A rigid square of expectations
A half-heartedly given education
Conforming to the population
Held back by the limitations
You've broken the square and people stare
You've found your passion and become aware
That people today are hardly there
And that people today are never fair
They've beaten you down for not conforming
As if they want to make you a warning
This is what you get for not performing
Now they prepare you for the reforming
You try again and try in vain
Your words fall on deaf ears just the same
They want nothing to do with what's in your brain
Ignorance is the only way they can stay sane
Finally you give up; you're finally done
Your rebellion ended before it begun
Even though all it takes is a small number of one
The pressure is what made you come undone
A rigid square of expectations
A half-heartedly given education
Conforming to the population
Held back by the limitations
Explanation Of Society
Walking to and fro,
Ignoring our neighbors,
Treating everyone like a criminal until proven otherwise,
Trusting in lies,
Telling lies,
Being hypocritical at all times;
Slaving away for a broken system,
Still having hope in the lies we're told,
And in the lies we believe,
Not wanting to see the truth,
For this truth hurts too much;
Living in fear,
Of terrorism,
Of mugging,
Of robbery,
Of everyone and anything,
Not trusting any,
Not even the ones we know best;
Still believing that They know what's best for us,
Even though their greed and lust for power and control,
Strip of us of all that makes us what we are,
Saying it's for our own good,
And foolishly we believe the lie,
For to reject one lie is to reject them all,
And that would mean seeing the truth;
And so we're caught in an endless cycle,
Of free and slaves,
Open minded and controlled,
Never knowing that the real problem isn't them,
Rather it is us:
Because we don't want to see the truth.
- Michael Hall