"The one who has not queried their novel does not know pain." -Unknown
Hook Me; Part II
Write the beginnings to the next great novel. Must start with the sentence: "Once upon a time is such a cliche way to start a story, but here we are." Tag me!
Ended March 9, 2022 • 14 Entries • Created by LEBass
Why will humans never actually make artificial intelligence?
Poetry or prose. Looking for humor, but won't object to some serious angles. Tag me!
Ended February 17, 2022 • 6 Entries • Created by LEBass
Why can't you love me?
Write a story - poetry or prose about unrequited love. Tag me!
Ended January 29, 2022 • 22 Entries • Created by LEBass
Broken Love
Sometimes we can't help who we love, even if they do nothing but hurt us. Write about it, whether it be romantic, familial, or friendship. Let's stay away from graphic abuse - think about the psychological side of toxic love. Poetry or Prose. Tag me!
Ended January 29, 2022 • 10 Entries • Created by LEBass
Hook Me
Write the best hook to the beginning of a novel. Must start with the words "As my world burned...". No longer than three sentences. Tag me!
Ended January 29, 2022 • 74 Entries • Created by LEBass
Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda.
Regret is a powerful emotion. Story in poetry or prose about what you would do if you had a chance to go back. What you would go back to is up to you. Don't forget to tag me. Happy Writing!
Ended January 5, 2020 • 5 Entries • Created by LEBass
Old Endings Into New Beginnings
I found this prompt online and I absolutely love it. Take an old poem, story, or journal entry of yours and use the last line and make it the first line of your writing today. Don't forget to tag me. Happy writing!
Ended January 5, 2020 • 5 Entries • Created by LEBass
I Start, You Finish
I saw another Proser do this, and I absolutely loved it. I'll start us off with a sentence, another person adds another sentence, then someone else adds another, and then so forth. Make sure you mark your title as your number. When we're all done, I'll string it together and we shall have a short story. Don't forget to tag me. Happy writing!
Ended December 21, 2019 • 13 Entries • Created by LEBass
Crash and Burn
Create the scene of a car accident. You could be in the car, or just a passerby who is watching. For a twist - maybe its nothing more than a nightmare... Your choice. And for once, I'll provide an example. Poetry or Prose. Tag me. Happy writing!
Ended December 21, 2019 • 8 Entries • Created by LEBass
Toxic Love
Sometimes we can't help who we love, even if they do nothing but hurt us. Write about it, whether it be romantic, familial, or friendship. Let's stay away from graphic abuse - think about the psychological side of toxic love. Poetry or Prose. Don't forget to tag me. Happy writing!
Write about star-crossed lovers. Take inspiration from Romeo and Juliet or even real-life examples. Poetry or Prose. No word limit - happy writing! Tag me!
Ended December 18, 2019 • 5 Entries • Created by LEBass
The Feel of His (or Her) Hands
Poetry or prose about the first time you held someone's hand. Tag me!
Ended December 5, 2019 • 11 Entries • Created by LEBass
From Across the Room
Poetry or prose about the first time two people have laid eyes on each other. Tag me!
Ended December 5, 2019 • 6 Entries • Created by LEBass
How do you feel when you love someone who does not love you back?
Write a story - poetry or prose about unrequited love. Tag me!
Ended December 5, 2019 • 39 Entries • Created by LEBass
Trickle, Wave, Roar
Many great ideas can come from a single sentence, thought, or question. Post what was your inspiration, (Ex: That man seems suspicious; I wonder why...?) and then the story or poem that you were able to create from it. I will decide the winner - Happy Writing!
Ended October 31, 2019 • 1 Entry • Created by LEBass
You're not crazy. You're convinced you're not crazy, even though everyone - the doctors, your parents, and friends say you are.
Describe a character's spiral into insanity. You can be convinced of your own sanity - even suspect the insanity of those around you. Have fun - get creative!
Ended September 16, 2019 • 13 Entries • Created by LEBass