Amidst the madness I found myself
Blood dripping like leaking roofs from my fingertips
Pricked by the thorns of your barren soul
Falling in grace upon your eyelids
I circle back to the phases of the moon and youth
Where blood magic calls out to the infinite sky. Energy and perception embracing the moonlight
Casting down upon the beauty of your perfect form
My fallen statue of Rome
My daughter of the Tourmaline sky
Brought down from the autumn night to forge the armor of my heart
And anchor my soul to the depths of loves collapsing walls.
A Madwoman’s Cry
My dear;
perhaps the cure
to my insanity;
do you even exist
in the same time
and place as I do?
Does the universe
have enough sympathy
for my isolation;
to unparallel our paths
and let them cross?
Oh love,
my everything,
my nothing,
I am stranded
between not
and wanting you
to come around
for I am afraid of becoming
the fool I am if you do;
of having the hap
to cherish
only to, alas,
lose you sometime
when I piteously am
in need of you most;
and if you do not,
my heart shall
continue to beat
for my lifeless soul
until the remnants
of courage and fortitude
deepest inside
become nothing
but empty words.
- e.d.
21 June 2016 at 10:13
Body Warmth
We spent all our emphasis
On words to wound the soul
With no regards
To what would fill the holes.
The kindest thing I said
Was when I didn’t say a word,
I never asked for you to stay
Because I knew how much that hurt.
Now if it’s all the same to you
I think I’ll bury this,
And bury myself too.
I only kept my body warm for you to use.
week end
belly flutters
and wine uncorked
work status
to background buzz
hold it off
taking moments
push the weights
sit in bubbles
cooking eating
reading watching
loving sleeping
same time awake
yet no alarm
nothing stops
except the guilt
take a back seat
just a bit
three blinks gone
it’s my weekend
leave me be
busy friend.
Cleansed of sins
Blamed for bitterness.
Bound in forgiveness.
"He made a mistake"
Society: forgetful, innocent
Me: judgmental, ignorant
Vomit more verbose lies from your blistered tongue stating how everyone has their skeletons
As he makes more room for bodies in the basement since all closets overflow.