Modern Utopia
Cathartic Introduction
I’ve lived a life of many lives that one can not impart to anybody; and through this time, from the way people have changed me, I can not say that I am the same man or I will always follow the same code that I followed yesterday. It begins with Earth and her history, and it ends with people and their values. Sometimes people don’t want to change and they ignore the ugly truth. Other times, people are naive and they lose their sanity worshiping false idols. In the meantime, I want to propose a notion of true faith and put hope back into satisfaction for what is worth and portray a beautiful fantasy that revolves around the world that could be in due time.
My fantasy aims to balance the scales of equality and put order back into the world after what kings and queens have done to it. I believe that the world’s currency is backed by cheap slave labor, and there has always been a system of currency in place since the dawn of Homo Sapiens. I believe that money causes every type of resource shortage known to man, and these commodities should be regulated accordingly through procedure. I believe that there is also a such thing as a need and want, and there is always a need for want. So, in a modern society, necessities should be automatically provided to ensure the health of the economy. I believe that it will eliminate debt forever because of how most America’s basic needs are transported intra and interstate. I believe that non-essential services should be paid for by service credits to ensure that people satisfy their need for want. In the real world, every little idea and detail helps. So, people would need to come forward and volunteer off of their own kindness to ensure the survival of mass production. I believe overtime technology will be strengthened and more things will be manufactured through automated machines. So, my fantasy is hindered by the time it takes to make technology. However, people must be willing to declare their independence from one another first.
Independence is freedom from outside control or support : the state of being independent. So, I believe people need diversity or else people will always support something or somebody because of what others like and not truly because of what they like. In that relation, diversity throughout the world should be maintained in order to keep peaceful relationships between different cliques of people. My assumption is that people tend to assimilate into these cliques through continuums, and trends in media are what establish the continuum patterns between a person’s likes and interests. All of this relates back to “Attribution Theory” made by Bernard Weiner, Fritz Heider and Harold Kelly where they use consensus and distinctive to describe a person’s actions. In continuum, a person’s most distinctive actions would be the extremes, and the adjacent values are consensus. So, my fantasy aims to help every one find the continuum that fits the trends that they’re on through independence. You’d never know how many people were going through the same problems to need someone to be there. It just goes to show you how the world has changed and how it’s not as simple as it seems. It perpetuates the question: can liberty compensate for all the rest of negative space left behind?
The biblical aspects of liberty have been derelict and misguided for centuries. The Bible portrays the scene of slaves being tortured and oppressed under malevolent rulers. It never clearly condemns the use of slaves, and it certainly doesn’t allow people to have free will. The Bible gives us hope that there may be life after death, but there may be no home better than Earth through your own memories. I believe that humans would be enlightened overnight if they were to take some of modern technology and mix it with old theology. People want something to believe in, and people want to know where they come from. I know that will satisfy a lot of the true believers and non-believers who have their faiths challenged on a daily basis. Once a new bible is written, it will lead all religious people out of captivity. I believe the Bible was written to enslave the people who read it and label them from birth. So, when we talk about free will as I did earlier, common sense plays a huge role in averting a person from making bad mistakes. A persons values also shape their likes and interests. This is when a person feels most at their free will. That is because people still have a choice from siding with the consensus or distinctive population; and anytime a principled moral argument is incorporated, a person’s values can change with trends. When referring to trends, I believe that religion is a huge portion of the consensus population. So, on a biblical proportion, I believe that mutual respect, unconditional love, and philanthropy themes etc should be promoted throughout the 21st century bible to ensure that my fellow humans are on the path to enlightenment.
7 Deadly Vices
Finally, in my fantasy, I’m opting for people to refrain from the 7 deadly vices and to take up some of the heavenly virtues as everyday values. By definition, greed is intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food, and lust is a very strong sexual desire. Gluttony, itself, is habitual greed or excess in eating, and wrath is strong vengeful anger or indignation. Pride is a feeling that you are more important or better than other people, and sloth is reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness. Lastly, envy is a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck. As you can see, refraining from these vices alone can ensure my fantasies survival, but it’s only up to the people to truly want to stop doing the things that they do to make my fantasy harder to achieve. Indeed, I believe the solution lies hidden deep within a person’s conscience reasoning skills to reason their way out of any situation.
