Free will continue.
Will and Trent set out on there journey again night has fallen again and they must keep going on to find his brothers . Will ask Trent if he can connect telepathically with his brothers sense they were turned by the same evil man that killed his parents . Trent hesitated in his answer ..... ummm well I don’t think that would be a wise ideal Will . “Why . I want to get in touch with my brothers and let them know I’m looking for them and I’m coming to rescue them from him “. Trent then sensing the anger in Wills voice answers him back “ first off your anger will get you nowhere it will be your greatest downfall Will think about it if you connect with your brothers who else will you be connecting with and what will be the consequences of that huh use your freaking head Will . It will set off a chain of events that your not ready for “. Will replied back “im definitely ready for whatever comes my way . My brothers are all I have now and I need to protect them and save them from that evil mans brood and control and the only way to do that is to get my revenge and kill him...,. Ugh .... what don’t you understand Trent is I’m willing to do and go to any extreme to get my brothers back from his control “ .
Trent says “let’s stop in those woods over there rest for bit get refreshed there is small town with a bank that can feed us or we’ll we can hit up cabins get fresh meat if you like “. “Fine and I can try reach them without your help and the bank not cabins understand .... good “ will answered back.
After landing they enter the blood bank only to find another female vampire already going through the stockpile . Trent yells out at this female “hey there little lady what do you have going on here ,are you leaving us any to replenish ourselves and what’s your name “.
“My name is Veronica Espinoza and you best leave me well enough alone ..... do you know who my family is Trent see yes I already know your name .” Trent was taken by surprise your Espinoza sorry to intrude on you my mistake we will just go the next town over and please tell the high council that we respected you in every way that we could man ! “ . No you may take some here and feast on it but on one condition you must tell me about the new blood that’s with you and his story . I only can sense a lot of anger from him “ Veronica said . “Yes man sure thing .
Meanwhile outside Will was trying hard to get a message through telepathically to his brothers and he was staring to do so. Finally he came across something and a message started coming through to him . “Young man haha I see your getting stronger by the day but let me tell you this stop trying to pursue me and my brood as they will only be your darkest of nightmares if you do find us . Don’t be surprised as to what you might find about your younger brothers they are now mine for the rest of eternity and will be loyal to me and only me . the consequences for you if you continue your quest so stop now . I enjoyed watching your mom and dad die boy and the fear in the eyes of your brothers one by one as they were being turned by me and yes mmmmm I so enjoyed making you watch it all before I had mercy on you and changed you also ! So be warned Stop chasing us you will never ever see your brothers again ! Just as fast as voice popped in his head it was gone and nothing more he fell to ground weeping and even more angry at what just happened . Will managed to get up ran inside to Trent to tell him what happened “Trent man I connected to the man that turned us killed my parents he is evil man and warned me of the things that will happen ...... whoa whoa who the hell is this ? What are you doing I said no cabin dwelling. Humans ? “
“This is Veronica Espinoza her family is on high council of vampires that oversee all of us here she was kind enough to let us share some of the supply she was taking be nice to her Will and I warned you not to try connect to your brothers didn’t I but we will talk about that later . Drink up and build your energy up so we can continue on our journey to next stop . Thanks again Veronica we will be leaving now “ Trent says .
“Your not going anywhere until I talk to Will on my own now go outside and wait I’ll send him out when I’m through with him . Go occupy yourself and Will you stay here and chat a bit “said Veronica .
“Yes man my dear lady I’ll be waiting outside “Trent said .
Will now is thinking to himself I have a lot going on right now I don’t need some girl talking chick stuff with me right now but “ok lady let’s get this chat over with so we can get going out again “.
Pure hearts
Pure hearts reveal the true person.
Pure hearts can share emotions.
Pure hearts are an open book
Pure hearts can be broken easily
Pure hearts can breath life into situations
Pure hearts care for all people .
Pure hearts can love exceedingly
Pure hearts will never try hurt anybody
Pure hearts beat to life everyday .
Pure hearts is pursuit of happiness.
Pure hearts is inner search of the soul.
Pure hearts is the way the world needs to be .
Pure hearts will forever cherish friendships .
Pure hearts will always spread positivity and love .
Pure hearts can change the darkest of hearts
Pure hearts will always win out in the end.
In battle of good vs evil which heart will you choose .
It’s your chose so choose wisely what kind of heart do you want to go to battle with .
