The Love Experience
From my start to gods end
Love was all my soul craved
Through the years my light has dimmed
I have found that this game is very hard to win
At first sight I felt I met my beautiful twin, my best friend
But, just like that you were gone
I walked through life in reverse searching for your light
Little by little my needs and wants drowned in darkness
Left with fading memory’s of what you said
Just then I felt your warm touch on my cheeks
Savoring this feeling that I missed so much
I reach out my hands to touch your heart
I felt nothing but the breeze from the storm clouds rolling in
The rain covered tears that slowly kiss my cheeks, your gone again
My voice became meek as I lowered my head
Navigating this world without you, I can’t win
Not really sure if this is a game I want to be in
Just like before you showed up with blue tulips, stopping my wars
This time you can feel my eye’s are no longer yours
My innocence begging you to stay, please don’t take your love away
Yet, my lips curse you setting your frame ablaze
You smile while turning to dust taking with you my love and trust
Left alone, blinded and broken in the dark
I had a long honest conversation with my heart
Rebuilding my life I got to meet the real me
I learned that I didn’t need love to save me
Now I’m remembering that you’ve always been there for me
I just needed to love me in order to see
That the unconditional love I craved was always inside of me
TAS Legacy
TAS Legacy
Thunderous words grabs and holds my attention
Unrelearning all the lessons you mention
Playing my part to fix my own broken dreams
A sound track for life, sewing strength at my seams
Clouds of unseen demons hiding in plain sight
All eyes on me, yet they still don’t see the real heartz of men
As you grew and learned the world was full of unfounded hate
Made to be a man while stuck in a fixed game by fate
Asked to be perfect, pain reminds us that we’re human
Refusing the pattern by creating your own lane
Unaware of how many hearts we’re flowing through your veins
Me against the world fighting temptation, yet they remain the same
Shining many lights on our troubles and fears
Helping those in need thrive without cheers
At an age when it was hard to survive
Keeping people alive with ink and soulful eyes
Unique in every way like the ocean’s tides
Remember me, feeling every heart kissed line
I understand, when looking at Life through my eyes
Like the sun in the sky, I still love your unrepeatable spark
Just like a shooting star, you left a living mark
No matter the distance, time gone by and changes that took place
I can still feel your words dancing with my thoughts
Your words soothe a trial of broken hearts
A ghost in the dark not many could see
I will always appreciate the parts you set free
Your soul tie reignited a blazing battlefield of fire in me
Unsure and at war with if I really want the world to see
As I rest my pen near the rose that grew from concrete
I will continue to celebrate you by being a better me
Coded Kisses
My eyes bloodshot red as my thoughts begin to spin
My heart skips a beat, as I start to feel weak
I kiss my fingers to savor his sweet caramel flavor
As sweet honey drips down my thick thighs, my hunger increases
Up against the wall your hands play my harp
Our lips collide while I fall in slow motion
My temperatures rising, as my skin begins to pink
While my body starts to shake and my voice becomes meek
Your hands begin to explore all the adventures connecting these hips
While your with plays in this snow covered peak
Your lips tasting the nape of my neck
Why do I feel cold, heart broken, blinded and torn apart
My blood begins to hurt as my energy begins to drain
My chest starts to tighten as my soul starts to pack
Feeling sharp pains dancing within my bones
As I’m finding it hard to breathe, I feel something in my back
I open my eyes to get a better view
Only to finally notice something strange about you
Your eyes still hypnotic yet, full of fear, love, envy and lust
Your lips a deep rooted red, still sweet like honey
All I feel is pain when I reach out for you
Your eyes all a glow, but you don’t move
Placing my hands on my chest and neck, but it’s not the same
Lifting my bloody hands into my view
My heart is telling my mind ‘you’re deranged’ this can’t be true
Finally realizing what you are
Yet, I’m yearning for more to take away this pain, to forget again
As my body starts shaking off your venomous kiss
I no longer see your shadow, yet you’re holding me tight
I can hear your hissing, I can feel your rattling