Thereotical FTL Drive
People perpetually perpetrate that nothing can move faster than the speed of light, and gravity in theory can move at the speed of light. By combining very quantum phenomenon, I believe that I have concocted a plan where I, myself, can dream of traveling faster than the speed of light. By creating a relay that serves as a portal where time can’t be distinguished from space, I believe it relies solely on the speed at which matter appears at every point on the grid at the same time. This relay serves as a conduit that makes metal spin into a sphere that is indistinguishable from it’s counterpart before. If something could be thin and spin at a speed to which it appears solid, it can be neutralised to serve you as indifferent matter. Where gravity can be manipulated by frequency to make objects more attractive within a specific range, the idea becomes clear as the perfect outline for a portal. By utilising neutrinos, my theory perpetuates the misnomer for ingenuity. The likeness of a gravitational spike where the waves propagate at higher frequencies creates the ideology that space can be manipulated to make the microgravity of other stars propel you toward them. Where this conduit starts here and ends there, I am undecided on whether I will need two. For personal reasons, my ingenuity is shunned by a lack actual perpetuation of the ideas that are shown, but I will continue by saying that tachyonic matter may be necessary. However, the relativeness of using another stars gravity with a conduit might be all that is needed. If one were to travel faster than the speed of light, it would definitely need to be reinforced with elements that are not indigenous to earth. In nature, no perfect circle exists. So, anything that is man made may indeed be perfect. For instance, if one were to travel faster than the speed of light, the heat would be of that of a dying star. So, my ingenuity is commonplace in theory with that of quark matter inside of a neutron star’s core, but the burst would be more than what can be contained, and it’s necessary for the jolt to be contained, and then there is strange matter that could be the death of an entire solar system through strangelets. However, with my passion for engineering and my ability to make things work, I am sure that it will go as planned before in my dreams.
The God of Dread and Terror/Chapter 1: Escape from Tartarus
“Zeus”, said Athena. “As wise as you may be, your ignorance has costed us unprecedented amounts of loss.” “Gods should not interfere with the likes of mankind.” “You cannot keep betrothing and impregnating mortal women for your own game.” “This spell you have cast upon the Earth has awaken some of the oldest legends of the Titans.” “You have destroyed whole civilizations over night with your shenanigans, stemming from you and your brothers’ contempt for one another.” “It’s time that you put all that to rest.” “I thought after Perseus defeated the Titans you had learned your lesson.” “It’s time for a new age of mankind, an age where Gods don’t exist, and mortals are free to choose how they will come to pass” “The Fates have declared that a child will be born with a red scar over his eye, and he will be the final judge of what will come to pass in Olympus.”
“Hush”, Zeus snapped. We must do something! “We can’t just sit back and let a child take over our throne.” “He will be the reason that our people will stop praying; we will grow weak and weary without their prayers; we will practically starve because of this prophecy the Fates have spoken against us.” “How foolish could you be”, questioned Athena? “The people rebel because they have no faith in bringing you offerings.” “You have pit families against each other time and time again, and that’s why the people don’t pray.” “That’s why we will starve.” “It is your bigotry that makes all of us weak.” “Hermès bring me the Fates”, Zeus proclaimed. “We must figure out who births him and put an end to him before he becomes of age.” “Apollo summon Helios and find Aphrodite and Hephaestus.” Artemis insinuated,”Ares is not present either.” It was highly unlikely for those three to be absent at the present time. So, Zeus ordered Apollo to find him also. “We will vote on how we will solve this problem once we find Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Ares,” said Zeus. “You are dismissed”
Meanwhile, Apollo summoned the power of Helios through a crystal ball he had given them to solve their problem. Apollo took one hand and waved it over the crystals, and suddenly a misty projection of what had come to pass with the missing Gods was revealed. By surprise, it was revealed that Ares and Aphrodite were having sex behind Hephaestus’ back, and now all the Greek world would know of their business; but somehow, Hephaestus didn’t want to believe it, and Apollo devised a plan so that he may capture Ares and Aphrodite in the act. Apollo told Hephaestus to sew a golden fabric so thin that it is invisible and infrangible. She told him to lay his trap across the bed and tell Aphrodite you are leaving. Ares rarely knew when Hephaestus was at home; This time they knew it would be different; Hephaestus would come home early and see Ares and Aphrodite in the bed together, and that would be enough proof to quell his rebellion at the thought of his wife loving another. To his surprise, when Hephaestus summoned all the Gods down from Olympus, they only laughed at him, angering Hephaestus even more. This rule was strict among the Gods. They believed in formal infidelity where it was okay to sleep with multiple people as long as they didn’t remain loyal to one. After that, Hephaestus left Aphrodite, and Ares remained in contact with her.
Back on Olympus, the Gods were reconvening at a meeting, discussing what they should do about the prophecy. Zeus spoke and said, “we should sacrifice the child to the Titans.” Athena said, “that is blasphemous.” “Maybe we should try to win his favor and have him fight alongside us as a God.” The other gods cackled at the thought of another God being added to Mount Olympus. Ares, in particular, swore he would be the one to bring the child to justice. Hermès walked in and told them to be quiet. “I have brought the Fates to tell us more about the prophecy.” “1 child will come along, and then a 2nd will follow. A third child will be born, and the 4th will be sorrow”, said the Fates. “A child born of ice but as hot as the sun.” The epitome of Greek mythology whereas he will make love run? When his day comes, the Gods will dread. The Battlecries of Ares will solemnly spread. “What is this you speak of?,” demanded Zeus! “How dare you come in my chamber speaking gibberish!” “If you don’t clarify, I will take your eye and squash it beneath the heel of my boot.” “You will be cursed to live in darkness forever.” “The Fates have spoken,” said Hermès. ”Leave them be.” “We will get our chance.” “Now, we must put it up to a vote and decide the fate of the child.” “All in favor of Zeus’ plan?” Hera, Hades, Apollo, Ares, Poisedon, Dionysus, Hecate, Eros, Demeter, Selene , and Hermès sided with Zeus, and Aphrodite, Helios, Hestia, Artemis, Persephone, Asclepius, Gaia, Atlas, and Hephaestus, sided with Athena. “There you have it,” said Hermès. “The majority vote says we capture him and send him to Thanatos to live forever.” “You’re making a mistake”, screamed Athena! “How could you do the same thing your father did to you?” Hera wondered quietly how a mortal could defeat gods, but she kept her mouth closed. The only gesture she made was momentary. She looked at Aphrodite with a gaze of contempt. Little did they know, this would be the beginning of an epic tale.
