What is the nature of time?
What does it mean to say that an object or a person feels time? Time in classical physics is a relatively simple concept, defined as the rate of change. As soon as the big bang happened, as soon as the first change occurred, time began to flow unit by unit into the future. More than being created at the big bang, time is what allowed the big bang to occur, to change and expand. This leaves time being somewhat ethereal, beyond any physical cause. A purely temporal phenomena existing of its own volition.
When Einstein gave us the theories of relativity, I believe he gave us the means to a deeper understanding of time. Yet, due to the above misconception we interpret it as block time, the idea that that the future and past are physical, real spaces within the dimension of time. Quanta of Spacetime, if you will. To quantize the fourth dimension would result in slices of the universe’s past and future expansion from big bang to heat death, and the individual transition through these quanta results in the perception of time. Despite making time real, it is still non-physical, an ethereal concept of memory. Despite giving cause to the sensation of time, it fails to give cause to the existence of time, and thus the existence of the sensation we feel.
I believe the error comes from the interpretation of the reality of time under the strange transforms Einstein introduced. In the theory, he defines two types of events that can be observed, Time-like and Space-like. Two time-like events are causally linked, while two space-like events are not. These terms come from the addition and transformation of the dimension of time, where it becomes space-like while a spacial dimension becomes time-like. So, every object in the universe is in a chain of time-like events relative to itself, and can observe other objects’ and their time-like and space-like events relative both to itself, the objects they’re observing, and to any other observable event. As all these events happen within a universal time-like event, the big bang, the flow of time must exist in the time-like spacial dimension of the transformation of Spacetime. Despite this, and due to the belief that time is an independent phenomena and/or the assumption that the transformation is not reality and thus the time-like space and space-like time are the same phenomena, they assume that the space-like time dimension is also the flow of time, and thus created the idea of block time.
This, I believe, is the falsehood. The empty space of our visible universe, our physical three dimensions, are a single quanta of Spacetime, a single spacial unit of the dimension of time. The flow of time is the effect of our time-like spacial dimensions, as our three physical dimensions expand the volume of this spatially temporal point. The fourth dimension, however, is an actual dimension with physical features and causes the flow of time within all Spacetime quanta.
The dimension of time is not a full physical dimension, and thus while each quanta of Spacetime is a space at a single temporal point, they are not independent spaces like you find in multiverse hypotheses or the many worlds interpretation. Despite being separated by time, the presence of an object of matter in one quanta of Spacetime would be felt in any quanta. As a result, the information for any object in any quanta of Spacetime resides in every quanta of Spacetime, and reversely the information of the depths of the dimension of time can be found within any single quanta of Spacetime. The dimension of time acts as a hologram. If the fourth dimension acts as a hologram, there must be something in the universe that permeates the depth of the dimension, preventing the spaces from being independent and transmitting the information through Spacetime quanta
This is where quantum mechanics enters the picture. Space and Time have been unified in two ways: the flow of time is part of Space, and that space is identical across Spacetime quanta. This means that all space is composed of the same quantum fields, whether or not it is newly expanded Spacetime or the spacial units of time. In order for relativity and quantum mechanics to be unified in this way, it requires a specific phenomena. Under that transform of general relativity, any individual quantum field must be physically three dimensional, finding two of it’s dimensions in the ‘normal’ spacial dimensions, while the third dimension is the spacial time dimension, aka the holographic fourth dimension. This leaves the time-like spacial dimension to be build from the superposition of quantum fields, resulting in it’s lack of complete physicality and allowing for the expansion of Spacetime and the flow of time. As a result each new space created in the expansion is identical to the space that created it, the same quantum fields superimposed through Spacetime, but it is not the same space. The fields do not have to get stretched, but is an independent space that an occupant of the original space, or a bit of information that then enters the original space, would have to move to. An additional quantum string to be exited, if you will. It creates the independence of all spacial points within our quanta of Spacetime while keeping us united within a single unit of spacial time, and allows for the unified feeling of time, a second is a second, despite different objects and areas within feeling the flow of time differently.