Pure hearts equal life love and laughter .
So again I ask which will you go to battle with in the game of every day life ?
One resolve
One thing is found
One thing we see
Through it all
Over and over
Time and time again
Test after test
Humankind stands together
We get this done
We defeat our foe
Sickness can try
Throw at us what you will
But you see
What you forget
is it is not one of us
But it is all of us
You have to defeat
We stand the test of time
We can withstand
We will win
If we stand together
Corona you will go down
In defeat
United we stand
One nation
One people
One world
We win
Bottom line
No virus
Can divide
We conquer
Let’s do this
Stand together
Kick covids bottom line
Win we will
No other choice
Ultimate end
We reign supreme
One resolve
Freewill continues
As Trent and Will watch from the trees above The hunter takes cover in a tree nearby . All the sudden a pack of wolves go by these are massive in size and Will is amazed at the sight of this group . As the sounds pass and things calm down the hunter climbs down from his nearby tree and now he’s lost the trail of vampires and is frustrated . Will is enamored by this hunter as he looks only slightly older than he is . A young man with nice looking flowing blond hair and an athletic body build . About the time Will gathers himself Trent dropped out of tree and attacked hunter from behind and Will couldn’t let Trent kill him for some odd reason . The hunter was knocked unconscious as Trent went in for the kill Will drops out of the tree and pushes Trent down and away . Will starts hissing at Trent and stands guard over the hunter , Will says to Trent “I’m not gonna let you kill him and I don’t want to hurt you but if you make me I will so please don’t persist Trent “ .
Trent is angry and yells at Will “ Why are you protecting him he’s killed so many of us and he doesn’t give a rats ass if you protect him Will . If he sees a way to kill you at any time he will gladly do it “.
“Let’s just leave him be and get going before he wakes back up “Will says .
“You know you want to find your brothers and I’m the only thing that can take you there so walk away and let me feed on him “ Trent says .
About that time Will bows down and bites his neck “ No now he’s one of us and you cant have him without thinking Will doesn’t know why he turned the hunter into his own living hell from a human other than to save the hunters life “.
“Now you’ve gone and done it you stupid idiot . It is known amongst all us vampires to never turn a hunter into one of us ! Why you do it Will Why ?
“I had to save his life you were gonna kill him and now we don’t have to worry about him hunting us so no harm has been done “Will exclaims .
Let’s just get out of here before he wakes up come on you stupid asshole “.
Will and Trent get going and argue back and fourth as they leave the highly wooded area .
“It will be sunrise soon we need to find a place to go inside “ Trent says .
Not a word was spoken between the two of them as they searched for an abandoned house to rest up in . It took about hour to hour and half to find a quiet out of city cabin that nobody lived in at the time so the two Go inside and look around Trent gives all clear and they quietly just stare at each other . An hour passed sun starts to rise and finally Trent starts to talk “what made you do it Will Why you turn your first human and why him ? “ Trent asks .
“I really don’t know why but I liked him even though he was trying to kill us “ Will says “ he didn’t deserve to die “.
“I thought you liked me but I’m guessing not and you were attracted to the hunter wasn’t you Will admit it “.
“I’m not sure all I know my emotions got the best of me and I didn’t want you to kill him alright damn it “ Will shouts out .
“Well there is a reason we don’t turn hunters into vampires and you will find out soon enough because they don’t stop hunting you Will and he will be pissed because he can’t go back to his friends now they will know he’s one of us now and he will be super aggressive in finding us now even more so and you better hope he never finds you “ Trent explains .
“Want he just be happy I saved his life and stop chasing us now “?
“You silly teenager No! Think about it Will are you not pissed off wanting to find the man that turned you and don’t even say your not wanting to kill him Will I know you already “ Trent says .
“ Damn ! Your absolutely right I don’t know why I was gullible . What do you suggest Trent how will I deal with this situation “?
“ Well you have a few days to figure it out before he turns fully and comes looking for you “ Trent exclaims “for now get some rest we leave at sunset “.
As Will laid down to rest his mind was racing what’s next what will I do and why did I choose him . Was it because I was attracted to him or just instinct ? I guess I’ll figure it all out .
Will was exhausted and finally passed out for his night time .
Why can’t I just be me?
Time to wake up !
Another day
Eggs bacon hash browns biscuits and gravy.
Eat then go shower .