A few years after the meeting, Aphrodite became pregnant with twins, and Ares was the father. The first born she named Phobos, and the second one was named Deimos. Phobos is the God of Fear and Panic, and Deimos is the God of Terror and Dread. Aphrodite was excited about her child’s birth. She loved them both equally, but Deimos was odd. When Deimos was small, he was born with a birthmark. He had a tiny red scare over his eye, and Aphrodite tried to conceal it with makeup. Nobody noticed until Deimos was the age of 16. When Ares came back to check on his children, he noticed how big and bright the scar had gotten. So, he went and told Zeus of the child with the red scar. Zeus was in complete shock. He did not know the child would be born of two Gods. This angered him, and he seen the skepticism on Ares’ face. “However much you love that child, you must let it go”, said Zeus. “We must sacrifice him to the Titans to renew the human’s faith in God.” “Go and find your son, and take him to Thanatos where he will be tortured for the rest of his life.“ “We must keep this pure blooded God under wraps.” “Nobody must know of his true power.” “Not even I or you will know.” “Instead, we will get Thanatos to make sure he stays hidden forever.” “As for the other one, he may live, but I warn you.” “You can’t be allowed to make any more children.” “The Fates prophecy has come to pass, and I never thought my own son could birth such a monstrosity.” Ares didn’t listen, but he came down from Mount Olympus, and he took Deimos away while Aphrodite was asleep. She had begged and pleaded with Ares to leave him, but Ares was too loyal to Zeus, and Ares would not listen. Ares riding in his chariot swooped down from the sky and grabbed Deimos while him and Phobos were training. Once Ares had reached his destination, Ares dropped Deimos over the Pacific Ocean near a hydrothermal vent. Then, the Gods all stood around watching from Helios’ crystal ball. The Gods summoned the Titan from the great depths of the ocean. Thanatos grabbed Deimos and pulled him deeper and deeper, crossing over the rift into Tartarus, feeling as if he had received a wonderful offering from the Gods.
Thanatos showed no mercy to Deimos. Thanatos locked Deimos in a cage surrounded by lava. Deimos would cry out in agony praying to the Gods that someone would save him, but no one would answer. When Deimos showed signs of rebellion, Thanatos would cut into Deimos’ body opening a suture down the middle of him. He would begin by removing organs while Deimos was still alive, and everytime he removed one another would grow back. He went as far to cut out the heart of Deimos, and Deimos would lay idle for a while, and then it would grow back. Each time Thanatos removed an organ, they would grow back a little faster. When Deimos became angry, his eyes would glow red with fire; he was growing in strength everyday getting bigger and bigger. One day, when Thanatos came in to torture Deimos. He cried out to Athena. He was strung by his legs and arms, and Thanatos snarling would batter Deimos across his body with a whip. When Deimos was saying prayer to Athena, she answered. “Hush my child.” “Your time will come.” You will be the death of the deathless Gods. “Receive your punishment with open arms, and one day there will be a sign.” “Do not cry.” “Let it fuel your rage.” “Make it become a part of you that you will never forget, and you will be the strongest God of all.” “For in the fifth generation of man, there will be no end to death and sorrow.” “You are the God of Terror and Dread.”
When Thanatos came in to torture Deimos the next day, his attitude had changed. He had started to manipulate the pain into masochistic pleasure. He laughed at the things that Thanatos would do. They made him feel good on the inside with waves of endorphins and dopamine flooding his body. This angered Thanatos. He would try to quell Deimos’ rebellion, but soon Thanatos realized that Deimos was actually enjoying it. So, he continued to torture Deimos until one day Deimos spit on him, and he pulled Deimos from the cage and proceeded to bludgeon his head in an attempt to kill him, but Deimos was regenerating at an alarming rate. Once Thanatos thought he had effectively killed Deimos, Deimos played dead, and Thanatos turned his back to him. Deimos stood up conjuring his will, and he had managed to hide. Thanatos eventually realized Deimos was gone, and he threw himself into a maddening rage, searching every inch of Tartarus to find the so called God of Terror. Deimos hid next to the other prisoners of Tartarus, gasping in agony as if he was one of the tormented souls of the pit. Deimos prayed to Athena once more, and she told him to put his faith in the God of the forge and fire. Deimos prayed once more to Hephaestus, and Hephaestus loved him like his own son. Hephaestus and Athena filled Deimos with the “Wisdom of Creation”, and Deimos began forging weapons made from the pit of Tartarus. He thought of ways to effectively weaken and imprison Thanatos. He began by swaying other prisoners to rally around him. He called his loyal followers “The Legion of Dread”, and they followed him everywhere he went. He instilled the prisoners with hope; and in return, they granted him safe passage to and fro in Tartarus. He blended in well by painting dark marks around his eye and wearing tattered clothing like the other prisoners. His most trusted followers were Tantalus and Ixion. Tantalus was the king who tried to offer his sons to the gods during a feast, and Ixion was sent to Tartarus for trying to seduce Zeus’ wife Hera. Tantalus explained to Deimos that he had only done so because he had heard the story of Zeus eating Athena’s mother, and he wanted to make a valid offering that was befitting of a king of the Gods. Tantalus was the grandfather of king Agamemnon and Menelaos; and for that, Deimos vowed to bring Zeus to justice.