What does it mean to feel the flow of time?
Why do objects feel the flow of time differently? Putting aside gravity for the moment, why does velocity effect the experience of time, and why do objects observed to move with the speed of causality in all reference frames like the photon feel no time? I believe the answer lies in how the expansion of Spacetime affects these objects. Consider a photon and an electron on a trip through empty Spacetime. Due to the entropic expansion, both particles shall see distances expand. However, if you break up that distance into smaller segments and consider each segment only when the particle enters it, thaen the difference becomes clearer. A photon’s wave function equally inhabits all of the space in each segment as it reaches it. As a result, the wave function of the photon gets carried along by the expansion, red shifting at an equal rate. This red-shift should increase exponentially along with the expansion, for as the photon red-shifts there is more to be red-shifted. Another way to say this is that the photon’s light-cone expands at a rate equal to the light-cone of the Spacetime it inhabits, seeing events unfold within a static universe. The electron, on the other hand, does not have an evenly distributed wave function, and does not occupy the total space in each segment of it’s journey. As a result, the electron’s light-cone doesn’t expand, and it instead gets localized by the expansion of Spacetime. It gains a fuller particle definition, acting far more point-like than a photon, and can witness the expansion of Spacetime.
So, at some level to feel the flow of time is to witness the universe expand. A timeless photon is still able to see some change, say a planet that gets destroyed by an asteroid before the photon can reach it, however it witness no change within the universe itself. As the feeling of time is defined by the change caused by the entropic expansion of Spacetime, an object with a slower velocity shall witness a greater acceleration in the expansion of Spacetime than an object of higher velocity. Gravity has a similar effect, from a somewhat opposite cause. Gravitational curvature is an area in our quanta of Spacetime which is curved as if matter were pushing our quanta of Spacetime from the outside, as if Spacetime and matter as separate objects for relativity, despite quantum mechanics telling us the same fields permeate both equally, simply in a non-exited/exited state respectively. This paradox of matter and space being the same objects in different states under relativity, yet the same in quantum mechanics, causes many issues. For example, the quantum fluctuations within an area of gravitational curvature should cause more gravitational curvature, as there is nothing physical present in Spacetime to define and thus limit, the strength and source of gravitational curvature. It acts at a distance from the mass. This limitation is due to the concept of the fourth dimension as the flow of time.
Rather, we must address how a physically holographic dimension could cause the flow of time. If the fourth dimension is holographically physical, then at the very first instant of the big bang, all of the energy in all the newly formed quantum fields would be concentrated into the equivalent of a quantum string, the most microscopic dot in our quanta of Spacetime, penetrating the depths of the fourth dimension. Every time it entered a new quantum field, it would lose a little bit of energy, creating an energy differential across Spacetime quanta. In an attempt to reach equilibrium, the universe undergoes it’s first quantum fluctuation. As the big bang pumped the energy of the entire universe into two spacial dimensions and the holographic dimension, using three out of four possible dimensions, the only way the universe can fluctuate is into this last spacial dimension. As a result of this attempt to equalize across all dimension, the universe undergoes inflation. This very first quantum fluctuation is the creation of the flow of time, the first change. The result of this is that quantum fluctuations are not a result of energy in Spacetime, and thus a source of gravitational curvature. Rather, a quantum fluctuation is born in the difference in energy density in that position or area in Spacetime in all quanta, or throughout the depth of the fourth dimension. As a result, we see a virtual particle-antiparticle pair that requires no energy to create, as it is the difference in energy in every quanta of Spacetime superimposed that creates the appearance of a virtual particles. As nothing extra has actually been added to the quanta of Spacetime we inhabit, nothing but the temporary difference in space has been defined, there is no actual energy or information present to curve space. Instead, quantum fluctuations could only cause it to expand.
