My horrible September 28th
‘Love you Dad. See you later’
Chirpy words that could prove a lie,
delivered through bubbles to the old man.
My main man in pain, lain on the stretcher.
He’s prepped for urgent surgery and his eyes say it.
My caught sobs say it too. This could be THE goodbye.
Last watery smiles and frightened looks cut short by sliding doors
and then propelled, shoved into minutes and hours
within which life plods on for me, is paused for Dad.
Finally, hours and a long lifetime later:
The call. Relief. For now we go.
Life DOES go on some more.
Freud’s still wrong.
A Warmup
The door slid upwards and the room behind it attacked. It was a barrage of smell, light and heat that made her gag, squint and tug at her collar all at once. In her days serving she'd been victim to chemical weapons with less potency.
She entered. The smell got worse but her eyes adjusted quickly. Flailing bodies were tossing one another about beneath strobe lights, enacting various questionable interpretations of dance. A good number of them boasted an extra limb or two. Or mandibles. Or scales. The culmination of interplanetary peace amidst the worst each People had to offer. Den of iniquity times ten.
Erica skirted away from the insectoid creature looking at her, briefly seeing her reflection in its multi-faceted eyes. It made a clicking sound and followed, reaching out to tug at her sleeve.
"How about a drink for the human?" The voice came out with a high whine, followed by another click. His kind were undoubtedly half the reason for the odor. They were voracious scavengers that carried the scent of their dinners around with them in a sickly-sweet perfume.
"Not interested."
"Oh, but the human is so pretty. The human has such nice features." The tug got more insistent as the thing's pincers clamped down.
Erica gritted her teeth. She was supposed to be keeping a low profile, but she guessed brawls and gunfire weren't terribly uncommon in a joint like this. Sweeping her hand around, she brought her gun up right beneath the thing's massive jaw, leering at it as its antennae flattened against its hairy head.
"No means no on my planet, buddy," she growled. "Don't know what it means where you're from, but I'm not here to play games. Touch me again and you won't be reporting back to the hive tonight."
"Nnnno disrespect was intended, human," the creature replied, letting go of her arm and putting up its hands. The clicking got more prominent, anxious. "You will get no more trouble from this one."
"See that I don't."
She turned away but kept the guy in her peripheral. If she flashed her badge she could probably clear a swath through the crowd in an instant, but she couldn't play it that way. Even if Hensen already knew she was here, she could at least use the throng to blend in.
The music kept flipping between different preferences. Now it was a high keening, some sort of wind instrument or other that was utterly irritating. Nearby a couple fell to the floor, doing what she assumed was a quickie. Erica gave them as wide a birth as she could while holding down bile.
She didn't like to consider herself racist, but as quickly as everything had evolved, everyone was having a difficult time adjusting to all the new faces and customs. It had taken centuries, after all, for earth to gain peace, and that was just amidst one species. There was no telling how much longer it would take for everyone to get comfortable again.
"Y'look tense."
Erica looked towards the voice. It had a distinct drawl to it, the sort she only heard in old westerns she'd watched on boring evenings off.
"Have a drink with me?"
The man smiled at her. He had quite the smile, she noted. Dimples and everything. She was immediately leery. There were all kinds of cues that he was out of place: the whiteness of his teeth, his clean clothing, the quality weapon on his hip. She supposed he could be another agent sent looking for Hensen, but she doubted they would have been kept in the dark about each other if that were the case. It would be too dangerous to cross paths and mistake an ally for an enemy.
She slid into the seat beside him, nodding at the bartender. "Just a water for me, thanks."
She got a downright condescending look from him, but he slipped off to retrieve it anyway, his spindly wings fluttering uselessly on his back.
"Sorry critters, Malorites."
Erica arched a brow wordlessly, but the man just continued to smile.
"I'd be pissy too, if I got that close to flying. Like they got caught in the transition of evolution and kept the souvenir for laughs. Not like it has good looks to rely on either."
Pursing her lips, she watched the back of the Malorite's pale, bald head. He returned, bearing his gums in his estimation of a smile, watching her with wide black eyes. Once he trotted off to cater to some other patron she subtly pushed her water away.
"Scared it got some of its slime in there?" The man asked, chuckling.
"Some might take offense to your comments."
"You don't appear to." He winked at her. His eyes were blue and bright, the sort of eyes sappy adolescents wrote poetry about. She immediately disliked him.
"I should be going," she said. There wasn't likely much she could get out of this guy. She should be probing others for answers, not cavorting with someone just because they made her less uncomfortable. Because they were human.
