The beginning was a love story.
He was always touching me. He told me he wanted me. He told me loved me. He wouldn't let me sleep. He told me he couldn't live without me. I couldn't go a day without talking to him. He always wanted me to hang out with him. He said he wanted what was best for me.
Five years later and he was always touching me, even when i pleaded with him to stop. He told me he wanted me, while he went around with countless other girls. He told me loved me, then turned around and called me a fucking bitch. I was so, so tired, and he wouldn't let me sleep. When I told him this relationship was killing me, he told me he couldn't live without me. I couldn't go a day without talking to him for fear of a bombardment of texts and calls. He always wanted me to hang out with him, and would get furious if I spent any time with anyone else. He said he wanted what was best for me, even if it meant lying.
It took me a long time to realize I had lost my voice.
The fruit falls from the tree
Ground hits back, impact
Leaves not coming back
Sun burns hot, no shade to protect
Branches too far away to intersect
That was Daddy when he left
His little peach on the steps
Flame of shame, juiced up to seduce
Luring to ensnare, to use.
Left once, now to never lose
Holding as tight as the flesh on the grooves
Seed solid beneath, unseen
Break you if you bite too deep
Taste it. Sweet. Hollow underneath.
A Ripple in Fate
It appeared the heavens were more sorrowful for Chen than he for himself. They sniffled upon the sand in which he knelt; their pristine tears rained upon his outstretched palm, and the small capsule of poison there as well. Ampule of cyanide is a potent little suicide mechanism; brain death within minutes, and a ceased heartbeat to follow suit. It was during the twilight hours, to be exact, as the moon took the tide by hand to meet the shores of The Gaurdian Sea, that Chen knew the hour had come. He acknowledged neither seawater lashing, nor thunder barking to drown his hysteria.
There are things to be felt and seen, roared the wind. But he heard not; defeat, after all, roared with a vengeance too. As he raised the ampule to his drying lips, hope and reason aside, a flash of white imposed upon his line of vision.
"Who's there?" He called. The ampule slid from his grasp and rolled out to sea.
"No time to speak, I'm in a hurry!" The intruder replied. Chen sprang to his feet and pursued the echo of the voice, which to him sounded like a child of sorts. He happened not upon a child at play, but a short man, pale as porcelain with strange rabbit-like ears. He wore a sepia vest over a dull striped shirt, with a fresh bundle of hyacinth tucked behind one ear. Upon his head sat a lopsided, dirty hat with the phrase 'King of the Inconstant Moon' embroidered in cheap yarn. He did not pass even a glance to Chen, as he was quite occupied with his golden timepiece. He shook it from side to side in a rhythmic fashion, and each time he did so, the atmosphere began to ripple like a pebble on the surface of a sleeping pond. Chen felt his eyelids grow heavy. He stumbled backwards as the world about him spun in various directions, "What are you doing to me?" He cried.
"It's time for you to face reality my little dreamer boy. You must leave this Wonderland ."
Chen watched helplessly as the elaborate dream began to fade. He awoke to a large white room covered in black ink scribblings. Locating a patch of uncovered wall, he began to paint the unconvetional canvas with a fury of words. Behind the panes of a one-way glass, doctors looked on with fascination; it seemed their administered doses of shock therapy and medication had not stopped the young man's psychotic episodes. This time he'd written a new mystery for them to ponder:
To perish within the subconcience is a deadly thing, for that which the imagination conceives is eternal. The dreamer cannot cheat death with intellect. But how on earth do I explain The King of the Inconstant Moon?
#ProseChallenge #itslit #getlit
Puppets on string,
the front-lines are little dolls,
the chain holding their limp spines.
Clay molded by hands,
melting ever-so-slowly,
nails digging into their skin.
Children's young minds are strung
by the ever-so-mighty,
the wiser and the powerful.
Their minds are susceptible clay molded
after the dictators of the home.
Mirror images are the nightmares of origin.
Those Damn Bunnies
They took me in, sinister
Little, beady eyes
Praying tiny paws like a minister
Perfectly pocket sized
Wrinkled little noses
Luring me in deep
Their fur soft as roses
As they curl up to sleep
I walked right into their lobster trap
They knew I couldn't resist
With their long, floppy ears they wrap
Me in like a closed fist
I'll never make it out of here
I'm doomed for all of time
I've fallen for them hard, I fear
Imprisoned for this fluffy crime
Manipulation Station
Purposely mold
Turning to gold
That which you hold
Bring out the bold
So it can be sold
Building it up
Making the cut
Squeeze it and cup
Train like a pup
So others can sup
Nail and glue
Drive it true
Don't over do
Take an old shoe
Make it brand new
Build it up tall
Better for all
Get through the wall
Don't let it fall
Answer the call
Put it in gear
Grab it and steer
Forget the fear
Soon they will cheer
Give it a year
Change it
Play it
Grow it
Mold it
Repair it
Prepare it
Influence it
Enhance it
Drive it
Create it
Manipulate it
a child laughs
the camera starts recording
the camera moves back
a group of children laugh
the camera focuses
they play in a sand box while it rains
the camera stops recording.
there are guns held to their heads,
guns and men that will shoot them with no hesitation.
the camera doesn't see
the camera is taken away
the children are shot
what does the world see?
The Mirror
You smiled and laughed because he made you the happiest person alive.
He meant the world to you.
You wanted nothing more then to make him happy
So you cut your hair, dyed it blond.
You left your friends behind.
You changed the way you dressed.
You became a vegetarian.
You started going to the gym 7 days a week.
Then one day he left.
And you looked in the mirror
And realized
You missed your purple hair.
You had no friends to turn to.
You hated your clothes,
All you wanted to eat was a burger
You hated running
You changed everything for him
And when he left you didn't even recognize yourself.
favorite person
She’s digging through the bottom of her brand new leather handbag
Seeking, finding, searching, yearning
Digging out a compact
Her lipstick
Your wallet
She’s touching up her makeup and checking her complexion
Anything to make sure someone, anyone is
Checking her out
Better if everyone is
You are
She draws you in
Tells you she loves you
Because she loves you
Tells you she hates you
Even though she doesn’t
Until you do
You hate you
You hate her
And the blur and haze
And the blaze she leaves in her wake
She smiles at the flames
Bright red smile perfectly in place
Because she’s always topping off her pain
With a damn
Feeling Dizzy
I had a Vodka Cranberry last night.
It told me I could dance.
When my flailing arms made me look like a joke,
I went and grabbed a Rum and Coke.
The rum said I'd get a special surprise,
if I quickly downed a Tequila Sunrise.
Tequila said I need someone to adore me,
So I found some courage in a Dark 'N' Stormy
The flaming shots promised to make me cool.
After several of them, I skinny dipped in the pool.
What at the time I thought was celebration,
now I can see clearly.
It was alcohol's manipulation.