I'm always torn between
Who I want to be and who I am
The distance between the two
Feels massive, insurmountable
Like I'll never be able to pass thru it
Make it to the other side and see
What it's like to be who I'm meant to be
To surpass my expectations
And actually reach my potential
I always feel so lost and insecure
Like an imposter in my own life
Knowing that I have so much more to give
But struggling to reach within
To access all the deeper parts of my soul
And become the woman I should be
Always sitting, wondering if I have what it takes
To push thru to the next level
Really transcend my limits
But then I straighten my spine, stand tall
And remember who I am, my strength,
My intelligence, my truth
I stop shrinking, stop doubting myself
Shove down those insecurities
And realize that the distance between
Who I am and who I'm meant to be
Is nothing but a figment of my imagination
I'm who I'm meant to be, now.
Walking Home from School
Above umbrella haloed brains dressed in teenage clothes,
I spot a hill of green dotted with bright colored houses, and trees.
The hill wears a cloak of grey clouds
That birds dance upon.
The sloshing of cars rushing through puddles fills the air,
And the cursing of students that I pass by
Slips into each moment of silence with ease.
It is another rainy day in San Francisco;
The city of fog.
Vortex of Madness
Whirling, swirling, swiftly
Madness stranger creeps in
planting subliminal messages
of insanity into my mind
the voices, the voices
mindless masked intruder
digging graves of no meaning
finger hooked into my wall
in insane dots of fractured thought.
Whirling, swirling, swiftly
Stranger absorbs me, takes me away
caterwauling rhymes of madness
ebony rocks striking my face
unpredictable fire - sweet and sour
elevator erupting up but never stopping
dressing me with mad sparkled wreaths
blinks of delusion smite my eyes
spinning, spinning out of control.
Whirling, swirling, swiftly
nonsense words scar my festering soul
moonlight falls out of loveless sky
collapsing into sunken eyes of mine.
dried up barren well, I lick my lips
feeling nothing, locked in darkness
heartbeat freezes, I don’t breathe
craziness prevails as I sigh softly
we are not so different after all.
Whirling, Swirling, Swiftly
Insanity is earth, twisted and fractured
marigolds marching, invading, closing ranks
madness is genius, kicking and screaming
bones jabbed with pain, without release
cemented feeling encasing my blackness
obsessed with death, don’t know where I am.
blooms of craziness hurled by stranger
infiltration of fogginess, flowing madness
mind wanderer lost in struggle evermore
out, out damned spot, blood on my hands.
You don't know the pain you cause when you make your jokes
Calling him, her, them fat
Calling them ugly, never good enough, worthless
They soak up those words like water to a sponge
They soak it in until they can take it no more and just explode
So you think it's okay to beat them down until they can no longer get up
Laying there crippled
Laughing so hard all they can see is their flaws and imperfections
Their flaws no longer beautiful, but ugly, horrible curses
So you think it's okay to push us against the wall
Holding us there defenseless
Feeling there's no one who cares
Feeling like we're better off dead because that's what everyone wants
Stabbing us in the back, tearing up our hearts, walking over us like we're doormats
It's not your obligation to do so
It's not your obligation to make us feel worthless, and hated
It's not your obligation to make us hate our bodies, when we are truly beautiful
Every inch
So you think it's okay to make me feel insecure
You think it's okay to make me feel pointless and friendless
So you think it's okay to make me feel ugly, and not worth a care
You make me feel like a bitch
Since when was it a bad thing to feel good about yourself
Since when was it bad to feel positive, secure, and happy
Since when has it been bad to feel beautiful, and confident in oneself
Well you make me feel like I don't deserve any of that
You make me feel like I don't deserve to be happy or confident in myself
So you think it's funny to see me cry
Does it give you pleasure to cause me so much agony
Does it make you smile when other people help you beat me down
Does it make you feel alive seeing me want to die
Does it calm you to see me so frustrated in life.
Prose Challenge of the Week #55
Prosers. It's back!!!
It went on hiatus and now it's back and better than ever. It's only Prose Challenge of the Week #55.
This week we will be doubling the prize fund and the length of time you have to win it. Yes, that's right, the Challenge of the Week is going to be worth $200 and will run for two weeks.
After these two weeks, we will return with a weekly prompt and a prize fund of $100.
So, let's take a look at how you can get your hands on the prize...
Challenge of the Week #55: Write a story of 200 words or more about a stranger. The most masterfully written piece, as voted and determined by the Prose team, will be crowned winner and receive $200. Quality beats quantity, always, but numbers make things easier for our judges, so share, share, share with friends, family, and connections. #ProseChallenge #getlit #itslit
200 words (or more) for 200 big ones. That's $1 per word. Easy right?
Put your pens to digital paper and get entering the first Prose Challenge of the Week 2017.
Here's to big and bold things.
Until next time, Prosers,
Rabbits in the Sky
Skinny yellow hound dog
stinky breath and flea infested
wears a red bandana
and stays by old man’s side.
He thinks he’s the boss
won’t come when called
opens one eye to see
old man asleep in chair.
Dog keeps guarded watch
throughout the night
but daylight brings truth -
master doesn’t breathe.
Now hound dog walks alone
along the rocky shore
to lie across master’s grave
devastated on frozen ground
howling at top of lungs
begging to be with owner,
chasing rabbits in the sky.
2016 was a year
Of hiding, running, cowering
Self hatred, insecurity
Sickness and heartbreak
Full of tears and sadness
2016 had me feeling
Utterly broken, shattered
Completely undone
A shell, a husk
A wisp of the person I am
I was lost, confused, alone
Unable to trust or believe
In others, in myself, in the universe
But the universe is built on balance
Yin and yang
Dark and light
Fire and water
2017 is the year
Of fierce and unashamed self love,
Of surrounding myself with people who challenge, inspire and uplift me,
Of feeding my soul
2017 will be the year
I love myself boldly, passionately, wildly
Finally embrace my strength, my intelligence, my fire
My fight
The year I stop hiding and shrinking myself
For the comfort of small people
No longer will I dim my glow, my shine
Tone down my intensity for fear of being too much
When it was them who weren't enough
No longer will I fight against myself,
Turn that power inward and self destruct
But heal it, harness it, unleash it
2016 was my fall
2017 will be my rise