Get dressed for the day.
Everything starts swirling spinning in my head .
Sudden feeling of hopelessness and anxiety .
What do I do and how to I cope today ?
Can do nothing right it seems ?
Is it because teenage blues or something else?
Everyone close wants me to change and be best I can be.
So much expectations
Nothing less than a ninety for school grades if you make an eight nine or lower your grounded for month.
No dating allowed unless it’s a proper girl .
I can’t chose who I want to be with .
So confusing so messed up.
Peer pressure is difficult .
Parents pressuring me.
Swirling into a black hole deep in my heart and mind .
Will I ever get out of this ?
Will I not ever get to be me ?
Tightness and sadness grip me .
Turning turning someone please help me get off this pattern !
Can I just be me ?
No you can’t you have to change to what everyone else wants you to be .
Why oh why do teenagers have so much pressures ?
Who knows from day to day if I will ever get to escape ?
Can I please for one day be me ?
Can I please have some fun ?
The answer I get is no because you need to be better and to prepare for life .
Depression and anxiety set in .
Time for bed.
Maybe I will get lucky and sleep .
Again I ask when can I just be me ?
New you
Well it’s a new year finally
A new you
A new lease on life
The things you want to change
The things u want to learn
The things you everyday
But wait why do a new you
Why change anything
Why not keep being who you are
Why put yourself through this all
The answer is because I want to
I want to grow not sit back do nothing
Live your life to grow and be even better.
Always strive for the best you that you can be .
Here’s to 2020 and a new fresh start
On the making of you .
Go get them and show them
You rock the world !
Fateful December night
Taken to soon from me
It was a fateful night
Sitting around the tree
Having one of your favorite hot chocolates full of marshmellow creams
You said be back shortly and don’t worry
Watching Santa Claus is coming to town on tv
As time passed you didn’t return . I worried about where you could be
Then the fateful knock on the door
Policemen at the door with news of your accident on highway intersection
I would never feel your hug of kiss or hear you say I love you never again after that fateful night .
My life forever changed on that December night .
The funeral came and went as we all said our goodbyes as forever you would lie in your grave silent as could be til you ascended into heaven .
Dad I love you so much and miss you so much every Christmas .
A piece of me is missing at Christmas every year and no one will ever replace you as my father ever no matter how much they yell and scream and try to make me . I have but one dad that is you forever and ever you live in my heart and I love you very very much .
I hope u r proud of me daddy
I try not to disappoint you ever.
Merry Christmas season dad may you always know how much you are missed and loved .
The last Christmas in Joeys home
Mom...... can you tell me why we have no tree or no gifts this year for Christmas and where my daddy is ? Asked little Joey Porter .
“Son ..... daddy left us and took all our money and we have to be out after Christmas from our house because I can’t afford it and I’m sorry babe but I just can’t get you anything and it’s to late to get help as Christmas will be here soon “ mom said heartbroken.
“Why did this all happen does daddy not love us anymore and where will we stay after Christmas “ Joey says as tears flow down his cheeks .
“I don’t know why he left son and we will stay in our van together “ mom said back .
“Was it my fault he left us alone , I’m sorry momma that I wasn’t good enough I really am “ Joey says back sobbing now.
“It’s not your fault baby at all he just didn’t want to be a family no more “ mom cries back .
They sit around hugging each other as the electricity gets turned off as they had no money to pay the bill . It’s a cold dark place but the love they had for each other mother and son will get them through at least that’s way Mom was looking at it .
“Joey time to go to bed bundle up son stay as warm as you can “. Mom said .
Joey ran upstairs and went to his room looked at some of his stuff lit two candles to lighten up his room .
He looked out his window at all the neighbors houses were all lit up with bright beautiful lights and he just wondered to himself why life is so unfair .
He was teased by neighborhood kids because his dad left with another woman and he didn’t have nothing of real value .
About then his one true friend Preston called him on his walkie talkie “ Joey come in Joey are you there” through walkie talkie.
“Hi Preston not in mood to talk tonight hope you have a great Christmas my friend thanks for being so nice to me I’m going to miss you when I’m gone”said Joey .
“I will miss you too but first my mom and dad want you two to come to lunch tomorrow if you can come “
“Sorry we can’t mom says we have to load up car with our clothes and get out by night time but thanks for asking “ Joey said “over and out “.
