Love too, Hates
The modern world breeds us to focus and dream. Focus on school, (or whatever priority you're assigned) work, and family. Dream of peace, love, and generosity. It's the kind of kettle that broods an effortless design of possibilities. Nonetheless, the fantasy of possibilities slowly dissipates as reality sets in. We find that the treasures we held dear as children were mere facades to keep us tendered for adulthood.
As we grow, we make friends and build relationships. Or not. But, what ultimately resides is a feeling of what if? What if I hadn't failed that test? What if my parents never split up? If I never got this silly computer, perhaps I wouldn't be addicted to porn. I digress.
We carry on with our design as staples of honest character with these subconscious notions slowly eating away at our minds.
The air doesn't smell the same anymore. It starts to stink with this tragedy of defeat, even for the accomplished well-bred citizen. Who's happy anymore? What is happiness? Peace, love, and generosity can easily be intertwined with the darkness. Particularly, for those of us that are well off. However, we all feel the same. There's no Santa Clause bringing us presents to reward our hard work and no joy in the mundane. Your buddies tell you to try new things. But what happens when you've tried everything? What happens when you don't care to try anything?
There are those of us who have developed a guard for this type of stress. Dare I call us psychopaths! But, we are made this way by our environment. A brave soul would embrace it. Yet, we share the hubbub of misery whilst fighting to disregard those teenage wishes.
The seasons change, but we remain the same. All itching for something new! The time has come to blend our madness into care. Care for our aching psyches and our planet. Although hope seems to be lost from memories of defeat, the hive has magic for our minds.
To recreate all that was lost in our childhoods we know the compounds.
Love, peace, and generosity. But, we need to feel better. We need to be able to look at ourselves in the mirror and see everyone. At least, if we don't see everyone, we need to pretend to see everyone and start believing it. Where is the cure? How do love and hate mix to form redemption?
Some have thrown up their hands. As a society, we can't give up on them either. We need them as much as they need us. Then, the tragedy of our children's ever-building psychopathy breeds further carelessness. The intrinsic values we all once shared create a vengeful madness that's drives the planet further in the sewer.
Knowledge is power. But, only the tip of the iceberg. Cash is engaging but only to serve as means to an end. Day by day we trudge these winding paths of mystery all facing each other while looking away.
Ignorance isn't blissful anymore. All the stink is staring at us while we pretend Santa's still around for the right season. Work, learn, and serve. Protect, dream, and give! But, we did! It's still smelly out here!
There must be order. And now, we see the reaction of our actions. Fighting to make sense of a place that doesn't make sense to us drives the stake through our hearts. Reminiscent of a promising history that characterized this shame.
The hive has been misted with cherry coke and now we've felt the urge to fix it. Aren't bees amazing?
There's plenty of noise to keep us occupied. Technology is a monster that feeds on our efforts. Although it can be used for benefit, it's easy to get distracted.
With it, we can relax, create, learn, and share. It can also lead us down a dark path when left alone too long. With all the information available, it is inevitable to land in an abyss of turmoil.
Peculiarly, we've found ourselves in the same plight as our forefathers. Considering they too fought for similar intrinsic values. With less information available, they found themselves caught in the same trap that our technology has designed. A hopeless, roundabout of shoulda'-coulda'-wouldas. Nonetheless, they continued to produce and hope for a better future.
Let's not disregard our societies' supply and demand feature. Which urges us to work and consume. Trade, barter, and commerce have blanketed this system of urgency with occupation. With man designed to recognize his mortality, we push to expunge our fears with action.
What happens when the games aren't fun anymore? When our business partners reject proposals or our closets so full of sneakers we've lost interest. Then, does one switch tasks? Should we rebrand interests?
Should one quit shopping, or find new business partners? Either way, the exposure presents a raw deal. Common law surfaces the exception of our fun with kindred expectations. Like that first break-up in college, or the time you found yourself naked in the classroom in an embarrassing dream.
One can be strong enough to combat issues, but the disappointment lingers. Considering, there could be more problems to follow. Why resume? Is Santa waiting with a big bag of more underappreciated gifts?
