I Believe This About the Death Penalty
I’ve voiced my opinion on many matters. I support gay rights and gay marriage.
I’m on the fence when it comes to abortion, meaning I can see and understand arguments for both sides. And everyone very well knows about my opinions on religion and the fanaticism it harbours.
Now here’s a topic that I don’t think we’ve had the opportunity to discuss here on Prose. Capital punishment. The death penalty. How do I feel about it?
I support it.
As much as a humanist I am, or the very least try to be, I don’t have any issues against the death penalty. Personally, I do believe there is justice for killing someone who has committed certain heinous crimes. I have no problem with wrongdoers getting their just desserts. But what can, or should, qualify for the death penalty?
I say the death penalty should be reserved for humanity’s worst of the worst. The irredeemable pieces of trash that have no hope for salvation. Murderers, rapists, pedophiles, serial killers, psychos, sadists. People who inflict the most pain on the innocent and have no sense of empathy. However, I would prefer that they received a fair trial first before being sent to the gallows.
What? Just because I'm a humanist, doesn't mean that I don't think that certain individuals deserve to be killed off. For the longest time, different civilizations and cultures have used capital punishment as a means to ensure that no citizen can ever do horrible crimes against others again; although, there are a few actions that seem ridiculous and should not be punishable by death.
But I believe I've gone off track in this challenge. The question remains, is killing someone for killing another justice? My answer, yes, I do believe it is. Is the death penalty justified? Yes, I do believe it is.
#deathpenalty #capitalpunishment #thoughts #opinion
Reaper’s Tolerance
The Death Penalty, the point of this challenge is to either justify or not to justify why it is in existence, but thats the wrong question. The real question we should be asking is what would cause a normal person, born into this world who is innocent at first, to be driven to kill someone ? Why were they so angry or upset that it would cause them to commit the ultimate crime against nature and GOD (regarless of religion) ?
First of all, I have no right to make assumtions or judgements of people who have commited murders because I myself don't know what drove them to do it in the first place or what is was like for them to live or how they grew up, but for a person who commits murder must be someone who grew up without knowing how to love someone and forgive someone, they are the ones who grew up, not knowing what it was like to have mercy in their lives, thus it reflects on their actions yet still not enough to commit murder as I believe, because it would have to be the result of a deep psychological experince that broke them inside out that would have caused them to commit murder, but in saying so, I do not believe that all them show no remorse for what they have done. There maybe those who commit murder of the ones who have contiously abused them, physically & emotionally but in due time, they can feel remorse because despite commiting an act or cruelty such as taking a life, they are still human underneath who can feel remorse, as it is a part of us and goes to those who can still be renewed.
Now as for the death penalty for crimes in my country, Malaysia, it goes to any who have commited murder, regardess of what the situation was and only in rare cases can the person have justice for them themselves which is where my next point lies. A person or in this case, a victim of a crimes such as rape, if they were to fight back and cause the death of their attacker, it should go without saying that they did not have a choice as they would also have to fear for their lives which would bring them to the point where they would have to commit murder for the safty of their own lives.
In my final point, if you were to ask me what people deserve the death penalty, it would have to be the kinds of people who would never respond to others calmly and would only respond with acts for pure violence without any hint of self-control and people who have committed murder who are mentally incapable of controlling their thoughts and actions, the mentally impaired who are most likely to commit murder again.
In conclusion, the death penalty is an extreme punishment and should suit the situation of how the crime happened and what was the nature of the relationship between the victim and murderer before sentancing can be carried out.
The just application of the death penalty
Whether or not the Death penalty is justifiable is a rather difficult question to determine. While it is easy to say that some crimes are unforgivable, that some people deserve to die, and for some people to do the deed when required, Defining the boundary is rather hard. Rape, child molestation, and peoples incapable of comprehending emotion, sure. However, what if a person’s gone cold, but could be taught to feel again? You might add child abuse or murder, but what classifies as child abuse, and what if i murdered a person who raped my daughter? Personally, i would argue that murder as justifiable, but would the court of law agree?
What about the court of law itself, or the police that conduct the investigation and arrest? Whether or not the Death sentence is justifiable, Is giving that power to a corruptible organization of blanket charges that treat all murders as equal, despite the identity of the victim justifiable? If the morality of the Government, jury, judges, police, or lawyers is in the slightest question, How could you ensure people subject to the death penalty are actually guilty? Even if everyone involved was a moral angel, how could you ensure it remained so?
I believe the Death penalty is entirely justifiable for unreasonable crimes. That is, if a person had a starving family and murdered someone during an altercation while attempting to steal some, maybe he doesn’t deserve to die. Perhaps jail is enough. However, someone who kills innocent people for pleasure does not deserve the same justice. Better for all if he is removed from earth entirely. I can find no rational reason to ever molest a child, thus it is always an unreasonable crime. The problem with the Death Penalty is entirely upon it’s application. How could a civilized society trust that the penalty shall never be abused? I have seen far to many people lie, not because the truth would hurt them, but because they get more benefit from lying.
The only Time it would be just to allow a civilized court to hand down the death penalty is in a case with no ambiguity, an unreasonable crime. If there is a shadow of a doubt, Than the death penalty would be unjust if permissible, as the potential for abuse is incredible. It may also have the benefit of deterring people from all manor of crime, big or small, were a society to have the death penalty, while the people who would commit an unreasonable crime care no more about consequence than they do about emotion, and thus commit the act, irregardless of the penalty. As such, in that restricted capacity, the death penalty is just, but in any wider application the chance of corruption and abuse is far too high.