Joey decides to lay there and enjoy his few things he has and say goodbye to them . He cries as he missed his dog chubs they gave him to a friend as they couldn’t have him in the car . He missed his best friend . He thought about what the future held for him as he had no idea where or what was going to happen to them.
He drifts off to sleep saddened .
Joey is awaken by strange noises at 2am and looks around and doesn’t see anything at all and goes to the bathroom . As he was stumbling back to his room he swore he heard lots and lots of noise he checks on his mom and she’s sound asleep hmmmm I’ll go back to bed myself .
Joey went back to bed and fell back asleep he missed cuddling with his dog so much .
He slept until probably 7 o clock as he heard the neighborhood kids playing with there new gifts outside in the steady falling snow .
He goes to the bathroom and it’s freezing in house then goes and jumps in his moms bed .
“Merry Christmas mom I love you so much ,he gives her big kiss and hug “.
Mom wakes and kisses him back “Merry Christmas baby I’m sorry .....”
“Shhhsh stop it’s ok I’m alright we have each other and I love you very very much “ Joey says .
Let’s get going a lot to get ready for when we have to leave “ mom says
They get up get dressed and start getting clothes together “mom can you get me another trash bag for my clothes from kitchen “.
“Sure thing be back in minute , Joey hurry come here now did you do this “ mom screams
Joey dropped what he was doing and about then the power came on as he was heading down the stairs .
“Mom we have lights....... what the heck “? Joey says puzzled
“Where did all this come from “? Joey ask as before him was a decorated tree with lights and all and all around was presents . One was moving under the tree addressed to Joey . Joey ran over with bow on a vented box and he just falls on floor crying as out came his chubby . He loved on him and kissed him “ I thought I lost you boy .... mom how and why “ the doorbell rang it’s our landlord Mrs. Wilcox .
“We are about to get car loaded and leave I promise “ mom says hurriedly .
“ you will not be going anywhere your staying at least six months more no rent Merry Christmas “says mrs Wilcox “I could not let you and Joey be homeless as it’s not your fault he abandoned the two of you and I’m paying the utilities so it should allow you to get a job get on your own two feet “.
Joey and his mom run over to her hug her and thank her and doorbell rings.It was all the neighbors with Tommy and his parents carrying armfuls of food .
“Well I couldn’t let my best friend be alone on Christmas so I brought a few friends with me “ Tommy said .
“Thank you all for coming what a wonderful surprise “ Joeys mom says
The neighborhood kids spokesperson Ronnie begins to speak to Tommy “we are sorry we made fun of you about your dad and y’all for not having any money that’s why we all got you gifts too so you wouldn’t have to go without Christmas gifts “
Joey is crying with happy tears “thank you all so much this is the best Christmas I have ever had “.
Now everybody lets go eat and spend this Christmas Day together.
You see Joey learned a valuable lesson this day as long as you stay true to yourself you can get through anything that comes along against you. He now has his home his baby and not only his friend still he now has many new friends .He and his mom will stay together in there nice warm home . Merry Christmas everybody and remember if you can help someone out please do !
Just another farmboy next chapter
“Good morning Mike remember I told you I’d be waiting for you this morning so you could teach me better on how to take care of a farm “ said Peter.
“ Well I’m kinda shocked to see you here this early really I didn’t think you would be up before noon but ok let’s get this day started “ Mike said .
First I go around get the eggs from the chickens feed them clean up the houses there in and don’t make fun of me for talking to them okay “
“It’s so cool how you treat them and sing to the birds it put me in a good mood for sure too “ said Peter.
Well next up mike took Peter to the cows milking stage so he could show him how to put milking machines on them fourth of them and yes he talked with each one . While they were being milked Mike showed him how to clean up pig pens and feed them all there slip . Next up was onto the horses combing and cleaning and loving on each horse . It amazed Peter how Mike spent time with each one talking and loving them as he went through his task . He then feeds each one of them hay and horse feed and waters them .
“Wow Mike you are so awesome and sweet to each of the animals I’m reall impressed “ said Peter .
“I feel it’s important these animals feel loved and appreciated for what they contribute to our farm plus I’m attached to them “ Mike says happily .
It’s time for a lunch break now and we can relax a bit I packed us some sandwiches chips drinks let’s go out by pond to eat really” Mike said smiling .
“Sounds good to me I’m hungry and ready for a drink “ Peter replies back.
