I think that being complacent is only beneficial in heavily established situations.
Its not an everyday or all the time mood.
There is always room for change and opportunities to grow in all areas of life.
Rather it be a piece of furniture or a person.
Being complacent goes hand in hand with lack of ambition or drive, its a slow give up on motivation.
Happiness and fulfillment should never be compromised.
I see complacency as a stand still, a road that leads to isolation.
Nothing compares to you.
I may compare you to the sunniest day, although the contrast is stark at play.
The trees and earth may sway as the world spins its shade.
While all of these things motion into gray,
you're like a room full of silver embellished in good spirit and founded on grace.
Neither above or below the skies and seas could never match a better hue as striking as you.
The winds shaking is steadily bending views,but nothing breaks you.
The sun may sleep yet there is no depth deep enough to cover your light.
As the times come and go, as age takes its tole, as long as you're alive you carry your glow, anyone able knows.
The End.
There is a stark darkness in the air that has swallowed all of humanity and taken any tranquility with it.
I am writing this because although time is inevitable, mine is not.
If there were to be any chance of survival and discovery of this at least I would have left a piece of memorabilia that wasn't just a slow, empty, still life like death.
I may have just contradicted myself.
With blessed life forms becoming horrid nightmares, what once was just made up phantasms entertaining disbelief, scaring kids and Halloween has Frankensteined its way into the mainstream of reality.