Now we take a voyage. Let's find something new. What's on the bucket list? Presumably, we've all made one. Bunjee jump, skiing, mile-high clubs, and a plethora of other occupations. Few get the pleasure to experience tackling their list, much less completion.
For those of us who are still riding the tide, life presents further reckoning, which makes it easy to disregard our fellow man. For the lucky few who have finished their fun, (assuming with kind contributions to society along the way) the dread kicks in.
It seems we all want what we can't have. The millionaire dreams of a simple life with a kind loving family. Whilst the door-to-door salesman spends his days dreading every moment. Who knew ambition could turn us into this?
Facing the void of such a result presents a nihilist flavor. Dreaming of what-ifs. Unfortunately, we can't go back in time or teleport to other dimensions. If we did, can one assume that we wouldn't reach the same resolve?
For the ones who devise a meaning in this absurdity, there's always more to discover. Even still, that can come to a head as well. There are many types of people in the world. Some who get a thrill from the chase, and others who seem to pick out the ugly in everything.
What's wrong with having desires? They keep our spirits lifted when the going gets tough. It's the lack of motivation that's scary. When nothing matters, rage creeps in and it's a tough beast to conquer.
brawning resilience
Let's keep it moving, shall we? What's the difference between intelligence and brawn? One is less jealous than the other. As if it matters. We are all the same. Stuck in this mundane globe of mystery seeking answers.
The gifted get a stroke of both and still have regret. Imagine if you could sing, dance, write, solve complex math equations, bodybuild, swim, and perform surgery. Would you share this with your friends? Probably. Would they care? Probably not.
Most likely the "green-eyed monster" would come over them. They would do all they could to pick holes in your achievements. Or, at least whisper about you while you're not around. So what? Who needs em?
Ridiculous! Why on Earth would your friends diss you for being brilliant? Because they want what they can't have. Without realizing, you want the same thing!
Then we've got to press on, smiling at dinner parties as if it's all cool. When we know it's not. All miserable together. Don't decline the get-together. Then, you'll be the butt of everyone's jokes. Whether you're that brilliant person or not. They've got to laugh about something.
We don't mind laughing until the joke is on us. It never sits well. Some have been teased so much they seem to have built up a blocker to it. They haven't! In their eyes, we can see the scars of our treachery.
Shoot first right? That way nothing can hurt us. Wrong! While you were shooting, your wife was cheating on you with some ginger down the block. No! You were already cheating on her with that black guy next door.
Alls fair. We get a rise out of it. But, it still hurts. Unfortunately, we bury the shame to breed mean and disrespectful children who have no hope for the future.
Press on. If and only if we had taken the time to care. Perhaps we wouldn't have been blinded by this misery. Why oh why did we do this? Because everyone's a shame. Gotta' love it!
There is hope. It glistens like the face of a fair maiden on her wedding night, aching to please her mate. Unfortunately, he only married her for the money and she can sense he's dissatisfied. Too late to turn back now, vows have been made.
Just like this fair maiden, our world has been deceived to appreciate forbidden vows of consumption. Where we've been married so long, it hardly matters if she loves us anyway. This is what we've got.
As time passes, she keeps the same love in her heart. They grow old together, but never connect as married people should. Who does? Just like everyone else, they long to be other people. In another world where married couples love each other 'till death do us part'. Considering divorce rates, this hardly occurs.
Better off not getting married and pretending with a hooker. While pretending she's your wife you make a list of other role-play to devise for the next round, continuing to long for true satisfaction.
Satisfaction has been twisted into some thrill of a chase that never ends, becoming more mangled as it dulls over time.
Some hookers have it well. They are adored by their johns and have no issues with one-night-stands. Others are tormented by the trade-off each time they lie. Then, there are the ones that appreciate the favor so much that they urge the men to go home to their wives.
It seems feelings are never mutual. Yet we pretend. Just like the woman that's seen too many johns. Some have crossed so many bounds on Earth that it's pointless to care for affection.
Forget the sad face. It's time to work. Think about what you want and get it! No joking, that's for clowns. Do you want to be a clown? Then, that's what you'll be.