How does a gravitational field affect time? To answer this, we must first ponder what it would mean for matter if quantum fields naturally extend into the fourth dimension. If the fourth dimension truly is holographic, and quantum fields extend into it’s depths, than why would an excitation in that field be limited to one quanta of Spacetime? That would be like plucking a guitar string and expecting the vibration not to travel down it’s entire length, completely irrational. However, there are strict limits on how such a 4d excitation could exist. It must be composed of a superposition of 3d quanta of wavelength identical to that of the quanta we see. A wavelength can only have one particle definition at a time without undergoing a decay process. However, the quanta of the wavelength defined as the particle definition is irrelevant, and thus can change. However, the particle definition is always on the amplitude of the wavelength, such that in order to become the particle definition, an undefined quanta of wavelength in another quanta of Spacetime must interact in such a way as to get a higher energy density in our quanta of Spacetime than the wavelength that is already defined as the particle definition. This can happen in two ways, quantum tunnelling and an interaction with other quanta of it’s own wavelength. Consider an electron, for example. The energy density along the 4d wavelength is smooth, and thus any small amount of energy added within an area can change the definition of the particle, leading to its probability cloud-like existence. As the undefined portions of the wavelength are in another quanta of Spacetime, the centre of the cloud has the highest probability, which then drops off exponentially as you shift away from the centre in space. This is due to the fact that each time you make a radial shift in our quanta of space towards or away from the particle definition, the undefined wavelength in that area of space inhabits a quanta of Spacetime equally shifted through the fourth dimension.
This difference in the energy density of the defined and undefined wavelengths relative to our quanta of Spacetime can be defined as a particles mass, as the shift in the dimension of time means only a fraction of the undefined wavelength’s energy density can be felt in our quanta of Spacetime. In order to become the particle definition, an undefined quanta of wavelength must acquire the mass of the particle definition in energy relative to our Spacetime before the particle definition can shift.
The effects of the undefined wavelengths would not stop there. As their existence must be expressed within our quanta of Spacetime, and as the 4d wavelength covers a larger relative area of space, the undefined wavelengths are also responsible for the classical field forces we experience, specifically EM and gravitational. Charge is an intrinsic part of the wavelength. Therefore, all 3d quanta of the wavelength hold the same charge regardless of the relative energy densities of the wavelength. The only limiting factor is the r2 relation. As you consider a spacial point farther along a radial line from the particle, the undefined wavelength gets further into the 4th dimension by the same radial shift. When another particle enters the field and feels the force, it is interacting with the undefined wavelengths of the source particle and vise versa. These undefined wavelengths stack in empty space and on the particle definitions, experience interference, the result of which causes a virtual photon to transmit the field force.
With gravity, however, the force is not from any intrinsic property of the wavelength. Rather, it is due to the existence of the wavelength and it’s energy density compared to that of Spacetime. However, when you have collections of matter, the standard model particle definitions are all bound in and around the hadron shell due to the strong nuclear force transmitted by the gluons. The result is that the amplitude of the particles has a far higher energy density than the undefined wavelengths, as it is trapped in the binding force. As mass is the difference in energy density of the amplitude to undefined wavelengths relative to our quanta of Spacetime, this causes the mass to be far higher. As a result, the undefined wavelengths have a very low energy density, requiring massive amounts of energy to cause quantum effects. Despite that, they still exist, and when you have planetary bodies their existence can be felt. The constructive interference of the undefined wavelengths causes a noticeable energy density compared to the empty space of our quanta of Spacetime, and pushes back in towards our quanta of Spacetime, causing resistance as space tries to fluctuate and expand. This traps or pushes other quanta of Spacetime into communicable distance with our quanta, creating an area of curved Spacetime.
As each quanta is identical and indistinguishable, this has the affect of seeming to slow down the matter within relative to an outside observer in our quanta of Spacetime, but inside there is actually more Spacetime to travel through, which can not be seen by the observer. As each spacial point has more space in communicable distance through the time dimension than can be seen, at a point where the gravitational curvature doubles the amount of Spacetime per space, a particle within that space moves through both quanta simultaneously at it’s full relative velocity, experiencing two seconds. An outside observer, connected only by our Spacetime quanta, sees the particle move at half speed through only our Spacetime quanta inside the curved space. Looking out into our quanta, the particle would see our quanta of Spacetime expanding twice as fast. As it travels through two quanta of Spacetime, while seeing one, it experiences the quantum fluctuations of both quanta as they undergo an equal expansion, it can actually experience 50 years, despite an outside observer saying it existed for only 25. However, since quantum fluctuations are the energy differential in quanta of spacetime, they can not be felt twice. Rather, the quantum fluctuation is experienced in both quanta, causing it to last twice as long, and transmitting the extra time.