"That's the crux of the matter, isn't it?" He tapped a finger on the glass of his drink. "They're not human. Not like you. They're just too different, aren't they?"
Erica froze. Her mind backtracked to her encounter with the sniveling little bug, and she immediately began groping at her sleeve. She felt nothing.
"Too late I'm afraid." He flicked the glass, making a soft, high ping. The people disappeared, the bar vanished, and to her it seemed they sat alone in an empty room together, silent save for their breathing.
"Shit," she whispered. "Hensen."
The mind-reader smiled at her. His fingers formed a steeple in front of his lips, and he tapped them softly. "It's hard to pinpoint one person in a mess like this. Find one mind. If I tried to seek you out without a little direction I'd probably drive myself insane in under a minute. Thankfully people around here are easily swayed with something shiny."
Erica fumbled for her gun, but that too was gone. Or rather, she wasn't really moving. At the bar she likely looked like she'd fallen asleep, and Hensen would just be smiling to himself quietly. Nobody was going to come to her aid. She was going to have to –
"Thinking your way out of this one likely isn't going to happen, miss O'Riley," Hensen said warmly. "In that department I have you at a distinct disadvantage."
Biting down on the inside of her cheek, Erica willed herself to veer her thoughts away from certain subjects. He could get them, yes, but she'd make him shred her mind to do it.
"I could," he said agreeably, "But I find that distasteful. You're a brilliant woman, O'Riley. It would be a pity to do such a thing to you."
"I won't cooperate."
He smiled again. "Of that I have no doubt! I would be disappointed if you did. Honestly, madam, I just wanted to talk."
"Is that why you made yourself look like that? To make me come over and talk?"
The man made a wave of his hand. The visage fell away, one he'd catered strictly for her no doubt, drawing on attributes she'd find attractive. In its place, however, was a creature arguably more appealing. His eyes were purely white and peered out of a finely boned face, framed by dark braids. The rings on his hands dotted all six of his long, webbed fingers, and his ears fanned out on either side of his head, sporting gemstones. He looked like some sort of merman from an old fairytale.
"Ah," he said, and again flashed his teeth at her. "You do not find my kind so repulsive. So fickle you humans are. All about the looks."
She didn't refute it. In a way, it was true.
"In what way is it not?" He tilted his head.
"Most people can't just crack in and tell what I'm thinking," she snapped. "We haven't denied anyone alliance based on their appearance. Despite personal thoughts on the matter, everyone has had equal opportunity."
Hensen blinked in owlish surprise. Either he was a good actor, or it was genuine. "My dear O'Riley. You actually believe that, don't you?"
"Of course I believe it. It's true."
"Perhaps you are not so clever as I thought," he murmured. "A pity."
Erica felt her blood start to boil. She wanted to take one of his pointy ears and twist it until he cried for his mother.
Laughter bubbled up out of Hensen's throat. "I wouldn't dear. In my world, we consider that flirting."
"If you're going to kill me," she replied lowly, "Just do it. Like I said, I won't cooperate. You'll have to –"
"Yes, yes. Tear it out of you. Turn you into a babbling vegetable, like I have so many other people on a digital list I'm sure you have somewhere. A fiend am I, a scoundrel of the highest caliber!"
"I wouldn't say anything about you implies caliber," she hissed.
Hensen's eyes flicked suddenly to his left. Hope surged through Erica's chest. Someone was coming. He wasn't the only one who could stick a tracker on her. No doubt her superiors had…
"I was hoping to do this more gently, my dear," Hensen said. "But I'm afraid this is going to be a bit uncomfortable instead. Do find it in yourself to forgive me."
He reached out before she could pull away, hands gripping her temples in a vice. Pain shot down her spine, radiating from the base of her skull. She opened her mouth and screamed, writhing as she felt something being inserted into her head. It was a knife, she knew it. Knew it from the feeling. One cutting her down the middle, passing through every single nerve as it went.
Hensen's expression was genuinely remorseful. "Do cling to sanity now, dear," he said. "You're going to be very important later."
He vanished. The glaring lights thumped back to life, and she closed her eyes tightly against them. Feet shuffled away as she fell back off the stool, clutching at her head and weeping openly.
Vaguely she could hear someone saying her name, asking if she was alright, but it was drowned out by the train of memories barreling its way through her mind.
