You go home that night,
A smile on your face
And his number in your phone.
It’s not enough
I’ve washed myself hundreds of times,
I’ve scraped my skin raw,
Yet I can still feel your hands on my body
And I can feel your lips against my skin.
I tear out my hair and cry into the night
Because I can’t stand to see myself in the mirror,
Can’t stand to see your prey.
I changed the way I dressed,
I dyed my hair pink,
I did dark and striking makeup
To make myself unappealing to you.
I didn’t want to be your sweet treat.
When you told her it was my fault
And cried for his forgiveness
I spiralled.
Food was never consumed,
Bleach was not enough,
And the blade became my only friend
Because everyone else left with you.
The bottles of pills tempted me.
If one can make me better why not take them all?
My heart is nothing special.
It is not a ruby
The size of my fist,
Nor is it a stash
Of glittering gold coins,
But I will protect it as if it was.
Too many times
Have I allowed people
To touch my heart,
Only for them to
Break it.
Not anymore.
I will treat it as if it is precious,
I will guard it with all my might
And I will die before I let another person
Into this vault again.