As for the transmission of the gravitational force, the constructive interference of the undefined wavelengths create a link between two objects, where there is more time between the two, more curvature, than in either separate field. This causes both objects to become more localized upon that link, slowly moving closer together and becoming tidally locked, as one side of each object and the space between them feels more time than the areas of either object or field with no interference. As the virtual particle transmission has to influence mass (as the photon transmitting em force effects charge). Perhaps they might be found in an increase of fluctuations within the nuclei of the atoms composing either object, transmitting the mass and vector direction of the increased time into the interior of the atoms. This would mean an object’s interior fluctuations would be fewer in an area of weaker gravitational curvature
There seems to be a large hole in this logic, however. If the undefined quanta cause gravitational curvature in our quanta of Spacetime, in some other quanta in the depths of the fourth dimension, those undefined quanta would act as a black hole. I believe there is only one way that it could be solved.
During the big bang, the energy differential between quanta of Spacetime that caused the inflation fluctuation would have defined the peak and trough of the fluctuation of every field. That differential would have defined the amount of energy for every particle-antiparticle pair created, as the total energy of that fluctuation has to be 0. and if the fluctuation happened so as to line the amplitude of the matter wave with our quanta, with the undefined wavelength extending into the dimension, and we can define our quanta as the face of the hologram, then the trough of the antimatter waves at that instant should have been opposite, lining up with the depth of the dimension. Perhaps that last quanta of Spacetime has some residual antimatter from the big bang, whose undefined wavelengths are present as primordial black holes. If so, then the collapse of a star could be thought of as an unbalance of antimatter and matter in the core of a dead star due to the electrons having radiated away, leaving anti-quarks and gluons to be more prevalent than matter. This collapse would send the leftover energy or matter and antimatter to somewhere we could approximate as the middle of the fourth dimension. As all things shall eventually fall into or become black holes, there the matter and antimatter meet and annihilate, an event that shall forever be space-like. The result, however, would be the radiating away of black holes at the heat death of the universe, as all bound energy has annihilated.
So, perhaps we live in a sort of holographic dimension. Perhaps time has an actual, physical cause. Perhaps, through better-trained minds exploring the mathematical possibility of a semi-physical fourth dimension, we might finally unite quantum mechanics and relativity.
I remember that feeling, The exhilaration, when i moved into my first apartment weeks after graduating high school. On my own, for the first time! I had never taken any trips without my parents, not even a hockey tournament as a youth, at least one parent chaperoning at all times. On the few occasions they left town, they left my older brother as well. So, When i moved into that run-down apartment, I was happier than I’d ever been. Finally, no supervision, no suspicion! I can do my own thing! I got my First real job Monday, started on Wednesday, and moved out on Friday. It was at a pub down the road, And it was fucking amazing.
I should clarify: The job was shit. I was Hired by a the fat ass-hole chef (there were two) to be the closing dishwasher. I don’t know if it was A lack of work ethic or just incompetence, but none of the other dishwashers could move nearly as fast as i could, resulting in them always getting in my way, which was frustrating, to say the least. To watch the dishes pile up on half of my station, unable to change it and knowing i could do the job better by myself, constantly pissed me off. The line cooks accepted me, however, as i worked hard and liked to drink, so it was a good environment on the hole, the second Chef was pretty awesome, and I could start drinking within minutes of closing the kitchen. After at least six years of alcoholism, I was quite good at drinking. With my own place, there was no need to hid it any longer. Wake up every morning, Brew a pot of coffee, and pour every single cup 55-25-20 Coffee-Jameson-Baileys. Now that is a hell of a drink. Polish off the pot and head to work, Close the kitchen and go hard. It was a race after work, to wash all the dishes solo before the line cooks could close line, and i won a lot, getting started at the bar. Grab a little blow while i waited, and it was a good night. What I’d do when i got home sometime after 2 would change constantly, as long as i was drunk and high. Sometimes id go work out at the under-equipped gym the apartment complex held while no one else was there. Sometimes id get wasted with my room mate, sometimes I’d just game, or lie in bed and read. Sleep, i figured, was for the week.
