Danifest Mestiny
Manifest Destiny!
Restless ol' quest esprit-
Best of the Westerly claims!
Drunkenly binging,
Ah fuck, we're impinging!
Our cups runneth over again...
Three cheers for Jefferson,
Preachers, and Remingtons!
Free jeers for everyone else!
Good God, I'm sure it's a
Damn-shame t'live anywhere else!
Don't flinch if we harm ya!
...sure, I've heard of "car-ma":
Ain't that what's makes chocolates so tasty?
We's was blessed with a sword
'n we earned our reward,
So now don't ya go calling us hasty!
We'll break'em and bleed'em,
So here's to our freedom!
Cheers to the Land we was born in!
Danifest Mestiny!
Tip back the rest... hope we
Don't regret that in the mornin'.
August Conviction
Is the rush I feel in my wound-licked soul
the holy spirit or just abused, rusty
fans behind the pews, working overtime to keep
cool amid summer heat, derived
from impending fire and brimstone?
I squirm.
The pastor holds up a bible
and says, HE is joining us
HE is here, manifest.
Repent, and raise those hands!
The emperor with no clothes felt
more clothed than me right then,
the roof removed from my sin-riddled
self, marred and twisted by judgment
casket blown open, a seal broken
standing face to face
with God
or a rusty fan.
Beef stew
Old west rancher, Anderson Miller
Had roosters and cattle
Than anyone in his neighborhood
Once in days or weeks, who cares?
He gathers them together
Ministering like a preacher
Oh ye brethren, we are gathered here today,
to witness the slaughtering of one us.
I, as your keeper have been grieved by hunger
I have had sleepless nights
Your moos and coos have made me weary
The smell of your poop's, irritates me.
So therefore, a sacrifice is to be made.
Two nights ago, our brother Mani
From the rooster tribe, was sacrificed
Though he fought like a soldier
Before my silly smoothly knife
His struggle, shall not be forgotten
People gathered closely to watch this commotion.
For his staggering old voice, rocked with sensation.
From his hip tall wall, we watch for fun.
Out of great compassion and mercy
I have decided this day
To exclude the sore roosters
As they mourn, for their beloved brother “ Mani”
For his parts, gave me strength.
Moving onto the rodeo of contention
He takes a small stick
That he calls, “the silly cat”
Flings it high
Whichever of the member of the herds it falls upon
That brethren hays is sealed in fate
Oh! Oh! Mustafa
Just yesterday, I brushed your beards
You told me about your frustration
In getting Melinda to be your mate
You asked me for tips to win her heart
I'm sorry you'll never get to try them.
Oh! Oh! Mustafa
I fed you some plantain peels
We hugged for minutes
Telling each other how we feel
A rule is a rule
For many were called
You were chosen
Though this may hurt
I promise to be gentle
He slowly takes the billygoat away
Though I wanted to cry
The show was over, the crowd disintegrated
Now that old Anderson Miller
Rests six feet closer to his brothers
The whole town wept
For such a manifest, unlike no other
Will be missed for a long time.
Only a king, could have had such an attention
Free to air
United by our affection
Here now lies Anderson Miller’s park
A place for all, a place of fun
120 years ago
Anderson Miller had roosters and cattle
Than anyone in his neighborhood.
Far west, in Texas town.
Blood of a Soldier
Drips the crimson blood from his wounds,
And deepens the colour of earth.
His eyes are hollow, so much death he has seen,
He was not a killer by birth.
But today his body hangs in shreds
Barely tied up at the girth.
Neither he is a budding revolutionary
Nor an arsonist with a twisted stand,
He is a simple family boy
Dutifully serving his motherland.
His torso lying on the Reeves sleeve
Just ready to hear the bagpipe band.
He is a soldier with no caste or creed,
For some he doesn't even have a name,
Apolitical and no vested interests to plead,
He suffers the most in this game.
All because we deny the ultimate truth ...
Blue Blood
Blue blood is a myth, you see
For we all bleed the same.
Burgundy runs hot and fast in our veins
As red and as certain as a sunrise.
We all bleed the same
For the vessel says nothing about the life
that writhes, quick, quickly in it
and never ceases, 'till it is taken.
Perhaps by God or by another man,
who will not know whose blood
it is, smeared stark across his hands
For we all bleed the same.
And as we struggle to keep bloodlines pure,
to purge our perfect world
of those whose quality of thought
doesn't meet our blue- blooded standards,
remember that our blue- blood river flows from many streams
and that we all bleed the same.
Because I am human
Before the bible was written,
Before humanity was conceived,
Before forbidden fruit gardens
Tempting Adam and Eve,
Before Renaissance paintings,
Before the birth of man,
There was a place of nature,
A vast luscious land.
It breathed in sapphire skies,
It exhaled emerald grass,
As is the case with all beauty,
In time it would not last.
As we grew with the mountains,
And became wiser to the seas,
Boasting of our compassion,
Yet raping the Earth with ease,
We capitalized on suffering,
And in fear of the unknown
We singlehandedly tore apart
The land we had called home.
Because I am human,
Does not give me the right,
To poison a whole ecosystem,
To take a single life.
Because I am human,
I must accept the blame,
For when there is nothing left,
all we know is that
We all bleed the same.