try for the maybes try for the mights try for the not-so-last goodbyes try for the darkness try for the light try for the smiles that shine brighter than bright try for your loves try for your hates try for your every last first date try for the earth try for the sky try for the wrongs that turned out right try for your tries that don’t succeed try for the wonders you’ve yet to see and most of all you should try for you because you’re every person you ever knew
You can’t love sad girls
You can’t love sad girls. They’re blood and they’re pain and they’re cracked ribs and broken teeth. They’re messy hair and broken hearts and screaming into empty vodka bottles at 2 AM. They’re not there for you to fix. You can’t sew up their cracked wrists and piece together their lost souls. You can only hold them closer, grip their hand tighter and pray to god they stop spitting up pieces of their broken heart. You can’t love sad girls. You gotta stop believing that you can fill the spaces in her chest where her father’s empty promises sit. Sometimes you just have to lay with her there on the bathroom floor while she stares at the wall for hours, mumbling through chapped lips and an alcohol burned throat, tracing over the old scars and showing you where all of her bruises used to be. You can’t love sad girls. Her voice will crack and her breath will catch as she stands their watching you scream the words “Say it back”. She’ll leave you open and raw and wanting more than she can give you. She’s a storm, a sun-kissed hurricane, and you’ve always been afraid of drowning
"She wanted me to break it". I looked at her deep in the eyes. "The second you broke it, you lost everything, you realize that right?! And you know as her best friend it's my job to make you regret this right?" Clairabelle yelled into Kyle's face. "She didn't want to get hurt, she told me to break it." Kyle's eyes were brimming with tears. "Just because she thinks she wanted you to, doesn't mean you should have. If you loved her you wouldn't have done it, even if God himself asked you to" I walked away from Kyle in utter disappointment, he broke it. He broke my best friends heart. She didn't want to hurt him so she wanted him to hurt her. He broke it.