New Year’s Day
On New Year’s Day I woke up surrounded by friends who had just fallen asleep hours ago. After watching the sunrise, and sharing secrets, we had all crashed as our adrenaline finally faded. The cold floor jolts me awake, and I feel the footsteps of my companions creeping around. My mind goes to one line, “I’ll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year’s Day.” This beautifil lyric by Taylor Swift stopped me in my tracks. Whenever I had previously listened to this song, I envisioned true romantic love, in a relationship with soulmates, people who were there for each other during the good and the bad. However, hearing this song in my head completely caused me to reimagine my perspective. Love songs can be completely platonic. I was not surrounded by anyone who I was involved with romanticaly, yet I had never felt more love. The bond of my seemingly evergreen group of friends. We had all come from different journeys, and had experienced different hardships, yet somehow, we all came together on New Year’s Eve, stayed the night and had entered the start of a new year together. Now when I hear this song, I do not think about how I don’t feel that way toward anyone, but rather, how lucky I am to feel a different way towards an entire group of people.
till death do us part
nothing is forever
~ and yet ~
you never fade
an i m a g i n a r y friend
who never said
i can’t find my way out
of your mazes
{it’s all the same}
the only thing that changes
as my youth
you grow
》a shadow《
cast by bitter sunshine
f/i/l/t/e/r/i/n/g/ t/h/r/o/u/g/h/
the cracks of my prison
isn’t it time to let go?
but when people left
[when my world s h a t t e r e d ]
when time
》》sped up 》》
and left me far
b e h i n d
you stayed
》the same《
the taste of pain
should teach us happiness
but smiles hurt more
laughs steal the air from my lungs
leave me gasping for oxygen
as your waves close over my head
(i never learned to swim)
the mirror mocks me
: who I was :
[who I could be]
i can’t reconcile her,
//who I am\\
i’m scared of you
i’m scared of
i want to get away
but you would follow me
even in death