“Before Athena was born, Zeus received a prophecy stating he would bear strong and powerful children that would overthrow him. So, Zeus plotted to trick Métis, making her turn herself into a fly. He then swallowed her just as Cronos had done to him and his brothers, but Métis had already conceived a child, and this caused Zeus pain. So, he ordered Hephaestus to cleave his head to release the pain, and Athena leaped out of his head fully grown and dressed in armor. “That same cleave is what we will use to kill Thanatos”, said Tantalus. “We will then sound the battlecries of Ares, and a black smoke will fill the room like hysteria disorienting Thanatos where you will cleave his head open, creating enough time for us to escape.” “We will then enter the realm of Hades where the same fate will befall him.” “After that, Persephone will grant us safe passage into Elysium for freeing her of her captor.” “Thanatos carries a scepter that is fit enough to kill the God of the Underworld.” “So, you must retrieve it; so, that we may take the Underworld as did Hercules when he defeated Cerebus.”
When the day came of their rebellion, Thanatos was in his lair feasting on the spare parts of Deimos. “The Legion of Dread” began to slowly beat the drums of war picking up the pace as Deimos grew closer. Thanatos got up from his table and began to look around, but the room was too dark from the smoke that had filled Thanatos with hysteria. He knew that Deimos was going to attack, and this would be the first time the Titan of death had gotten his fill of terror. Tantalus and Ixion were on opposite sides of the room. They had made chains to bind his arms to the walls of Tartarus. Deimos leaping off of the table ran the cleave through the middle of Thanatos’ head, and spiders and maggots began to pour out. The spiders were unusual in the sense of how they were moving; and one by one, they began to attach together forming a gigantic dragon. Deimos was fearless in the eyes of the dragon, and “The Legion of Dread” stuck with him throughout it all. They stopped beating the drums and hundreds of tormented souls ran through the creature scratching and clawing at the beast, but the beast was powerful enough to overcome them all, and Deimos with his cleave charged towards the beast fearlessly. The dragon reached for Deimos and Deimos evaded, slicing into the dragon’s armor with his cleave. Deimos positioned himself behind the dragon while it was trying to fend off the legions attack where Tantalus and Ixion began to pull the chains off of Thanatos’ dead body and handed them to the souls that were pouring into the lair. The souls began wrapping the dragon pulling it down until they had it trapped it underneath their shackles, and Deimos let off a howling battle cry cleaving off the dragons arms first. By the time, the dragon was fully subdued. Deimos looked into the dragon’s eyes, and you could see the rage of fire in them. The dragon let off one last cry, and Deimos chopped off its head and held it up for the Gods that had received word from Hades that Tartarus had fallen. Deimos screaming at the top of his lungs said, “Hades, your up next!”
Money Talks
If I should say when I felt like I needed a job, it would be when I realized exactly who I was to the people around me. I guess you could say I am gangster, but I always wanted to be a nerd. I just carry that perception with me; but when I really look back on life, I can see the impressions I have left on people in the wake of what has been going on. This embodies the spirit of what you see on Instagram. I guess it stems from the idea of the prototypical black male. When I was young, I use to kick it with my friends. We would all be outside boxing, slapping, and learning different ways to grow. I guess you could say I took up a very aggressive and dominant approach. I really am a pretty big guy. You could say all the hard work I put in playing football paid off; but anyways, there is a point where you realize how things actually work, and your supposed to go with the flow and not be different, but I really am different, and I try to express that in the nicest way possible. Sometimes people obscure their work on purpose, and this is where cancel culture and over sensitivity destroys high art.
