Enchanted Woodlands
My forest of mysteries
Your eyes filled with curiosity
Needing to solve every riddle
Extremely inexperienced I was
Why was it I, who was so hidden
Entered and stole
Now look what you've done
Curious for treasure
Hunted my only pride possession
And ran faster than you arrived
Now look at what I have become
Trees aflame with burning rage
Engulfing smoke set ablaze
Dawning with piles ash
A few months later...
From old branches
Or with mystical seeds
Replanting was my night and day
Enchanting I came to be
Sometime I'll be too magical to burn
Till then, I'll continue to grow
-Still continuing to GROW
Why wish on a star?
All too far away to wait
From here to there and back
Spent a lifetime of waiting
Visible light from years ago
Wish on one that's falling?
It's not even a star
Gaze up to those abandoned wishes
Millions of hopes and dreams
Waiting an eternity
Infinite fantasies
All so meaningless now
Why sit and wait for the time to arrive
Take off to greet it halfway
-I speculate gazing up at a lonely light (my star☆)
Hello, everyone who is reading. How are you tonight?
This introduction is kind of overdue but since I didn't plan to write much at first I didn't think to add one. I didn't know publishing one poem would eventually be more than that but I love it so I'll continue. Recently I decided to remodel the entire book and plan to make it better because I would love my art to reach a certain level of perfection.
As I said I’m not a professional. I’m still new to writing poems and writing in general, maybe someday I’ll write a complete book, who knows.
This book "the midnight song" is a series of poems I write only at night. every single one has been written after 12 a.m. I made sure of it.
Here is a poem to start off the night:
The Midnight Song
Beneath the moonlight
At a minute to twelve
The lullaby ends
As tonight's song begins
For those with dreams
That aren't put to justice- in sleep
One that eases terrors of night
Erased by the soothing melody
Of the lucid lullaby
With the reassuring darkness
That aligned the stars
Into constellations at 12:05
Just wait...
For tonight has just begun
Copyright 2020 By @K_Andromeda_J
Every single poem and artwork is created by me the author. No part of this book may be reproduced elsewhere without my permission.
Lastly, thank you for the votes so far, comments, and reads so far. About to reach 1K reads and the journey itself has been amazing. So thank you so so much to everyone.
~ K.J.
Dear April
▪April 2020▪
Dear April,
You passed by like August, June, and May
There was no warning
Just the chill of your empty white coat
Laying there, one late spring day
Spring was there
With colors, no one was allowed to see
Or, cared for during those weeks
Everyone gray with fear
But with you, everything was always clear
We were a tall standing lighthouse tower
Pointing towards the storming sea
But not for much long
Did we too lose electricity
▪On the last day of April▪
Dear April,
You said, "I love you, Betty"
"I'll be back by seven-thirty"
Your wrinkled white coat passed out the door
Clocked into the last early shift right at eight
Left behind that week's groceries note
And a twenty-year-old stethoscope
I found in the dining room
Later that noon
That was the last day I saw you
Every day after was white rooms
Turned to my curtain closed bedroom
In shades of dull blue to bright for my mood
"What should I do?"
Because I don’t have a single clue
Life was pictured hanging on walls
Taped to school lockers
Stored in cell phone files
Seen on smiling faces
Everything now
Is waiting for the train to pass by
Persuading myself not to step forth
▪ After April ▪
Dear April,
Father's in ruins
He just lost a job
But can hardly handle three
Barely any sleep before he awakes
I’m starting to wonder how much more he can take
I take care of the baby
But "how can I tell him about you?”
He can barely speak
But knows its just only father and me
Since I am home alone
I wait by the front door
Till seven-thirty creeps by
I slump to the floor
Questioning why?
Are those the consequences of having a good heart?
No one drops by till about twelve o’clock
There is only so much one can endure
When there is no cure to feel reassured
Since May, I was
Caught by time
In a game of freeze tag
Turned to a paralyzing sleep
I can’t arise from
Stopped at a railroad crossing
Watching train cars hurtle by
This now is ordinary life
Constant paranoia adds to my Anhedonia
The world in isolation
Fuels this never-ending depression
Hidden behind masks
Hidden in walls
Hidden in pieces left of you
▪ April 2021 ▪
Dear April,
Somehow you are once again here
Just after 11:59
A replica of yesterday's rhyme fades by
Another day of repeating “I’m fine”
Soon dies
If the railroad is cleared now
Then the season is healing
Our world is slowly rebuilding
I will pick up your things and put them to use
Like the long white coat, I played with at the age of four
I kept your forgotten stethoscope
You left behind that last April morning
With “April” etched on it
"I’ll use it like it once was"
Like how you did for twenty years before last April
Love, Betty
She should've ran
From that monster of a man
Before they grew
Before they knew
She did not
Her happiness would soon rot
The love was a curse
Written in the stars of this universe
Once she ran with two infants in her hand
But somehow returned to this miserable land
He promised to change
Yet continued his monstrous rage
His shadow was feared
When seen under the door everyone reared
The roars at night were loud
Even the horrifying one's that made no sound
Years went by
And all three would cry
When the last was here
Even she would fear
It was too late to run
Her options were none
The oldest had dreams
One could have foreseen
The one in between had changed
From being caged
The infant needed care
In this world that was unfair
She stayed in the hell of a home
Took the torture as her own
All his toxic would poison her
All four were sinking further
The mother should have ran
Beforehand, out of that land
From that monster
Who was no longer a man
-A story stuck on pause
Why wish on a star?
All too far away to wait
From here to there and back
Spent a lifetime of waiting
Visible light from years ago
Wish on one that’s falling?
It’s not even a star
Gaze up to those abandoned wishes
Millions of hopes and dreams
Waiting an eternity
Infinite fantasies
All so meaningless now
Why sit and wait for the time to arrive
Take off to greet it halfway
-I speculate gazing up at a lonely light (my star)