Good morning/ afternoon/ evening
Recently I have recieved a post dedicated towards me in a "romantic" way. But nothing about this is romantic.
Some older men think it's okay for them to prey on younger girls over the internet, because it's how they feel towards them. But never ONCE have I ever been asked if I wanted it. This isn't the first time this has happened, but I still get so sick and afraid every time it does.
I'm (almost) 17, and I have a boyfriend.
NOTHING about being hit on, in a gross way, when you don't want it, is okay.
And then after blocking said person they have decided to change the post into a "hate" post.
I would say good, but this doesn't help. Reading something that is hurtful and hateful towards you, still makes you feel like shit.
So please, consider the person on the other side of the screen.
For the time being I will be absent from Prose; for this is too much for me to handle and I don't feel comfortable anymore.
Memories like the Sun
I wish I could say
I have had a happy memory with you
but every one is stained
with anger
with darkness
with blood.
why couldn’t you
just let me smile?
For once you were
but you let
the moment slip away
when you decided
there was nothing wrong
with a punch
(physical and emotional).
why must you be this way?
I’m sick of dealing with a child
I’m tired of dealing with your conflicting moods.
(and I know you will never change but I still hope).
I want to love you
and I know you want to love me too
but it's hard
(you are mentally not fit to be a mother).
So I think I will take
these broken
(these sunny, burning, painful memories)
and leave
for good
so that I may never have
to endure the blistering
a g o n y
of betrayal.
(but I won't leave, because I have to protect the younger ones from having memories like the sun)
Most of Humanity doesn’t give a fuck about anything but themselves
Have you noticed
the impact of the virus
on the world?
The clear blue waters,
the green trees,
the wild animals,
people caring for one another,
people actually giving a fuck about mental health,
safety a number one priority,
and time spent wisely?
So much
has come out of this.
But as soon as
the Coronavirus ceases
it’s the end
of every
beneficial effect.
(There won’t be clean oceans, more trees, welcoming arms, and contentment; for humanity will destroy any positive progress that we have made—we always do, eventually).
Suicidal Tendencies
Have you ever
looked over an edge
and felt a sort of
invisible weight
pressing down on
your frozen frame?
Every end
to a stable platform
leads my thoughts
to the unstable
that comes from
o n e
s t e p
f o r w a r d.
Every time I look down
with h o l l o w eyes
and mystified lies
my heart beats slower
(as if it knows
I’m okay with the way
the ground sways
beckoning me
to let go.)
Every time
I lean over
an edge
my mind
p l u n g e s into rivers
swimming about
in thoughts
rushing past me so fast.
(fear courses through my veins like ice).
When I stand
to my death
my limbs
f r e e z e over
(I can’t move, I can’t move, I can’t move).
You’d think
it was the distance
me and the ground
that I am afraid of.
But it isn’t the falling
I’m afraid of;
It’s the knowing
that I want to
take that one step forward
into the unstable abyss
that jolts me backwards
with heavy breaths.
“I’m just afraid of heights” I say
but really
I’m afraid of myself.
My Golden Goddess (my home)
lilacs softly sway
to the sweet hum
of her sugary voice
dipped in crystallized rays
of sunny days.
her lips melt
my shivering heart
into pools
of fragile emotions
flowing endlessly between
the cracks of my soul.
she tastes
of lemongrass
and feels
of petaled flowers
that arose
my senses
to infinite heights.
she has found a way
to wrap me in a warm filled bubble
that makes
the world
seem so small
yet so large,
but it’s with careless knowing
as the only
that matters
is living
with this golden goddess of mine.
Please lend me some air
it is hard to breathe.
My lungs
are compressed
b o u l d e r s
that sit
on my chest
weighing down
on my life.
it is hard to breathe.
Life whips
around me
like a
t o r n a d o
I can’t
a moment
to gasp
a i r.
it is hard to breathe.
But it’s only because
I find
u n c o n s c i o u s l y
holding my
b r e a t h
30 seconds
60 seconds
120 seconds...
it is hard to breathe—
I just don’t.