I pray to see thy beauty once again for every hour thy thither hence, my heart aches like ne'er before. Thy love be my strength and without you near, to keep me going, I shalt wither away and be taken Thither by death. Oh thy love I miss! for only once in a blue moon shall we meet, for our homes art far from eachother. I know in time we shall finally be together forever, and never be departed again. Yet my patients runs thin and I wish that day to be now. No matter the time it take I shall wait, for like the stars in the sky, I shall always be there for you, waiting for the next time I can be with you once more.
Hopeless romantic
Oh what a romantic you are
Speaking so deeply of love and passion.
But you wouldn't really know about love
Seeing as how it never works for you.
You speak of moon lit nights and walks on the beach
Of candle lit dinners with whispers and giggles
Of gentle hands and the sweetest of lips
Of eyes that steal your mind and soul.
But you only speak of thoughts
Of wants and wishes
For every time you've tried
To make fantasy into reality
It's only turned into lies and pain
To long nights that drowned you in tears.
To deafening voices in your head
Questioning everything.
Oh what amazing love you speak of
But it seems love isn't meant for you
Your just the dreamer
The beggar
The fake
One by one we go insane
All is lost yet all is gained.
Come into my mind and see
The essence of insanity.
All emotions become one
All emotions become numb.
What the hell is happening
Is there something wrong with me?
All these emotions inside of me
Make me laugh uncontrollably.
All I want to do is scream
Is this real or a dream?
Hahaha hehehe
Who are you?
It is me.
The story of time
Have you ever went on a walk
And thought about the history of it all?
How everything around
Became what it is now.
How everything that is today Is because of what happened in all yesterdays before.
Next time look at a tree
And think of all it's seen.
How it has never moved
Yet probably seen so much.
If that tree could talk
What stories could it talk about?
Of things coming and going
See the beginning and end of lives.
It's amazing to think how
Everything that makes today
Is because of everything before now.
The killer called love
You finally told me you loved me
That you wished to be with me.
Years I wished for such words from you.
And every time I almost said them to you
You would always love another.
But this time it came from you.
Your words dancing in my ears
Making my heart beat again.
Once more I believed in love
Once more I was happy.
Long nights on the phone talking about
Things we wish we could do together.
How we wished to be in each others arms.
Then the day came
When I was finally going to ask
that question.
When I was going to touch your lips with mine
yours opened to speak.
With a few sentences you killed everything.
You said you met someone
As if what we've said for days never happened.
You once spoke of love for me
But now you speak of love for another.
Killing me and somehow
Not even knowing your doing it.
Smiling all happy
As if things should be great.
Clueless of it all.
And now I die
And yet not one soul knows.
Not even the killer I called love.
I don’t know
Honestly I don't know anymore,
I use to think I did.
Thought I had some bit of an idea,
Of how things really are.
Thought I understood somewhat,
Of why things were the way they were.
But now I see
I don't know anything.
My world keeps changing
Going against what it was yesterday.
Night becomes day
And up becomes down.
Find out that truths are lies and nothing is real.
Just a giant ball of infinite insanity.
One thing that hasn't changed all this time.
If you don't let go,
You become.....I don't know.
Never will I leave they always say,
But then there gone like it was nothing.
Never will I lie people tell me,
Funny how I find out about the truth.
I will never love another soul,
Yet you tell me about your crush the next day.
I hate the word never,
Hate it with a passion.
What bullshit it creates with just one word,
So much pain it can cause.
Never doesn't exist,
It never did.