Along the Road
A handful of pills
A bottle of murky magic
A barrel of thrills
An ending so tragic
Sins of omission
Ghosts of our souls
Gnawing attrition
A solemn bell tolls
Take me away
Float me far down the river
Dont make me stay
Let me drift on forever
My spirit will rise
When my body has fallen
So please close my eyes
My destiny’s calling
The balloons fell down and they filled her with glee.
I've done it, she thought, this is victory.
I can make this country a better place,
Now that I've won this long, bitter race.
She at once thought of ways to bring the nation together,
and all of the battles she would have to weather.
She knew she was strong and fearless, too.
She had hopes and dreams of what she would do.
She would keep our nation at the top of the world,
and provide inspiration to many a girl.
She wanted healthcare and freedom for all of the people,
and ensure that the sexes and races would be equal.
Alas, we all know this was not meant to be,
And our great nation is a sad mockery.
We should still work togther and heal this divide,
So that again all our cititzens can be filled with pride.
To Hold
I love having you to hold,
You being here with me,
Wrapped tightly in my arms
My trembling arms,
Afraid to loosen, to ever let go
With the slightest mistake,
It seems you could slip away,
Never to return again
I worry and fret,
Constantly wondering if
You'll someday leave me
I'm overcome with joy
At the opportunity to hold you,
To be at your side
But, the all too possible
Reality of losing you,
Brings tears to my eyes