Everybody has heard the phrase that big money talks and little money walks. I believe that most people accept this phrase and side with the best route that’s going to make them the most money, but I can only see parts of the route where I am self sufficient. It stems from the focus put in to the things that are in reach. Products are often valued according to what they contain and how efficient it is to manufacture. Most people put little thought into the skill that it actually takes to make them. That’s why people are more valuable than an actual physical product. Business will often shelve service commodities to everyday people. This upholds that natural flow of supply and demand. So, most black Americans of the Millennial generation have turned to businesses in the drug industry to fuel them through their late adolescent through adult years. People will need this boost to fuel themselves into retirement. So, when skill is determined, it’s evaluated off of what you can retain, and that’s through the use of current technology of what is expected to be available. However fascinating life may be to the average person may not be as fascinating to the next person, and that’s where people relate on different topics with their perceptions. You can’t even post a curse word on Instagram without getting flagged, and sometimes this may be the only true way to communicate what you really mean. Naturally, people have accepted slang into their daily lives with opprobrium. This is what embodies some of the most profound art. High art should be defined off real skill; but currently, there is not a sufficient price threshold that actually depicts a realistic figure. So, these skills have been afforded through a salary and company budget. When we review art, we can see that art actually has a demand that is unique to everyday life; and with the specific style or flair, you can find yourself doing testimonials for commercials. All of which are really far out of reach with the amount of black income. However, if I say anything, I will tell my dreamers to keep dreaming and embody what they feel throughout every aspect of their art. One day people of all ethnicities will be able to have privileges to express themselves.
The Story of John
My dear sweet lover it has come to be. I'm counting my final days on earth, and I don't know if I'm ready to move on. My lungs have collapsed. I cannot stop vomiting. I am sick to my very core, and my heart is broken that I can no longer share these bright and beautiful days with you. If everything blooms in autumn, I wonder will I come to be in the same sense that was to see tomorrow. I believe in miracles, but none of that fancies me now, and I will come to be a void in your heart. If only you could see what I see, if only you could feel what I feel, then you would know the meaning of true pleasure. In some sense, it is derived from pain. *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* Be careful what you wish for, and make due the rest of the days of your life. For there is treachery amongst us, and it will soon come to pass. Follow your heart Felicity. Let the spirits take me on to the next life, and let them guide you through these awry times. For this is my last breath, I love you Felicity; take care of yourself. *female sobbing* I love you too, John.
In the midst of passion, there burns a fire fierce as light that has come to pass from a scorching sun. Our love remains eternal; and in her heart, she will not let go. There is a necklace I once gave her and in that pendant remains my spirit of which it truly belongs. At last, I have found peace from all of my sins, and I can be free as long as I am happy. Once I reached the River of Styx, Charon came to pass. Charon had the voice of an almighty god, and he was cloaked in a dark robe with his Scythe in his hand. He said, "foolish mortal, you have not yet come to pass. Neither has he whom seek passage earned the right to a burial. For there are foreboding circumstances looming in your castle. You have started a 4-way tie for your lover's heart. One of which has killed you, and they all have motive. Take for instance your brother William, he has long had feelings for Felicity, and she has shared mutual respects with him also. Indeed, there was a kindling romance before you decided to betroth her as such. There were times in the castle where your own brother would try and steal your lover from you, but that is not all. Your butler has been sneaking around with Felicity also, and he has even gone as far to drug some of her sweet wine while you were away. However, she would usually take these prescriptions without your consent, and no one knows how vile it has gotten. Not even the deathless Gods were permitted inside of such a dwelling. It had been cloaked with ancient Enochian sigils. There is also a handsome suitor who has come forward to take control of your castle seeing that you have not bred any children, and the castle is open to take for any handsome man who is willing to fight and beseech a cause. Lastly, there is another young fellow who is the hero of Thermopyle sent by the deathless Gods to take what is righteous in the eyes of the Lord. Skilled with a bow and arrow is he. Strong as a lion should he be if one comes to pass. Now, if you will solve this quest, I will grant you passage into the afterlife. Thereby, be gone. *Charon maniacally laughs.
Returning to the castle, I was a wet and slimy mess from the humidity in the air. It was very cold, but I could do anything to manipulate space and time. It would just take time for me to get use to it. As I entered the dining hall where the butler was setting the table, I believe he was already preparing another mixture; but as it had come to pass, Felicity was delighted with her butler; for this was the only way she could sleep a peaceful sleep without being disturbed. The butler has access to all kitchen storage and cleaning supplies. There was rat poison open in the pantry, but it was also sprinkled around the castle. So therefore, there was no conclusive evidence of his guilt.
As I went up the stairs, William passed me by as if he could still feel my presence, turning and looking shocked as to what have possibly could've have been so cold to touch his arm and scald. Indeed, his chamber doors were open, and this would give me the perfect opportunity to snoop around his bedroom looking for evidence to present Felicity. In his diary, there were extensive love poems were he had portrayed Felicity as his muse, but he also included pages where he had talked into explicit details of the love they shared before we were together. In the final monologue, he foretells of the treachery that he sought after within me and how he could not find a man so upright in stature to lead such a kingdom. "In due time, the revelations will unfold as I mourn the death of my brother." -William
Out in the garden, the young suitor stood brave and tall amongst his comrades. As the superior officer in his dad's army, he carried a rifle, a knife, and a platoon full of his own personal bodyguards. His father had sent him up before I fell ill. So, he could be a diplomat and make peace with our kingdom. Indeed, it is likely that the young suitor could've done such a thing. For his army had poisoned every knife blade, bullet, or arrowhead they could find. They were known as some of the fiercest warmongers in the land, but the trouble that would befall upon him would be devastating if his father realized he had done such a deed. For indeed, we had fought in an ancient war long ago against the brave Spartans of Sparta. In such case, you may witness the fall of the Greece Empire. There was still great folklore that had been circulated about the kingdom of Germany. So, it would all come to pass in such revelations.