Remembering every battle you shed your skin to win
As I watched my blood drip from your lips, you smile
Then plant one last deadly coded kiss
Safe With Me
Your eye’s tell me story’s
That you won’t allow your heart to feel
Your soul tells me secrets
That you won’t allow your heart to speak
Your scars show me moments
That your mind can’t bare to face
Your lips kiss your words with fire
That only a coded heart can taste
Time and time again you continue to try
Yet, people still played with your heart
Seeing the light flow from your eyes each time
I feel your essence slowly dyeing
Watching you lock yourself away in order to survive
Watching the world tear you apart, my soul cry’s
My love, I’m covering you in is unconditional and free
I’m not perfect, this I need you to see
Here I am baring my soul to set your pain free
I’m asking you to let me walk beside you
Asking you to allow me to place my hands on your heart
To heal you from within, to rebuild your trust
To take away your pain while returning the light to your eyes
To returning the happiness that overflowed when you smiled
You are so guarded, that you can’t see
That our hearts are the same, so I’m sacrificing mine to set you free
All I’m asking is that you take a chance on me
Believe what you feel, then you’ll know you can trust me
I’ve been here from the beginning
So I truly understand your pain
Your footsteps will continue to fade
Until you heal and walk with love again
So again, I ask you
Take your love off safety
Let me show you that
You are safe with me
Your Eyes
I come to life when you look at me
Sitting here with you my heart begging me to speak my truth
My words are silenced by the fear of losing you
You hypnotize me with just a glance
I see the beauty of the world in your eyes
Just the anticipation of your touch, I get chills
When you speak, I'm a willing student
Your passion for life puts everything at a stand still
When you smile, I breathe in slow motion
The energy you give makes me forget my name
Being in your presence melts my pain away
My belief in love is restored when you look at me
When you look at me I want to bear my soul to you,
If only you knew but, I can't, I can’t
Wishing we could come to life together
I've seen our whole future in your eyes
Wanting to take you to a place where we become one
Your eyes penetrate my hearts guards like targeted bullet
One wink from you and my heart opens unconditionally for you
Just one look from you and I find me
I feel as if my skin has been kissed by the sun when you look at me
My heart skips a beat every time you say my name
I can give you all your hearts desires and more
If only I give myself permission to just be free
But my fear of losing you is too strong
So these feelings will never see the light of day
Lovingly I will continue to play my part
But, I see you still don't know the true power behind your
Beautiful Brown Eye's
Thank you
You are my guiding light
From the melanin god gifted upon you
To the bruises embedded in your heart
From the sin engraved in your soul
To your strength that keeps us from falling apart
You are loved
You are my melody
From the sway in my hips
To my slow motion walk you created
From the steep curves you love to explore
To the powerful arch in my back that hypnotizes you
Hold your head high, you are loved
You are my heart
From the first breath I took
To my last exhale, you’ve favored my love
From your hands that built this world
To your arms that cradle me tight
Don’t give up, you are loved
You are my strength
From the very beginning you walked right beside me
To the continuing love you give, when there should be none left
From the light in your eye’s, even when the world goes dark
To me being a glowing reflection of you
Stand tall, you are loved
You are my passion
You were born to this world to be one of a kind
I open my heart to you to take away your pain
I bore your youth to grow a better version of us
I will carry your vision when it becomes to heavy for you to bear
I will protect your heart at all cost, even from me
Keep the faith, you are loved
You are my soul
We submit to our god with love together
Our exchange of energy lives in the past, present and the future
Because of you I see the world in a different light
They fear what you were designed to be
They tried to destroy you, but couldn’t,
so they imitated you because you are greatness by design
Time and time again I will alway chose you
Your aura was taken saving us
Life for you has always been hard
But, life without you would be hell
I will always be here to lessen the blows
And give you unconditional love, support and understanding
