Bitterness of spring
Summer, winter, autumn, spring
These are a few of my least favourite things
For when summer comes back again I find that everything is the same, but one thing changed
And you will never come back again
Left to my Suffering, knowing that I could do nothing
That’s a coward’s way of thinking
Nothing comes from nothing
Now it’s too late and only hindsight keeps me thinking
Keeps me from continuing
Another coward’s excuse
But I am a coward
And, truly, your leaving didn’t change a thing
I hope you forgave my cowardness as I forgave yours
I love you
I hope you’re free
The snow is my muse, she hides all flaws and leaves only something as simple as pure white. Cold, light and easy to understand. She makes my world a little easier. A revolution against detail, simplicity will prevail, because in the end I like it simple, all of the complexity covered in white. What is left is only my interpretation and snow.
Breaking Gods will
Who is this "God" character anyway? And what is it he wants?
What constitutes as a sin vary from religion to religion to person to person to penguin.
Everybody has a opinion when it comes to religion and by extension; sin.
Me? I'm glad you didn't ask. The bible changes throughout time, adapting to modern times, what was a sin in the past is acceptable behavior today.
That is why I will have none of it!