The stairs were throng with visitors from all over Germany and Greece who had come to see the great hero of Thermopyle. Behold it is I, son of Zeus, who comes bearing gifts for the widowed lover of such a great king. The deathless gods have sent me from my expedition to ensure that the throne is mine. *the crowd cheers* "Tell us a story, " said the crowd. "In all my years of adventure, I have seen thousands of beasts far too unsightly for the likes of man to acquiesce. There was once a great serpent who lived in the forests of Odinwolf. Before I was sent to Thermopyle by the deathless gods, I stumbled across a six eyed serpent with two heads. He was as foul as a ogre, and he had the smell of death about him. As I stumbled across a cave unknowingly, there were hundred of bodies laid across the floor. It was raining. So, I chose that spot to lay my head to rest. I was then awaken by a hiss slithering out from the dark dwellings of the cave. It was bitch black at night, and my torch would not light. All I had was a piece of a mirror that I used to reflect the moonlight into the cave. The beast came leaping out of the darkness and with my bare hands. I separated the beast into two by ripping its head off right down the middle. As I fell down exhausted from the ensuing fight me and the beast had waged, the deathless gods urged me to keep some of it's venom. For it would go on to serve me well on my journies, and I still have some with me til this day."
After the events of the ensuing days unfolded, I grew impatient waiting on something to budge. My spirit wanted to leave this place, but I was still bound by Charon's promise and Felicity's necklace. Over the days, I tried to gather more and more evidence, but I only had motive try and convict. I had no real physical evidence due to the way my health just declined in a freak accident. Indeed, it was time to appear to Felicity and give her the news so that I may implicate her in on my plot to find the person responsible for my death. Felicity was intimate with each guest. So, maybe I could use that against them. I told Felicity that "I have been to the River of Styx, and Charon told me I could not pass because I had not received the proper right to a burial and solved the reason why I died. In my mind, I believe that my brother had his motives because he had always been in love with you since you were kids. I also believe the butler has motive because he has access to all of the kitchen cleaning supplies. The hero of Thermopyle has brought snake venom to my palace saying that the deathless gods promised him the throne upon my departure, and the young suitor has a knack for picking a fight and capitalizing on the enemies weakness with their poisonous spears, rifles, and arrows." Ohh, Felicity you must help me come to pass. I am stuck in this conundrum. Won't you find out who has killed me to set me free into the Afterlife? In Felicity's mind, she had just the proper test, but she was yet disclose such a riddle. Indeed, four days passed by, and Felicity would soon come to judge them all.
Day 1
Felicity called the young suitor up to her private chamber, and they began to make love. Felicity with her cunning ability stole one of his swords and scratched his back with it as if she had dug her nails into his back. Over the course of the next few days, Felicity would judge the young suitor as if he had made the concoction that killed her husband. In due time, his body shall tell.
Day 2
The next day Felicity called the hero of Thermopyle up to her bedroom, and he was anxious to be with her. For it had been a while since he had been with a woman on his adventures. Felicity had stolen some of his snake venom the day before, and she mixed it into a cup so that the hero could drink. The hero was the next to be judged by Felicity. So, that she could make due with her husband's timely departure.
Day 3
On the third day, Felicity called the butler up to her room, and she asked if he could bring her a piece of dessert from the kitchen as she took his chalice, ground up rat poison, and put it in his drink without him knowing and therefore monitoring his behavior for the likes of her master as she still remembered him dying slowly on the bed from some sort of poison.
Day 4
On the fourth day, Felicity called William up to her chamber and made due with their very untimely love. She gripped William fiercely has he stroked her body in and out; but as he was sleeping, she snuck over to his chamber and grabbed his ink pin from the room. William would take a few dabs of mercury, and put it in the pin to strengthen it's boldening effects, and the next morning she woke William up with a delightful glass of whiskey, seeing that William liked to drink whenever he can. So, she would watch him for the next few days.
If William killed John, he did it out of lust and spite. He makes a mercury pen solution, and the symptoms of mercury poison are anxiety, depression, irritability, memory problems, numbness, pathological shyness, tremors, hearing and speech disabilities, lack of coordination, muscle weakness, nerve loss in hands and face, trouble walking, and vision changes. William would go on to die and the hero of Thermopyle and the young suitor would go to war for the kingdom, and John would go on to cross the River of Styx.
If the butler did it, he laced John with rat poisoning from the kitchen pantry, and the symptoms of rat poisoning are nosebleeds, bleeding gums, blood in urine, bloody diarrhea, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, seizures, respiratory distress, heart attack, internal bleeding, liver failure, shock, coma, and death. He also betrayed the whole castle and raped Felicity once or twice while she was in a deep sleep from the medication she ordered him to put in her drink, and he would go on to succumb to the rat poison seeing that no one would help.
