Prophet or Profit
He benefits him, It benefits them
Broken are the words in his head by sin
Unworthy he begrudges himself from within
Chosen are you in insolation
Until you carry this divination
Sadness, loneliness, and despair
Deny his higher he not dare.
To move forward without fear
You must do so, time draws near
Your message is important but you are not ready
The plan moves forward at my pace so stay steady
You cannot profit; They cannot profit
But You will be my Prophet
Walking or Standing
The path may change but not your destination. Please don't stop or you won't get there. Don't look for guides because they don't know where your going. Don't look down always look forward or you will miss the signs. You will find yourself in dark places at times but you must be the light. As you walk you will stumble; some will say you are going the wrong way. Each time you fall down pray and I will give you strength and direction to continue. You will get lonely on this journey and I am truly sorry but this path is not just for you. I know this seems unfair but its intentional and until you commit to walking you will always be lost. You are not who I have called you to be so standing in one place waiting to be found won't work. Your path is not your past but your past is a path. Leave it behind you. Some will never see you as I do but when you start to walk you will know why I chose you for the journey. If you are afraid then you know its not me. You have nothing to fear because I have already shown you that during most lost moments I am guiding you.
Shame, Orphan, & Status Quo
I keep forgetting: why can't I remember who I am? Is it because I have no idea who I want to be? Its an indulgence in my own self-pity. I can sometimes remember having a identity at one time but it was false; a mask I wore in a place I existed to belong where I didn't; amongst people whom only wanted nothing but my everything. The everything that I refused to give to myself because I could never identify who the real me was. Now I have come to a realization. I have three personifications that have developed because of the people in my life I forget who I am and then I remember but I keep forgetting to remember who I was before I forgot who I am. The persona that seems to cause us to hold back in life; keeping us from letting go and moving forward is simply called "Shame". Shame's memory is horrible; Shame often forgets the pain others cause us, friends, family, or emeny Shame can't tell the difference. Shame can be a bleeding heart and Shame's bark is worst then Shame's bite. "Shame" will never intentionally harm someone that's not Shame's way. Shame feels inferior and lonely all the time so Shame clings to others so Shame can forget the loneliness. No matter how hard Shame tries: the things Shame wants to forget Shame always remembers and what Shame what's to remember Shame always forgets. "Shame" wakes up everyday wondering what will Shame have to give up now . Shame truly just wants to be normal. Shame wants to forget how to draw, write, sing, dance, create. Just so Shame can remember how to be happy, average, accepted, and not alone. You see "Shame" does not talk to the other two personas because "Shame" does not like what they do, Shame believes they are the reason why; Shame can't be happy, average, accepted, and not alone. The next Pesrsona Ophan refuses to cooperate with them so our progress moves at a slow pace. Orphan is a child and has short term memory and his feelings are hurt by the simplest of actions, factions, and reactions of others. How quickly Orphan forgets until it happens again and it's like a open wound begrudged by salt; stirred in the unlikely hood of Orphan's childish day dreaming. Orphan forgets because foolishly Orphan hopes it would never happen again. Refusing to GROW UP Orphan never learns. The next persona is (Status Quo) his memory is selective which in my opinion is more flawed than Shame & Orphan. Status Quo only recalls what Status Quo wants when Status Quo wants to recall it, but there are instants where Status Quo does forget critical moments in Status Quo's life. There are times when what Status Quo selected to remember; was not what was needed to be remembered. Status Quo spends Status Quo whole life remembering everyone else's details but forgets Status Que own. Probably because Status Quo never selected remember. Status Quo has secrets that Status Quo can't remember other wise Status will forget them and select the wrong person to tell. If your not wondering you should be, but if you are wondering who is writing this. "It's not me "Shame" that's writing this! I can't hurt someone anyone how they would hurt me." Well it's definitely not me "Orphan" I would kill myself if someone said this about me." "Status Quo here my guess is this is a prank but l do know there is only three of us??? None us would reveal this much about the other or ourselves so who are you?? I AM BLAME.
Collectors Edition
Some people will always judge your book by its cover because they want to write your story, be on the cover, Or see how it will end. God writes series in our lives; so you let them know the cover issue they see is apart of a series. The beginning is going to be different from the ending; and it will be published under God's Work. It's not for sell and part of a Collectors Edition. Value all the series that God is writing in your life; and remember his original stories only lead characters to joy. There will always be someone, someone's, something, or somethings trying to cheapen your story. Your story's price is determined by who you let write it. So ask yourself who's writing your story? Because the publisher will be asking for an ending.
Spiritual not Religious
No matter what does or does not happen, I'm thankful God, because my life has real and unique value. Even when I go through long stretches during which nothing goes my way, that value is always there.
Lord I'm thankful for the dicernment to tap into that value an stop focusing on what hasn't happened and start focusing on what you can do. Even if the whole world seems like it's against me, there is something of value that you have to contribute.
Lord I'm thankful because of you
I can forget about trying to figure out what is fair or unfair. Let go of my need to make judgments about what life has handed me.
Lord I'm so thankful, Instead, I reach within and touch that part of me that resonates with beauty, with peace, with truth and with joy. Then look outward with eyes that are freshly drawn toward the positive possibilities.
Lord I'm thankful that you move me out the way for a chance to move in favor of my life. Lord you bring my prayers to life to have real value you can create from where you are, using what I have.
Lord I'm very thankful for your grace to rise above the mere circumstances and start fulfilling the abundance of unique and beautiful possibilities that are in me.
Lord now I'm thankful for this life, and you God surely make it real.
Perfectly Imperfect
I truly understand the meaning of life experience. Situations, circumstances, and mistakes are all apart of choices. We ask ourselves why do things same old things keep happening to us. What we really should be asking is why didn't we learn from them the first time. The only thing in this world that is perfect is imperfection.