Find the spark, and ignite. This may be a difficult task if you care for others. Focus and determination breed excellence. Care for yourself if you want to help others.
Reputation is vital. Without respect from others, we will be unable to reach our goals. Do we care? Of course, we don't. When nothing matters, make it matter. Or else.
In a dark and dreary world, some thrill-seekers thrive on "or else". Many do. As wild as they may be. These extremists keep the pendulum swinging for us and are vital to our livelihood. Where would we be without our Napoleons and Martin Luthers? I propose it would be much darker.
If you're unfortunate enough to have no motive. You will perish. Point blank. Make your life goals the pinnacle of your existence. Be extreme and keep it moving.
No one cares if you stick around, so make the best of it. The best being, finding your truth no matter what it takes.
Mother nature has presented us with the biggest challenge. With her silly typhoons and hurricanes and whatnot. As the planet fades into pebbles we can either choose to ignore it or take action.
Something's got to give. Do we continue fighting and watching "fake news"? How's about some debate and leisure? Perhaps we should learn all we can to strive for a better existence. Sharing is caring. Just not when no one, actually cares.
Anyone can help another. But, truth speaks louder than fiction. We are faking the funk! Handing five bucks to a stranger isn't enough to say: "I've done my good deed for the day." Although, it may make us feel good. It's not enough.
What do we presume that man will do with his five bucks. Or even 500 bucks? Did we help him learn anything about the value of his wage? Or, did we just do something to make ourselves feel better. Pretend! The world is a stage.
Working together cannot be achieved without Socratic reasoning, no matter how painful. We have to talk and listen. So on and so forth until something gives. Is anyone giving these days?
No! There's no such thing as collaboration. It's a facade we barter with to keep our bellies full. No one is going to help you if you're a loser. That includes Mother nature.
She will continue her forest fires and rage until something or someone gives. I don't think she's interested in cash. She likes care and honest nutrition. Let's pretend to love her? Nope, not enough.
What is love?
There's a new definition of love in our modern age. Love is spending all the loot you can on what you want. Production has lost value with this standard. Our livestock, plants, water, and goods. Practically everything is at stake.
Paper is presumably priceless. Throwing paper at our problems don't seem to fix them. Forget care for your fellow man. Get money! After you get the money, then you can re-start pretending to care.
The Missus and I, can sit back and "Remember the Time" all we like. We can reminisce about the struggles we faced when we were broke. Then, resume martinis at the bay. Listlessly gazing upon the open air as we wait for more typhoons.
"Look bay, we made it!"
"I'm bored, let's go fuck some shit up!"
"Why not?"
Just kidding. This is some twisted Bonnie and Clyde romance where no one truly wins, except them. Somehow, we picture them madly in love to have acted out so viciously. Why can't we have that same love for the Earth and all the people around us? Why? Because we've gone mad!
Love is mad! That's the ticket. Love is losing it for the sake of, for the sake of! Boldly imagining the impossible, when you know there's no way out. Keep your eyes crossed for the romance and you will be, what you will be.
A reckless dreamer caught in the hands of time. Why waste it? Take it all in and try to enjoy it. Even when no one understands! Go full throttle. "Grab her by the pussy!"
Sacrifice is choosy these days. We are blessed enough to be selective when it comes to giving. Presumably, this is not by choice. It's just the essence of the season, or wind, or something.
How to control impulse when everything's jaded? Because we can't that's why! There's no choice in the matter. Just do it! Do whatever you do, whenever you do and eat it. This is a sacrifice.
Give up all notions of humility to serve others. We are aching for each other so why not give each other everything! No, that's stupid. There's no time for stupidity these days.
We need to focus on what matters while understanding that nothing matters. Or only we matter, or something. We cannot pretend that everything matters when presented with the urgency of this divide.
We should soak in every moment to care for each other. No! That's impossible. All the money in the world couldn't make that happen.
Choose wisely with whom you form connections. Even though we are all connected, we are all suffering. Although, there's a bigger picture. Look at what's in front of you to survive in these marshes.
