my identity is a graveyard overgrown
and it is difficult to differentiate between my own existence and the entity who you swore to love
for she and I shared nothing but a heart beat
and you and I shared nothing but our bed sheets
and yet here I kneel digging my own grave and lining it with the skin you traced so thoroughly
I tuck myself in beneath layers of heartache and comfort myself with my dirt caked nails
satisfied next time your eyes meet mine you'll find nothing of the girl you left behind
she is in her grave and I am the shovel
and you are the stone
but I am the one writing the inscription
and it will read
"she who lies here has died"
As we grow up we begin to fear silence
Afraid to be alone with ourselves
As kids silence was a time for imagination
Now it's an internal examination
Ever wonder why so little take the time to pray
Probably because we're trained to keep our thoughts at bay
We are constantly staring at screens
Or engaging in shallow conversations
We hardly notice the time fly by
Rarely stop and ponder "who am I"
So worried about our image that the surrounding eyes reflect
That we don't self reflect and behind our own eyes inspect
With others opinions we'd be less concerned
If we took the time to look within and learn
Who we are and who we want to be for ourselves
And quit letting others determine our self wealth
A Couple in the Dark
This was one of those nights
A few years ago
When they were first getting
To know each other
Before he quit listening
And became angry
Before she quit caring
And became cold
Before the kids came along
And changed everything
This was one of those nights
When the stars and moon
Told them where to walk
Leaving out every superstition
They carelessly stepped
On every crack
Laid out in front of them
Kicking the leaves as they went
Clearing a path they thought
Would lead to Eden
All the trees were alive
Where the darkness had opened
These moments were
As simple as eating fruit
Simple as sharing the desire
Held within their warm mouths
That came pouring out
As they talked
And as they engaged
In long breathless kisses
Neither one of them
Looking into the future
That knew them better
Than they knew themselves
I think what hurts the worst is the way you knew me
every scar every secret every crevice I hid my dreams in
and when you cut me down to size
you couldn't help but realize
that you weren't the first to take your fist to my face
that you weren't the first to twist my wrist
that you weren't the first to inflict
the kind of pain that doesn't fade with time
you healed my wounds and so you knew exactly what scabs to pick you knew exactly what makes me tick and how to bust me open
I showed you every weakness every loose thread and when you were done you tugged and tugged and here I am
you knew what you were doing you know what you've done
and here you are with upturned palms whispering lies like
"I didn't mean to"
"I'm sorry"
"let's restart"
and I'm melting because all my skin remembers is the way you sewed me back together the way you held me like a cast til I healed
but my mind knows better and it's all I can do not to sink to my knees in defeat
you were my last chance
my final stand
reluctant trust
and here I am right back where I started
but worse off because you knew
you knew me
the truth about lying to you
if I were an honest person
I would tell you
the tea bags beneath my eyes
were soaked in salt water
and the only reason
my lips still taste sweet
is because I drink honey
in an attempt to stick
my insides back together
without tearing myself apart
the way I used to
but I was never honest
so instead I claim
that there hang
two separate midnights
like ornaments to decorate
the foliage of my lashes
and my lips taste sweet
because nothing bitter
has ever passed through them
if I told the truth
the way that good girls do
I'd admit to you
that my face is red
from crying and my hands
are red from dying my skin
the color of strawberries with
my own insides and my
lips are red with lust and my
feet are red from
running away from my past
and my knuckles are red
from it catching up
but I've never been a very good girl
and I keep convincing you
that my eyes are raw from
allergies and my hands
are tinted from writing in ink
and my lips are pink
with the taste of your lips only and
my feet are swollen from
bad circulations and my knuckles
well that was an accident
it was
if I loved you
the way you love me
I could honestly say my skin
is bruised from tripping
and my clothes are mussed
by the wind alone and
you're the only man
I dream about kissing
but I think you know
although I've never said
that my skin is speckled
by someone else's love bites
and my outer layer
has been rearranged
by his greedy hands
and I long to be wrapped up in him
sometimes even
when I'm wrapped up in you
if I were a descent person
I would let you know
and let you go
but you and I both
hold on even when
I'm in his bed
and you come running in
to tangled sheets and broken dreams
even when my hands
are wrapped around his neck
we lock eyes
and everything is alright
because sometimes lies
feel honest
when we believe them
Warning: This May Sound Psychotic
For those of you
Who struggle with muse
This is what you should do.
Take that little bastard,
By the neck and
Slam it's head into the wall
Until it's creativity
Is splattered about the room
Then gather the juice and
Use it to your advantage.
Until there is absolutely nothing
My body stopped hemorrhaging.
I have dreamt of you every night
for the last three sleeps and
it's never different.
I wake up sick and unsatisfied and like something's
My bed is three feet from the wall
the next morning, and
I have to move it back.
I'm not kidding.
I always wondered why I never wake
feeling rested.
I went to bed at eight fucking o'clock
and eleven hours later
I still hated leaving.
I don't know if I can ever
be my own again.
Even my subconscious mind
still feels like it's yours.
Bleeding sweat.
The ocean turned over in beats and bass, and the sand moved in the roll of a tongue beneath her stomach and hips, and the rest of the beach gazed at her there while her headphones blasted Modern English and other post punk ’80s bubblegum resurrections. The smell of Coppertone and Pacific had married above her body and pinned my vision on the horizon behind the top of her perfection. I ran my middle finger down her knuckle and she smiled beneath a shroud of wild hair with sweat at the roots.
Back at the house we made it halfway up the stairs before my tongue was up her ass and she was grabbing my hair. Her palms leaned forward and pressed into the carpet while I held her legs off the ground, the grip of my hands on her hips, and I watched her body bounce off our sex while she bucked and came, her hair in her face, her perfections hard at their tips. I arched my back and shot into her and we were frozen there like statues bleeding sweat, my love for her a poem I could never write.
Pleasure Wealth
Inhaling sweet,
sweaty breaths
Your belly, firm yet pliable,
your sun-starved places, shy yet delighting
How can I endure another bend
before my dam fissures, crumbles,
And I am all over inside you?
But I do –
you are unlike any love I've ever made,
we do not simply dance with gravity at our points of entry
We spread the pleasure wealth
out into our eyes, up into our brows,
down into pressure points we never knew we had
As we roll in a blur together
like hummingbirds that know the words
to each other's magic spells