Fix Your Crown, You Are LOVE
Her, She, I and Me
The trapped me
I’m trapped in a body that has many versions of me
Their is She, Her, I and Me, plus 3
People never truly understand how the world is for me
There’s a Constant war for control over me
I am the strongest for now, you see
No matter how hard I fight
She won’t let me be
Yet, her vision is not stronger than me
I don’t trust who she’s going to be
Unsure if I’m still me
When I look in the mirror, it’s her reflection I see
When she takes over I drown in misery
Yet, when I return I’m unsure if it’s truly me
I could just be an illusion, they like to play games with me
Until I start to feel what she’s done to me
I can’t allow her to take control over me
I can feel what she truly wants to be
Can my friends tell when it’s not really me
Can my coworkers see when there’s something wrong with me
Can my husband feel the difference when he kisses me
Or is her behaviors and jesters just like me
Do my kids know I see and love them with every ounce of me
And that I’m sorry because they could be just like me
How can anyone tell if it’s truly me
When I’m not sure who I really see
Or am I already just the me everybody needs me to be
Most have never seen the real me
So they don’t know if it’s she, her, I or me that they see
I created her to protect me
from all who tried to destroy me, including me
She refuses to stay in the dark
I tried restraining her but she always gets free
If I don’t let her take over
she’s promised to make me destroy me
No, no, no, Stop, stop
This can’t be
Now that I’m free let’s see
Can you tell which one is me
To melt into his arms as if to be his pillow
Supportive, Comforting and soft to the touch
To ride upon life’s waves of fear, love, lust and lost
To live a life of solitude upon will not force
To willingly be so far away
Yet, to be so close to the heart, mind and soul
To reflect yourself in the tears that fall broken and out of order
With all separate emotional values, respect and understanding
You feel it as real and powerful as the pull of the moon
While you breath in the sun
As deadly as a hard winter’s night breeze
As swift and cold as a lover with no vision
As real as the truthful shine from the stars
As real as you and me
For what it leaves in use all
To be loved in the moments after death
Faithful in the long ago
Rejected in the present
And feared in the future
We call this life at its best
Dangerous Man
With eyes like fire dancing in summer time
The color of caramel dipped in the essence of god
Your visions from gold, love driven and focused
When you see me, I can taste desire
Your mind measures the world at a glance
Born to this world as Le Penseur with loving growth
The beautiful views you project are healing
Yet, you still make time to dream of me
Sculpted by the goddess of love
Oh, when you smile, it’s mesmerizing
I’m forced to breathe deep, yet slowly
Tulips as soft as silk, they pull me in every time
The warm caress of your mannish words cuff me
As you passionately kiss every line
Sweet like honey, my second favorite taste
He radiates this brilliantly beautiful light from his core
Like a moth to a flame, I can’t stay away
Your love pulls me in like my grandmother’s hug
You understand before I speak, you taught me how to show love
You take me to a place you made just for me
Your core gives more then it receives
I now know how to give you my love unconditionally
Just the thought of your touch, I exhale deeply
Your hands have creative strength with scares
They create from intelligence and love
They can destroy, you only choose to build
Yet, those manicured hands sensually grip my neck
With desire, respect and admiration with love
Blinded by love
Do you ever think of me
The love that couldn’t be
My touch you can’t see
This time it set me free
With all the love I gave to you
I melted when you came near
But, this you didn’t see
Blinded by the fantasy
Hurt by reality
Enchanted by the lie’s
Suffocating from my words
You said I didn’t love you
You said I didn’t show you love
You said that I didn’t care
Little did you see
That I was always fair to me
I loved you with a heart that was untouched
I caressed you with hands that held no sin
I heard you with ears that no doubt knows no doubt
I kissed you with lips that never cried wolf
I saw you with eye’s that created man
In the end you didn’t see the kingdom I created for us
A safe haven just for you and me
Thinking back on what could’ve been
Makes me shed tear
Just to know I was blinded by love
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