Things only got better when the fat fuck got fired, and we got a new head chef to keep the number at 2. Unlike the old one, who thought he was top shit but was the worst chef i know, The new chef was actually competent. Coming from a high-class restaurant in the states, he moved back to Canada both because of the toxicity of the Classical restaurant industry, and to help children like himself. Kitchens, after all, Aren’t staffed by angels. He was good at what he did, put his heart into his work, and cared about his employees as much as the now-first chef. A friend, and later a huge influence, If i had listened to him them i would probably be staring at a blank page. But, i digress.
Eventually, my hard work paid off, and i was promoted to a part-time, than full time line cook. To be promoted and trained, instead of having a new cook hired, meant more to me than it probably should have. I brought that speed to line, with somewhat lesser effects. My speed in the dish pit was mostly due to adrenaline. Every task was easily done instinctively, and it was highly repetitive. As a naturally aggressive person, it was easy to get adrenaline, But reversely, control is somewhat harder. That being said, i was intensely focused, and rarely broke a dish. I could only have control if i had focus, and that required isolation, not being disturbed constantly. On line, however, It only worked half the time. Every station was broken down in half, so that one person cooked on the equipment on the back half, while the other called bills, plated food, and communicated to the kitchen. I was excellent, as long as i was on the backside on fry. Salads was pretty good too, but i wasn’t the best, and i was horrible at working window. Splitting focus between communicating, managing bills, and cooking was exceedingly difficult for me to learn, and i was convinced the problem was i wasn’t fast enough. If only i could read faster, i thought. If only i could talk faster, plate faster, and keep everything in mind at once, i would be fine, i thought. So i kept pushing, trying to go faster, instead of trying to control my thoughts, my organization. There’s only so fast a body can go, however, and it wasn’t working nearly as well as i wanted.
Even at this time, however, I didn’t really have a drug problem. I might’ve used almost every night, but i didn’t need it. It wasn’t often id take a sniff to get me through the shift, although it did happen on occasion. I might’ve conned money and accrued debts, but that was due to a low moral standing, not the drug. I would have done that anyway. If i didn’t have anything, i was fine. The booze, well that was just fun. It had been a problem for years, although i didn’t recognize it then, but the use of street drugs was in control. I did a lot more than coke too, but that was the constant one at the time. So i thought i could handle any drugs. Even Huge benders didn’t give me a craving, a single addictive feeling. It was only for fun, and i could and did take occasional sobriety breaks (except from booze). I thought i could handle anything. I was wrong.
So, with the increasing stress of wanting to improve but failing and my love for my job, i found in front of me a choice i could never refuse. Not sure i could now. At some time, we had gotten a new cook, and he was good. Worked every station well, focused, efficient, never sweat during a rush. A master, to my blind eyes. I wanted to learn, i wanted to work like that. The fucker was faster than me! The other cooks were better, but before him, no one moved faster than me. How did he do it? Could i learn how? He liked me, as only him, the new chef and I really cared about the job we did. And, one day, He taught me his secret. He did more than that, truthfully. When he made the offer, we were in the back, just came in from a smoke, just about to start work. And, full of excitement and wonder, i walked into that little staff bathroom with him, ready to experience the best thing i could ever imagine in this life.