Felicity would be given the right to choose her next lawfully wedded husband between William, the hero of Thermopyle, and the young suitor. Meanwhile, Charon is pleased and he lets John cross the River of Styx.
The Hero of Thermopyle
If the hero of Thermopyle did it, he injected John with snake venom because the deathless gods told him so, and the symptoms are redness, swelling, bruising, bleeding, or blistering around the bite severe pain and tenderness at the site of the bite nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea labored breathing (in extreme cases, breathing may stop altogether), rapid heart rate, weak pulse, low blood pressure, disturbed vision metallic, mint or rubber taste in the mouth, increased salivation and sweating numbness or tingling around your face and/or limbs muscle twitching. As the hero of Thermopyle bore the will of Zeus, he would go on a quest to find the anti-venom and subjugate the castle just as the deathless gods said so, taking Queen Felicity as his lawfully wedded wife.
The Young Suitor
If the young suitor did it, the poison was unknown, and he most likely had the antidote. So, he would go on to live a young and healthy life at the expense of John's wife. After a while, he would come back to try and subjugate the palace and marry Felicity as one of his concubines, but his plan would be doomed seeing that the deathless gods were watching, and John would get his passage to the Afterlife.
True Crime
At last! A scene of everything that foreshadows a true story to be told. A tale of remarkable action and courageous sacrifice where a moral lesson can unfold. That entitles the audience of both youth genders to understand more of what it takes to leave. Darkness once found in light foreshadows the victor of moral lessons in speech-recognition. Light, being a milestone action that reflects off anything open to conclusion, gives everyone a chance to have their say in leave.
Victims are portrayed in criminal sense. They are often tried upon themselves and mistaken for a milestonish side. This portrays the proper reason for emotion behind the scenes to allow the feeling of ambiguity in a situation to act as if a sixth sense, connecting relation and determining a motive; once relation and motive are solved, a point is configured to an ultimate claim. As stability explains the world in scenario, that describes a evolution of progress within side an elevated peak. Motive gives description to who, what, when, where, or why. So, a grand solution can be solved from the prior questions that are available.
Although, a relation gives a display of an angle statistic that reports an incline to depression value. Inside and out, stability is reached in a point solvent to a maintenance scale.As the aspects of leave are extended throughout the boundaries of explanation inside of one’s time and space, staying establishes a relevance to its biome.
As yes or no, in general, captures opinion, that applies moral consideration of indifference hidden in between subjects. The verb agreement can be irregular and may describe a point of cohesion between one’s own environment in noun form, and a noun’s proposition gives real sense to coordinating verb help. Where this unique pattern stands out as a milestone action, it is seen in extra-ordinary opinion.
The signs of language determined above are ethical with understanding portrayed as an outspoken word value. Once noticed that a person has time to leave, it often considers its chances to stay; but only underneath the terms and conditions of explanation can a person judge their real outcome, this said," vice versa" gives conscious a better chance of understanding its blame. Then, to overcome any obstacle for exploration in the boundaries of achievement, random odds would be signs of behavior that made actions reflect and matter, proving the limitless capability of a milestone-ish world.
Channel 6 News: What is your plan as president?
Me: In the first portion of my agenda, I will start to combat criminal justice reform. I will be willing to give every American a choice on how they plead in open court. I will make sure that they get the valuable resources to suppress irrelevant evidence and so on, but I will also be giving police officers the ability to do so too. My new system would split trials into multiple situations where we evaluate key circumstances such as the crime, self-defense, proportionality, sentencing, and degree with each offense having a misdemeanor and felony version. I will also put more money into prisons so that prisoners have enough resources to live a happy, normal life after spending time in jail. By doing so, I will create tons of new jobs for white collar and blue collar workers alike. I will also be introducing a way for prisoners to keep in touch with the outside world. They will be allowed to delve into all types of community projects that local police departments will host throughout the year. Is there anything else that anyone would like to know?
Channel 6 News: How will your new judicial system work?
Me: I believe that it is necessary so that all elements of trial are proven thoroughly where police can know exactly what they are trying to prove against the defendant. After all, it is their burden of proof that makes the judicial system go around. I myself as their commander in chief have enough power to do so. I believe that my new standard of splitting the trial into factual components will bolster the odds of justice prevailing. Therefore, if police fail to prove whether or not you have done a crime, the defendant can proceed with a motion to dismiss all other accusations police can put forth. It's a big world, but I'll get back to you on the logistics later?
Channel 6 News: Is there anything else you will be doing?
Me: Yes, I will be conducting a thorough investigation of the foreign exchange market with my analysts, and we will be proceeding with a global tax reimbursement plan. Our goal is to solidfy taxes where citizens will be given a stipend on the point of their status being American, able to work, and of age to vote and have a home, car, or other belongings that need to be taken care of. Americans will be rewarded these benefits as a source of bailout from their bills. If by review we see that Americans are in need of assets they will be given money so that we can keep a stable increase of jobs into the economy. Likewise, business owners will also be given benefits to help with costs of which they can prove, our job is to make sure that no businesses are failing. People are not being evicted, and there is a boom amongst middle class workers and their jobs.