Our Shared Demons
I learned, I learned
If you can't eat the wolves
Don't run with the heard
If you can't feast with crows
Don't fly with the flock
If you can't swim with the sharks
And if you can't charm the sirens
Ditch the islands
And sink your ships
And if you can't wear a crown
Surrender your throne
The wolves are at my door
The end begins
Surrender the throne
My head is a home in flames
Drag me out from the dying wreck
Drag me out and let'em sing
Let the burning voices sing
The wolves, the crows
Let them sing
The sharks, the sirens
The owls, the dogs in a ring
Let them all sing
Let them fucking sing
And if you can't be a devil
Then leave this hell
By A. Guy
Let them run
Don't wipe them eyes
Don't dry those tears
Not yet
Let the rivers run
Let sadness wash over us
And let us drown
Today is down in flames
Tomorrow is up in smoke
And the ashes are again,
Fallen black like acid rain
Let the rivers of sadness drown the flames
Let them run
Let them swallow the smoke
Let the rivers run
Let them wash the ashes away
And let the scars be eaten alive
It's like the same thing
I'm just a little late
I'm always hoping to maybe change
It's like the same thing
You're just a little late
I am away.
It's like the same thing
We're just a little late
I'm always hoping to maybe stay
From the flames to stay away.
By A. Guy
Hell is other people
Said a sage without a steeple
Hell is oneself,
No. No.
Hell is myself.
Hell is the stars sown
Over the face of the sky
Hell is the stars shone
In the desolate despair of night
Unobtainable, unattainable;
Desire uncontainable
Lord, reap all of my stars
And keep them locked in a box
With all of my scars
Hell is the bawling balls
Rolling not with a meager speed
Each, pocket-bound, falls
From a green plain, soft as mead
Alone in its leather-barred cell
Pushed by a stick into a still hell
A community in lonely fractions
Scattered, aimless unto demise
By the grace of outer actions
And the motivation of unnatural device
Each popping in its own pocket
Like pilgrim drops in an eye socket
Travelling as fast as a rocket
They used to use the name billiards
Now we say pool
This hell's wilier than a deck of cards
And has not one fool
The demon,
The enemy inside,
The skeletons in my closet
Are my only friends
You must think I'm insane
I must be what you disdain
No, wait!
Don't hate.
I suffocate.
Sufferings resuscitate
But I am much too late
The actions I can't condone
The words I can't control
Are my true biography
The shepherd falls
And the sheep strays
Sleep betrays
When darkness gets thicker
It strikes me as odd
That it strikes me,
You, us.
And everytime the clock strikes
Worlds whirl.
That clock ticks death in
Creeping, caving.
This moment is never coming coming back,
Yeah, it tastes bitter!
That moment is never coming back,
And it tastes better.
One gone,
Two gone
It's like when a nuclear blast
Silently meets a desert storm
Devastation in beautiful form!
Each tick is a maelstrom
That quakes the earth
And shuffles it into a new birth
Have you heard about this?
Life above
Had no love
For the silly clown
Who left the town
And into the tunnel he went down
He was blinded
By the brilliant stench of the tunnel
It's like living in and at the cemetery
Corpses all spangled and merry
"A child's play,"
They all will say,
Be that as it may
But a cemetery is no place to live
Dawn broke
Stars faded
Darkness that once shone
From places unknown
Light glimmered,
Swinging between clouds
Rain came scampering
Against sills and windowpanes
It was all gloss and glitter
And the clown remained down under
Where there was no rain or thunder
A prisoner of all that he owns
Merely his flesh and his bones
His body a noose,
Knotted, gnarled,
Ravelled and wound tight
Its ropes, his soul.
A hell unending, binding, awaits
Each time he awakes.
For the vain,
For the inane,
Today, hell is mundane;
And it's running like a vein.
By A. Guy
Words of an Obscure Poet
I think I'm too old
For the old scenes
I am past going back
To the places of the past
Those marble-blue docks where
Grey clouds are still
Sticking and hanging around
Where hope once had died
And a stray, named "cut-throat
Bitch", was once knifed.
I know I'm so sick of the darkness
Hiding behind the sun.
When the sun awakes
It is the fool who sleeps
When the sun sleeps
It is the fool who dreams
“I like it, man!” cried the beams,
“Browning had the stupidest verse.”
His lines looked like streams.
Such a lovely curse!
Click, click.
YouTube makes us all sick
“This dude is the truth!”
Gasped an uncouth youth
And where’s the proof?
“His stocks burnt the roof.”
Yeah, he’s ‘real’ alright.
Never die in a losing fight.
Reality is the lone death of possibility
Every vacuum is another infinity.
Once or twice,
I flirted with the dice
And saw the fiend death
As it squinted its eye
Who said truth means
You never tell a lie?
All the images that once lied
Have now come to waking life.