He pulled out his dome pipe, turned on the water, and lit his lighter. It was loaded, and when the flame heats the glass, that beautiful crystalline substance began to melt, becoming a Brilliantly clear liquid, smoking copiously. Under his encouragement, i began to inhale, and damn did it feel good. Amazing. I hit it again and again, Filling my lungs completely each time. After around 12 hits, i left the bathroom, feeling more alive than i ever had before. From my perspective, the following shift was absolutely amazing. I never moved so fast, thought so clear, my reflexes were sharper, it was amazing. So, i switched from coke to meth, feeling more invulnerable than ever. And, for the next year, this continued. The second year, not so much. When i lost my job and my apartment in the same week, it was a devastating blow. I didn’t know what to do or where to turn, but i knew what had caused my fall from grace. Methamphetamine. I don’t know when, i don’t have many trustworthy memories from then, But at some point i lost that control i craved. My thoughts were fast, but twisted, crazy, to fast to keep up. My actions were almost purely instinctual, and uncontrolled. I never slept, i lost 150-200 pounds, and could almost see all my ribs. And the Paranoia. I’m still paranoid. I almost cant help it, but two years later i can finally control it. I went back to my parents house, back to supervision, only this time with the added pressure of it being hard to trust i was sober. I’m still questioned about it. I haven’t been able to keep a job since, relying on the continued support of mom and dad. But my brain has came back. My thoughts are almost clear, and usually my own. I don’t drink, don’t party. Since that day, Life hasn’t improved. Despite what pitiful attempts i have made, It is hard to live for ones self when happiness is no longer a concept. Even the mirth and merriment of laughter fades the moment the last chuckle passes my lips. Life has become an opaque grey mist. My goal of university seems unreachable, waiting for the first step, the college application, to be accepted. The only chance is top marks and a scholarship. Yet, since the day after i went back for my job, when the owner looked at my sober self and saw only an addict, despite my quitting without rehab, Despite the hopelessness and despair, at least i can say that I’ve learned what it is to truly live in chains, And two years later I’m still glad to be free, and if i can make it from here, I will never give myself up to the chains of desire, appreciating every day the smallest pleasure of truly being free.
The just application of the death penalty
Whether or not the Death penalty is justifiable is a rather difficult question to determine. While it is easy to say that some crimes are unforgivable, that some people deserve to die, and for some people to do the deed when required, Defining the boundary is rather hard. Rape, child molestation, and peoples incapable of comprehending emotion, sure. However, what if a person’s gone cold, but could be taught to feel again? You might add child abuse or murder, but what classifies as child abuse, and what if i murdered a person who raped my daughter? Personally, i would argue that murder as justifiable, but would the court of law agree?
What about the court of law itself, or the police that conduct the investigation and arrest? Whether or not the Death sentence is justifiable, Is giving that power to a corruptible organization of blanket charges that treat all murders as equal, despite the identity of the victim justifiable? If the morality of the Government, jury, judges, police, or lawyers is in the slightest question, How could you ensure people subject to the death penalty are actually guilty? Even if everyone involved was a moral angel, how could you ensure it remained so?
I believe the Death penalty is entirely justifiable for unreasonable crimes. That is, if a person had a starving family and murdered someone during an altercation while attempting to steal some, maybe he doesn’t deserve to die. Perhaps jail is enough. However, someone who kills innocent people for pleasure does not deserve the same justice. Better for all if he is removed from earth entirely. I can find no rational reason to ever molest a child, thus it is always an unreasonable crime. The problem with the Death Penalty is entirely upon it’s application. How could a civilized society trust that the penalty shall never be abused? I have seen far to many people lie, not because the truth would hurt them, but because they get more benefit from lying.
The only Time it would be just to allow a civilized court to hand down the death penalty is in a case with no ambiguity, an unreasonable crime. If there is a shadow of a doubt, Than the death penalty would be unjust if permissible, as the potential for abuse is incredible. It may also have the benefit of deterring people from all manor of crime, big or small, were a society to have the death penalty, while the people who would commit an unreasonable crime care no more about consequence than they do about emotion, and thus commit the act, irregardless of the penalty. As such, in that restricted capacity, the death penalty is just, but in any wider application the chance of corruption and abuse is far too high.