Dear future husband,
Dear F.H,
My mom said "in the past people used to write love letters on colored paper"
Well, that was her answer to me when I asked her that question about "the opened door movie"
So I wish that one day to write you one on a colored paper
I wish that I be the love of your life and that you love me and accept me for who I am
And maybe we have not met yet or maybe we did, I just hope that you put down my storm; the one that has been with me inside since the day I Reached earth
I wish I be the one to put down your fire too
I wish to be the calm to your mind and the peace to your soul
Baby I promise to love you till the day I die and never lose passion in you
I promise to help you get through the bad days and enjoy the good ones,
I promise to always be there for you whenever you need me; I will always have your back and I will be
your pack.
In a very late cold night I once wrote you that I will make the night cozy for you and I hope you do that do Cause all my nights are restless but I know I will find peace in your heart
I promise I will never break your heart even if I had to break my own I will always defend you and till the
last drop of my blood.
Always and forever, Baby!
María ;)
Getting stuck between loss and regrets,
Growing older and understanding life more
Wanting love but never taking the risk
Being afraid to commit to something and not having the power to face it
Overthinking everything but wanting calm
Hurting people around because you're afraid to get close
Hurting yourself; cause you push people you love away
But they still say it'll get better when you grow up and then it is all your fault cause you believed them and never thought they were lying
But everyone lies even when they say the truth.
Maria ;)
Trapped in my head
I'm always angry, I just don't show it.
I have a hurricane inside me.
A fire is burning me inside out
Nothing ever puts my fire down
The flames are getting bigger and bigger.
I burn everything I get close to,
I hurt everyone tries to put it down
Because I love how it feels to be on fire
I run to music to stop overthinking everything
But voices in my head are louder than music in my ears.
María ;)
Dear Mother,
I hope all the things I will say weren’t true but I can feel them in my heart and my feelings are never wrong. I know you don’t love me anymore and to be more in detail, I knew you don’t love me anymore; the day you heard someone talking bad about me and you didn’t defend me, the day I asked for my equal rights as anyone and you said no. the day you agreed on every shit word was said about me, the day you told me I’m like someone and I know that you hated this person so much, the day you said to me I’m selfish and stopped hearing me, the day you read my opinion over things and looked at me in a bad way. The day I told you I tried to kill myself and god knows that I still want to and all you cared about is how wrong it was and the day you showed me how much you care about people more than you care about it but mom I care about you, the day you saw me after cutting my beautiful long hair with my red face and I was crying over it and all you did was just looking at me angrily because I didn’t obey your orders, and the 50 days I spent crying and being depressed and all you cared about was that there was no reason for it but there were tons of reasons but you just couldn’t see or maybe you could have but you just didn’t care anymore, but mom I care and I love you and will always love you even if you don’t love me back. Mom I’m still in a lot of pain and I can’t do anything about it, no one is there to help me and you’re not there too. But mom I will keep trying even you don’t want me anymore. Mom I will keep fighting to be the person I dream to be. But I won’t try on earning your love again because I know you’ll never give it to me. Mom I know I pretend to be tough but I’m so weak around you and mom I love you till the day I leave earth.
Your broken daughter
María ;)
You know What is the most dangerous thing in life; passion, cause if you lost passion for anything or anyone, it means that everything was taken down over your head and that you fell, and so if you want to survive losing passion, you must remove the ashes and the dirt from yourself, stand up and start over.
You can always survive anything no matter how hard it was.
María ;)
I wish I was a star
I wish I was a star
Living in the sky
Worm inside
Bright outside
Shin in the night
Fly in the space
Lead your way
Fill your night
Listen to you carefully
Without getting bored
And whenever you look at me
You fall in love with me
As it’s the first time for you to see me
Oh, I wish I was a star.
María ;)