Hope Beyond Humanity
Can you tell me how to get,
How to get anywhere but here?
I hear there are places full of sunshine and light,
Where darkness is powerless to pierce.
I’ve yet to stumble upon the key,
The key to this place they call wellness.
Yet I hear it is beyond all beauty,
And it fills the heart with gladness.
Some call it lore, A legend of myth,
Passed down to all who will hear.
But my heart longs to believe it true
As what else have I but this?
Fresh fields of daisies and sunflowers galore
Rivers streaming through fields.
Where the sun never fails to shine
And the clouds are unable to yield.
Transport me to this wondrous place,
I think I’d give most anything.
What have I to give, but my heart and my soul?
And those have already been claimed.
My hope lies not in this fading old world,
My promise lies beyond its touch.
My hope is in the world beyond
Whose assurance holds so much.
Bestill my heart to think on such things
My innermost self sent a-quavering.
Yet let me hold tight to the promises I have,
For in them I shall never sense a waivering.
Breath of Light
Her choking sobs fill the empty space
between the dark and light.
Did it ever truly occur,
If you cry all alone and no one hears in the night?
If only to feel the light for a tick,
The brevity of one tiny breath.
When smothered by tears
That strangle the life
Attempting to grow 'spite the fear.
Each ray of hope itching to shine in,
Bumped aside by the hovering clouds.
Darkness seemingly overtaking all space,
Making it so easy to give in.
Gazing in awe at such beauty above
Fluffy, floating clouds perched at the rim of the world,
Suddenly darken and pour out their lusts,
Slowly twisting into gnarled old hands
Waiting to claw and to thrust.
Can thoughts be so powerful?
Can one bleak trace cause the sun to take chase?
The answer seems to be clear.
And if this is so, then reasoning begs
That the polar should also be clear.
Oh light beyond, be thus faithful to me.
Hide not your goodness when needed so deeply.
Just to pledge hope is your commission
For us mere humans to hold tight.
Hope is all we have on this earth
So shine forth bright one,
Come closer and usher in the light.
Alternate Realm Of Love
Awakening in a place that’s odly formiliar, yet not quite where you were before.
Am I real, can anyone see me? I panick! I run screaming, can anyone hear me
but my cries are ignorned!
How did I get here? Where is this place? I’m invisible here, no one sees my face.
The weight and thickness of the air overwhelms me to the core.
I have ventured to the place where nightmares are stored! This alternate realm,
is it in my mind? I seem to be trapped and there’s no sense of time.
Oh, please someone hear me! I know I’m not alone! Caught on the other side
of the veil and no way to get back home.
As I awaken to my new reality of an altered life, I see I was not in another realm
at all, people choose to ignore my cries.
No one can save me because no one can see, noone will hear me because they
do not believe I’m me!
I am no longer me I’m sad to say, but I was diagnosed with an illness stealing
all that I love away. Myself, and the people in my life one by one disapeared, tossed
out, left out and shoved away. All due to an illness no one wants to see because
they “just don’t know what to say!” I am not caught up in an alternate reality afterall,
it’s very real but there’s no on to care to catch my fall! I suppose this is the place
where nightmares are stored, trapped in a hell all alone with no love or support.
What is really on the other side of the veil? The people that live there might actually care!
This reality is full of unbelief, lack of compassion and love. We will never be free
until we can rise above. Rise above the stereotypes, judgements and stigmatisms
we as humans do not understand. It would save a lot of lives if others would try
to understand! It’s not in our heads and we aren’t making things up; we just need
a helping hand and to once again feel loved!
The most dangerous lies are the ones you want to be true.
The ones that will tear you apart and break your soul are the same ones you want to believe in and imagine on the daily.
You are willing to sacrifice so much to have the reality you are wishing for, but sometimes it isn’t meant to be. And that’s what makes it so dangerous. It can be so heartbreaking and devastating when you finally realize it won’t happen. And was never there to begin with.
The fragile truth can break you if you find out it’s a lie. But then again, that means it was never the truth in the first place.
Mom woke up with testicles!
I woke up with testicles mom said with fright!
You must be mistaken, turn on the light!
I went to pee and they are dangling there, what do I do; I'm really scared?
Check again and turn on the light!
I don't need to she says; I know what testicles feel like!
Please come to my house and take a look!
Not happening mom! Give your husband back his manhood you obviously took....
This isn't a joke, I'm really scared! Besides, these can't be my husbands; his don't compare!
Mom, go to the doctor but wear his boxer briefs, you need proper support out in the heat....
Why does it matter if they hang and get some sweat?
Mom, the sweat and heat will make them stick to your leg....
Dreading the after doctor call, sure enough it was her, and it wasn't balls after all!
Her bladder had dropped out of thin air, mistaken for testicles, thankfully her husband is still the proud owner of the bigger pair!