Nature isn't sacrificing anything for us. Perhaps we've been bred this way. She taught us that a disaster can strike at any minute. Be frivolous and unexpected. This way we'll teach her a lesson!
Finding Peace
How does one find peace in the trenches of nature? We don't! Just keep throwing her treasures in the gutter. Paper, plastic, and hot sweet magic! She loves it. There's no time to rest! Wreck everything and dream of something. Just kidding.
Peace is responsible enough to court her guardians. She's gentle enough to entertain strangers. She's smart enough to surrender to defeat. Let's make a peaceful planet. Tough titty! She's got no milk for you!
Peace reprimands the throttle! It conquers the oceans and magnifies the breeze. These things are all maddening because they make no sense. It is not Christmastime.
There is no such thing as peace these days. We dream of things that don't exist anymore. Passing along this empty torch of madness to our kids. Let them do something with it! How's about the past 3 billion, trillion a fuck however many years? They got fiber now, they'll figure it out.
We're all in the same boat! Hoping to hop on the other ship while nature is aching to destroy us all! What a beautiful story. Love too hates.
Death to Philosophy
How many times have you heard it proposed that philosophy is dead? Or, perhaps you questioned a friendly thinker about why they would find intrigue in investigating the paranormal.
In this age of “fake news” there is a feeling that even empirical truths are questionable. Aside from traditional science and math, most anything can be debunked with effective publicity. Nonetheless, the human condition continues to propel us to conquest toward things unknown.
For those of us who want to evade a dooming future, hope cannot be squashed. There’s a depression in the air that’s consumed our psyches for way too long. Recognizing the listless gaze of our children or witnessing their immersive disassociation we’ve suddenly realized something went wrong!
There are those of us who sensed this coming. We have been warned whilst being subdued. There’s media/propaganda, war/peace, love/hate, and morality/immorality. All this leading to illusion and disillusion, seemingly guided to a big bag of whys?
What’s the point? We continue the narrative “for goodness sake” whilst the concept is ever-diminishing. New age philosophy promotes self-actualization as the only reprimand for our evading truths. This must be the key to reuniting cause and effect. Promote reinvigoration of math and science whilst string theory and quantum mechanics are lost in that same bag.
There’s no reason for anything, so do what you want. Even the curious existentialist is balled-up in the bag to create meaning in The Absurd.
I would propose that the key to new discovery is uncovering the “why.”
With this perfect collusion of “fake news”, how could we give up on ourselves? But, we haven’t given up! We are on the verge of new engagement to mold the fabric of our dwindling future. So, when nothing matters, make it matter! Voila! But, 1+1 cannot equal anything other than 2! Have the numbers lied to us?
Resorting classification management systems smells of deception as well! It’s the type of stink that produces results! Enjoy the “fake news”, but don’t screw up the math.
Knowledge is a mixed bag, and we will construct new paths to save our species. Today, our thinkers are watching the same news and wouldn’t dare serve their truths so easily! Philosophy is not dead, it’s breeding in the same pool! Oops, I mean bag.
Religion is for Suckers
Pick a team, any team!
Does it matter anymore?
Don’t research too much.
Pick your lip up off the floor.
Does it matter anymore?
I have life to attend.
Pick your lip up off the floor.
Or, be Muslim again?
I have life to attend.
No time for these views.
Or, be Muslim again?
Or, perhaps I’m a Jew?
No time for these views.
Who wants to dive deep?
Or, perhaps I’m a Jew?
I can’t overthink!
Who wants to dive deep?
My questions abound.
I can’t overthink.
Is my soul in the ground?
My questions abound.
Forget these groups!
Is my soul in the ground?
I’ll devise my own truths!
Extreme temperatures...
A summer rain with the sun to rebound.
This could be too humid.
A comfortable breeze to surround.
This day would be solid.
This could be too humid.
I'll have an ice-pop.
This day would be solid.
Lest it gets too hot.
I'll have an ice-pop.
But, what a brain freeze.
Lest it gets too hot.
No fun-time for me!
But, what a brain freeze.
Happens to us all!
No fun-time for me!
I'll have to evolve.
Happens to us all.
There's no in-between
I'll have to evolve
To crisp or to balm?