One sip, one look, one taste, one shot,
Then all I had was suddenly not,
I had everything, but didn't know,
Now here I lay, frostbitten in snow,
Wanting more at first inspired,
Left me successful, little to be desired,
Provider of my own family,
A home to which I held the key,
But then enough was not enough,
Advertised happiness actually handcuffs,
Holding me captive, leading me away,
While I smiled and paid bits more each day,
Family warned me, but I didn't listen,
New friends gripped, diamonds glisten,
Wallet stayed out, wallet lost weight,
No need to tempt me, no need for bait,
Spouse and children left, days later I discovered,
Bought a playmate to replace them, easily recovered,
I truly had more now, though not all good,
Troubles, debts, STD's, paranoid attitude,
Dreaded day came, no money to pay,
Shakes of heads, new "friends" scurried away,
Sold all belongings to get one last hit,
Needed so desperately just a little bit,
Don't recall the day I lost the house,
Laid drunken in streets, christened a louse,
No home to return to, a craving to fix,
I headed downtown, for people to trick,
Moments in between, no money to spare,
Sobering up, wondering why I was there,
I'd been happy, comfortable even,
Kids, a spouse to whom I should have cleaven,
My head fills with screaming, I realize it's my own,
Desperate to move, but I'm chilled to the bone,
This moment of clarity comes all too late,
Tears freeze in my eyes, I've accepted my fate,
As I've given up, a light shines through the haze,
An angel has come to save me from my ways,
The light draws closer, shines orange and warm,
I can just make out a figure through the battering storm,
A smile appears, but not one that seems kind,
Chills colder than the temperature run down my spine,
The glow I thought divine to get out of my rut,
Was merely the burn of a cigarette butt,
Hands grab my jacket, tattered and tore,
"You once possessed wealth, but I've always been poor"
He says with a sneer, greed shines in his eye,
"I may as well take this, for soon you'll die."
Too weak to fight, too stiff to clutch,
The lowest reason I owe them this much,
I laugh as he walks away, drifting to dream,
Jokes on him as I see light, a shimmer, a gleam.
How did I get here?
Last year, I had to type a story for class and a friend asked me to read it to her. She loved what I wrote and ended up sending it to a bunch of people. She later told me about a website called Prose. I signed up and started to see all these writers. I loved reading what other people came up with. The wide range in topics and emotion was amazing. I love to write and get shy to post what I write, so I dont post often.
I am a 17 year old female. I am a senior in high school. I am normally a nanny over the summer, but I don't have a real job. I have applied to almost every place in my town, but I live in a college town, and jobs are quickly taken. In 3 years, I hope to be in college studying sociology.
I write because it is my way of expressing emotion. Writing, to me, is something I feel free with. It is freedom. It is an escape from everything going on in the world. It is a place where I am what I want to be. Your paper is your friend that is there to listen with the pencil being your words. Whenever you share what you write, it becomes your voice, and that is freedom.
I am broken and tired from the mountain of life I have treked upon
The road is rocky and the end is fatal
My bones have withered
And my heart is brittled
I have aged
My eyes have gone gray
My fingers have curved into the soil
And implanted my soul at the end of the line
I gave out
And sink into the shame
And I scream out Help
I couldnt walk this mountain anymore
So I take a deep breath
And etch my headstone
And write my script
I was so strong
But I couldnt swallow the tears anymore
I couldnt cry even if i wanted to cry
Because I was saving my last tears for my funeral
Because no one would be able to mourn my death
Because i am the only one who could bear the pain of staying
They all promised they would stay each season
Even the fragile falls
And the winter wills
And the spring songs of rain
And the summer swirls of happiness
But they left each turn of the year
Sometimes even months
They made a home out
Of me
And out they went
In they came
To keep warm
I held them from the storm
But the window of my soul
Couldn't withstand the storm
That was brewing inside of me
I whisper into their ears of magic wishes
Of love and crystallized hope
But I have been ignoring the pain
And stepping up the mountain
I have been ignoring the lump in my chest
I am catching my own sickness
I think its depression again
Here I go again
Plotting my own ending
Cant decide if I am going to imagine this one
Or make it a reality
I did everything right
I igorned the thoughts
But when the night comes
And overshadows my
The monsters of the night
Come out and prowl
Of my insecurityies
And jingle chains
And toss me food to chomp on my own bile
Of me
Knowing that I am hungry
To munch on the pain
To try get me to reason
Why I struggle
Because I deserve it …..
I thought I was happy
Because i had friends who cared
But they all left
When the frown apppeared……
Take your pick.
K—, whose Dad didn't want to learn my name because we'd break up eventually.
K—, who would pretend to cheat on me with T— for laughs, and leave me voicemails full of panting.
L—, who'd break up with me three times a week, and kept me enslaved to my phone.
L—, who cheated on me the first night I worked at summer camp. It'd been the longest we'd been away from each other.
T—, who gave me a sad, knowing look the night she agreed to be my girlfriend.
T—, whose ex tried to stab me with a knife. They're back together.
M—, whose first boyfriend dumped her after the first time they had sex, and kept begging for it from me.
M—, who kept hitting me when I said we would wait.
J—, whose Mom kidnapped her and brought her to New Zealand. She never saw her Dad again.
J—, whose Mom became a prostitute to pay for their apartment.
J—, telling me about the sores, the scabs, the oozing—down there.
J—, who wasn't made to live long. She made sure of that.
N—, who could die at any moment from a heart condition.
N—, who would couldn't feel anything unless it hurt.
N—, who laid in my bed, and when I wasn't around, laid in my roommate's.
S—, raped by her last boyfriend.
S—, at the hospital, because she stabbed her leg with gardening shears.
S—, describing her last boyfriend's penis with something like love.
And me. What the hell is wrong with me?
My poems are not real
just pen marks on my palms
glistening lips searching for another
deep pools of turquoise eyes
crescents of my soul
My poems are not real
floating imperfections in halos
tinges of colors mixed with lightning
carved thoughts and trembling hands
love within heartstrings
My poems are not real
stairs of tumbling rapids
racing without destination
brutal partings and warm embraces
forced tears and black tunnels
My poems are not real
endless roads paved in water
whirlpools of striking pain
grains of sand on beaches
skipped stones without weight.
My poems are not real
swimming in wide motions
empty train tracks
poetry unveils my darkness
hiding behind walls
My poems are not real
dangling thoughts on paper
doorway to my existence
beckoning for you to enter
to my world of unreality.