All the words we never said
Are now the living truth
All the words that held
Our ears clogged and overdosed
Have turned us all obtuse
Now’s the chance to find a noose
Old and odd with a heavenly nod
We stand awaiting the next god
Cure me, obscure me with the
Haggard books longing for drowsy looks
Once or twice,
I kissed the wrong dice
And saw that wry twist of fate
A little far too late
Who said happiness means
A smile that doesn’t ever abate?
Even when tears run away
They come around another day
(Go! Snigger your oblivious fate
And ignite the flag of a happy state).
It’s, like spring, mild and kind
When we’re drugged far past blind
For we are the common slaves
Who never want to be told
That we are the common slaves
Yeah, I was wrong to dream
That I could pinch the clouds
(Painlessly, without a cry or scream)
With the tips of my fingers
Untangle the grass from my white beard
A clingy brown leaf has persevered
But even after it’s disappeared
Gone is the dignity I once revered
Down here in the bashful clutters
Where an ill mouse crawls and mutters
Down here in the insomniac gutters
Where a distraught bat nervously flutters
Save me, brave me, berate me
Or find the bitterness that ate me
Condense me, convince me that
Sense deluged confidence
On trite crumbs our souls feed
Wish I were a blissfully barren steed
Like a gaping scar that won’t bleed
The world humbles and I plead
“Love me, despise me, comprise me.”
It’s all been boring lately
It’s all been boring lately
And I can hardly fucking endure
The stench of cheap manure.
By A. Guy
Beginnings and Ends
“I am moved by fancies that are curled
Around these images, and cling:
The notion of some infinitely gentle
Infinitely suffering thing.”
T. S. Eliot
Truth hangs;
Can you see my skeleton,
Waving from the noose?
Empathy scars;
But how can you see scars,
Seared and sketched on bones?
Misery saves;
Can you see a Messiah,
Blinded on a cross?
Days fell to oblivion
April came and went
May passed
But March stayed behind
And sat with us,
Within us,
Confiding, colliding
With what is left
From the track of our memories
It made us aware of what we’re missing
It made us aware of our blessing
Like shorts and legs and their half-dressing
Breathing lively awareness unto them
Of the winds passing between them
Red summer eves came,
Blowing small fires in marshmallows
Laughter rang like bells
Tear-soaked cheeks intoxicated the air
It fell helpless victim,
Blessed with a rare curse,
Giggling and wiggling about their hips
Heated amid their lips
Secrets changed heads
Like leaves change colour
And ears leaped with dolour
Faces lost their graces,
Turning red with ire,
Stealing from the night her pale fire
Martha's mirth grew duller
When her tummy grew fuller
And Tommy's head felt weary
When drowsiness made his eyes bleary
Bells all shut up
Eyes all glared with disbelief
When they saw a friction
Of a once great shadow sprawled
From a wealthy cloud -
Of apparent generosity -
To a land torn and eaten
By a parched sun
They saw a skeleton hanging
From a noose that's on a cross dangling -
Casting such a thin shadow
Giving neither solace nor relief
Only the horror of disbelief -
Its bones, alive, mute,
In numbing pain;
Unable to scream
Entranced, limbs paralyzed,
Suspended without the greyness of shade
All thoughts bland
They stood hand in sweaty hand
With one squalid image fixed
In all their eyes
Frigid, immovable
Heedless to the ambition of
The arms of any stirring fan
Their voices hopelessly lost
Not even an echo of a dirge or a toast
Faint and faded,
How can a voice resound,
Without silence, how can it be found?
Well, it must have been horrific
Ague and agony terrific
Drowning smiles that were once prolific.
By A. Guy
Let us be one
if you ask me about meaning of life i have so much to tell you.
though i’d rather remain silent.
my study is not over.
traversing the space, arising from void and falling into nonexistence.
a few memories is all that remains.
happy people call this the great game.
i’m probing it to the extreme.
my darling emptiness, do you have anything else to hide?
uncover what’s behind the veil.
i’m almost there, but then i see a person, much older, miserable, wretched.
yet beautiful! yet another manifestation of myself!
cruel god, let us be one.
Hippie girl
Девочка-хиппи в юбке до пола
С кучей ненужных вещей в волосах
Стоит перед небом покорной и скромной,
И смотрит с вопросом во влажных глазах,
И слышит ответ отчетливо-строгий,
Многогласый, синхронный, на трёх языках:
C'est la jeunesse, c'est la tristesse
C’est le voyage de ton esprit
Ça n’a va pas rester ici
это юность и это печаль
это путь, что проходит твой дух
это не то, что останется тут
this is the youth, this is the sorrow
this is the light your life is to cast
this was not meant in here to last