Waiting for Spring
Cool and white the snow falls steady behind the glass turning the brownstone buildings white and smothering the sidewalks and its chill reaches out in frigid embrace and steals the heat from the blankets she’s wrapped herself in. The heater that runs along the wall’s trim in her apartment fights with a dull hum to keep her warm as the crystalline flakes throw themselves against the window to bring the cold into her bedroom and in defeat melt into streaming tears to match her own. In her ears the acoustic pulses like a choked and rhythmic sob and the song is sad and she is sad and looking to the sky the snow comes ceaselessly and without tempo and coats all evenly and it makes her sad too but where the singer’s voice lends understanding to misery and the instruments bleed with her heart the winter does not love her and would see her covered uniformly with the world and she thought that if she were to be sad she wished she could follow the songbirds south and be sad somewhere warm and far away and hear their mournful trills instead of the static buzz of her headphones and as she remained here with the numerous, nameless leaves that died in autumn and now lie buried in a white grave. Bracing against the chill, she sits up and wipes her eyes and starts another day.
Fiery and harsh
light on my lips
Drunken and drowning
from the first few sips
Nights full of love
Bring mornings of pain
For my red bleeding heart
And my soft muddled brain
Weeks and months pass
Without missing a drop
Suffering each second
If I tried to stop
Emboldened and brash
I drive it away
Only to plead
And beg her to stay
It pounds in my chest
The hurt doesn’t end
The wound stays open
Unable to mend
Blue chips and meetings
Are no kind of cure
Sobriety is nothing
If can’t have her
So I sit in my stupor
The bright world grows black
Numb and alone
Until she comes back
Veni, Vidi, Vici
Rail cars pulled along the tracks by the roaring coal engine that fills the endless blue sky black with smog like squid’s ink in the light shallows as the train rattles across the silent plains. Crossed endlessly by track and post and wire the West falls quiet and becomes loud again as the yells from horseback and the shuffle of bison each halt under the fire of rifles and the whistle of steam as rail begets the plough and the plough more rail in a headlong conquest for the sea and reaching the rocky shores of the Pacific we turn back to the cool Eastern coast and the red-soaked agrarian dream and weep in our knowledge of finite gains and infinite cruelty and mourn the ignorance of an empty world.
A Common Cut
Her soft eyes cut me
Standing there all perceptions of imperfections and predisposed notions of what this world is to me are scorched away in the warm inferno glow of her corona.
Thin brown hair rippling like low tide
Flawless in her sundress as she spins in the daylight and laughs away my somber darkness and dares the stars to burn brighter.
Gentle fingers moving lightly through the air
Fearing that my damaged touch will make them rough and that my wounds will become her scars and the pure light that she radiates will be eclipsed and her white snow will be stained red.
But she has cuts of her own
She smiles as she bleeds and soothes my scrapes and shows me that if life is the razor then love is the tourniquet and that the collective bloodletting of humanity pours from its common cut and this
That we two, we too, we all bleed the same.