The unknown is fear wrapped in a pretty bow
It is the tip of the iceberg, with fire below
There is no right or wrong where you can write your wrongs
The most gut wrenching of all is taking a leap and not knowing if you will fall
Miracles are born with the reception of deception and lines get crossed
The unknown is understood to be misunderstood
Where there are black, white and grey areas to explore
The unknown can lead you to places, people, things and more
With endless possibilites with a road ahead for is what to come
Having you spining, circling, wondering, walking maybe desperate to run
Jessie’s got a gun.
When it’s all said and done, I could’ve died from the tip of your gun. Banishing the feeling of this trauma has begun. How do you live, laugh and smile son? When you’ve been the trigger to my madness of more than one? When was the last time you walked in the sun, letting the light hit the darkest parts of you one by one? You loaded your gun, removed my heart piece by piece and flesh by flesh. I'n broad daylight you were on the run.
#thoughts #emotional #2019 #winter #heartache #j #poem #feelings #friday
Another sip of tea
Better late than ever, across the room you glanced at me
Caught me by surprise how you chose to let us die
Dealing with a heart that I didn't break
Every day is painful, it feels like a never ending war
Furocious in madness that's completed with empty mornings of sadness
Giving all of me, down to the last dust of bone
Healing to replenish where love once lived
I know it's a lesson learned, I was burned but at some point we have to forgive
Just the very thought of you grows fire inside of me
Killing me with no kindess but the absence of your whole being
Loving you was the bravest thing I did even If I knew I would spill out all of me
Melting the pot of love, hurt, defeat and cheat
Nothing compares to the night at 4am when I listened to your heartbeat
Over every painful exchange, every tear I've shared with God
Putting myself first to create self love and beating the odds
Quiet nights alone humble me in sickening ways of me falling asleep saying your name
Relentless torture to my soul when I think about how she gets to feel you
Sitting in the cafe where it all once made sense and our hearts grew
Tonight is the last time I will need you
Under all of this pain, happiness will burst free
Venting out smoke from past trauma that still lingers for a place to go
Waiting for you to accept your mistakes and let go
Xenons of lust suffocates me and leaves me wicked and binding
You weere the greatest heartache to interrupt my sanity
Zipped up my bag of bones and shredded flesh, I loved every second of you, we were the best.
#heartache #challenge #pain #poem #story #emotional #personal #love
Come with me into the thick of it. Where lust and love doesn't exist. We are pure, we are rich. Rich in smiles and laughter. We create doors of emotions, sip on love like a potion. Enter my chest, where my heart rests and things can just beautifully be. Let's admire our shadows dancing together in the air. I am here, for you to stare, to admire, to love and to purchase thoughts that you pay with doves. Come with me, where we can battles the madness. Embrace the good, the bad and the ugly. Remember, beauty is within the most trauma. We fight, we are brave, we speak on emotions and hold hands until our grave. Come with me and leave behind being afraid. We will find strength within eachother and neither of us will ever bend. My friend, I love you with every breath till the end.
Everyone asks " why can't you just untie it?" " Why can't you just let go?" Being held captive by another persons power who has the authority to make you feel for them, think of them, cry for them, beg for them, fuck it I'll even bleed for them. Holding strong, twisting, turning, cutting into my skin like a million silver pins. I am the punching bag that refuses to go down. Let me out so I can let love in but instead I invited you in and you have been here 3yrs far too long to be fucking up my space. It wasn't a waste, we cracked towards the end my friend. I keep your name loose on my lips and you keep mines ever so tight. One day I will bite until my teeth rots. Tonight, I'll sleep here, I'll hold my throat clutched. Living with this knot.