“ hey Mike, can I ask you something have you ever fell in love with anyone yet “?
“Well no I haven’t met anyone good enough yet that excited me or showed any interest in me really. I had a crush before but sadly never acted on it before person moved away . Why you ask did you yet “? Mike asks .
“Well yes I have had a few before but I have a crush on someone now , I just don’t know if they would go for me “ said Peter .
“You’ll have to tell me later as we have to get busy again Peter “
As Mike put away lunch stuff and walked around pickup truck Peter watched him with admiration and he had twinkle in his eye as he saw a well built handsome boy his age walked around . His crush was on Mike but he didn’t know what to do or if mike would accept he had feelings for him .
“Hey mike I have to go home for now Evan is watching spending time and learning I’ll talk to you later ! Thanks for lunch “.
“Hi there Mike are you having a good day so far “ Evan ask .
“It’s been busy so far hop in I have to go fix some fences and look for coyotes now come on “ mike said .
They drive around looking for stray coyotes and damage to any of the fences and talk to each other about life things in general . Mike finds a fairly big section of fence that needs to be fixed and stops truck and gets out to survey the damage . As Mike walks up to the fence Evans heart pounds wow so hot very smooth and he’s great looking . He gets lost looking at Mike’s butt in tight jeans when he’s interrupted silently “ you gonna help me or what lol. “ Mike said “or are you going to day dream “?
“I’m coming be right there “ he had to calm down a bit before he got out to help Mike as he didn’t want Mike to know he was turned on by him .
They worked and worked on the fence for what seemed like the whole day when suddenly Evans phone rings and his mom tells him she needs him home . “Sorry Mike I gotta go home my mom needs me but thank you for having me over “ Evan says nervously “see you later ok” .
As Evan walks towards home he stops when Mikes not looking and checks him over really good and smiles and continues on his way .
Mike finishes up on fixing the fence and putting supplies back in truck bed and hears another voice “hi Mike it’s me Scott I come over to finish up with you my dad said we all three need to learn farming better “
“ wow ok it’s nice you guys tell me who you are because I still get confused by you three whose who lol “ Mike says laughing .
They hop into truck head back to house and all the animals and mike plays with the dogs and sheep’s and goats and feeds them all .
“ I just don’t see how you have time to play with all of them and feed them your amazing “ Scott says.
Mike goes and gets water hose so he can water all of them for the night and Scott watches him with dreamy eyes as inside he is tingling because Mike is so hot and he has crush on him bad . Scott talks to himself about Mike in his head “omg if i could just walk up to him kiss him and hold that tight butt of his in my hands mmmmm I’d be so happy “ . He shakes it off and helps Mike as he continues his chores .
“Well let’s go inside mom has supper ready to eat “ said Mike
“I have to go home but thank you Mike say hi to your mom for me ok “ Scott says as he hurried down the dirt road back towards his house and he has to adjust himself as he walks .
After a quick supper mike heads up to his room and does his school work for the day and writes in his journal about his day with the triplets . He is very very happy he has new friends and they spend time with him . As he finishes up his day it’s time for nice relaxing hot shower to get cleaned up . He takes his clothes off and hops into shower and suddenly he hears noise in his room he tries to see who or what it is and catches one of the triplets peeking in bathroom .
“Hello can I help you why you looking at my butt through glass door “? Mike says quizfully .
He looks again after he gets soap out of his eyes but whomever it was is gone . He dries off and goes into bedroom and wonders which of the three it was . “ Maybe I was just seeing things if so wonder why I thought it was one of the triplets “.
He decides to lay down but he is puzzled as he drifts off to sleep.
Outside in the cold it’s starting to look a lot like Christmas time.
Lights on houses with sparkling displays of wonder .
The smell of Christmas cookies and pies baking is in the air.
It’s cold enough to see smoke from you breathing .
Snow falls once or twice a week to make it winter wonderland .
The sounds of Christmas music playing loudly .
Christmas shows on tv networks surely means it’s nearing .
Children hustling and bustling to do things without being asked .
Must be trying to get on Santa’s good list .
Cozy nights snuggled up to your loved one in front of a warm fire where chestnuts might be roasting !
Christmas trees and decorations going up !
These are all signs of Christmas nearing so enjoy the season and countdown the days until Christmas !
Merry holidays and seasons greetings to all and to all a good night !