Channel 6 News: It sounds like you have it all planned out.
Me: Yes, I do, but I also have the initiative to take it even further with a new improvement in infrastructure and a new city being built in the heart of America. This city will be a tourist attraction to get the money flowing in from other countries around the world. I feel like I want to dub it with skyscrapers and provide a boost in economic production by boasting an area with jobs and watch it grow over time to fill some unoccupied space. The pleasures in my meaning. I don't want to disappoint the American citizens. I want to do everything in my power. Like so, I could personally invest in one myself. That's how business works.
Channel 6 News: How would that work?
Me: Well, by urban demographics, there's a lot of space out there that has been left unoccupied; and instead of viewing this as an electoral college offense like gerrymandering, i'm looking at the population density in certain areas to help local communities band together and create stuff like that when there is a job shortage in the area. Some of these designated areas may start off rural, and some could go on to be a Metropolis. It's all about how much the state government will put in. This is my staffs agenda in the first 36 hours. These are the bills they are currently writing up for me. Is there anything else you would like to know?
Channel 6 News: No, this Channel 6 signing out.
*shakes hands and hugs*
Jason Wakefield Pt. 1
A white bus rolls down the street in the middle of a blizzard on the dawn of Halloween. The sun is not shining due to the clouds that covered us in a very dark and gloomy overcast. Jason is on his way to jail to visit his friend, and he doesn't know that he is in for the ride of his life. Peering deeper into his life, we see a character who is strong, athletic, smart, and resourceful. He knows how to make the best out of anything, and I knew him from school. It's been 10 years since the death of Jason Wakefield, and his death hurts the heart of millions all over the globe. Dare yourselves to picture the scene of an abandoned prison sitting in the middle of nowhere. Although Jason could not perceive what he was in for, he had received a letter from one of his old friends in prison. The prison was actually the scene of a horrendous massacre. It was known as the Cantor Correctional Facility cover up. There was a doctor who sedated and drugged his patients; so, he could operate on them in order to control their aggression. As you can see, it is blisteringly cold, and there isn't much light pouring through to make things clear. So, Jason had a hard time defrosting his window. He steered on the edge of an accident, and he only took notice to the white bus after he had lost control of it. He hopped out of his car, and he asked the driver could he give him a ride to the Correctional Facility, and the driver smiled and nodded his head.
When Jason got to the correctional facility, he was treated like a prisoner. The guards forcefully stripped him of his clothing, took his his picture, and mocked him for being black. As he entered the prison halls, there was a foul smelling odor all throughout them. It was very disgusting and repulsive everywhere. Nobody was allowed to shower, watch TV, or come out of their cell. The paint was chipped off of the brick on the wall. So, it looked very run down and dilapidated.
Jason scheduled an appointment with the doctor, and he was in for a sight. As he was led down the hallway, he could see blood pouring down the drain through one window. He looked over his shoulder; in his sight, he seen a man with tools drenched over in a white coat. After he realized what the man was doing, it was too late. The doctor had performed a sex change operation on his patient, and Jason knew he was next.
Information Processing Badge
To be a good writer, one will be eloquent for all themes of speech. The objectives will add up like parent/child relations defined by code. The person will be adept at logical reasoning and analytic abilities. People will be efficient in what they do through common sense, but some people will use another phrase that is book sense, and that is the knowledge through what you will read. I will write a quote from another person’s life, and I will draw an allusion and counter it with a summary. The pieces of speech will equal the factual truth. By summarizing, you will be significant at what you do to provide burden of proof.
Whereas parts of speech define some Latin origin, people will be able to comprehend rhythm or as I like to call it spin. With mnemonic devices, a good writer will make his speech easy to remember. It will be crafted from willpower: “control exerted to do something or restrain impulses”. Google renounced the phrase as such because it is the most convenient source of search activity on the web; it defines the proposal of an idea and gives it a notion to remain by. The old man had willpower like Samson; he was also told, “no razor should ever touch his hair”. Likewise, through the distance between here and there, like the space between one another that adds up and makes a proposal that will be accepted widely through the origins of people and their style that compares to equilibrium: “a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced”, Google renounced the phrase as such because it is the most convenient source of search activity on the web; it defines the proposal of an idea and gives it a notion to be renowned for. Equilibrium provides a balance to forces like yin and yang; it also compares to states in which you are emotionally stable, and that sounds good to everyone.
A good writer will bring good emotion to the table. A good writer will be able to control emotion. A good writer will satisfy his audience by any means. The proposal will be in depth to every little detail. It will comb the “fashion of liberty”; so, it will explore the boundaries of the fringe: the border or outer edges of an area or group. Google renounced the phrase as such because it is the most convenient source of search activity on the web; it defines the proposal of an idea and gives it a notion to be renowned for. When the man saw the monster in the woods, he knew he was in the fringe. So, you can see how the situation is seemingly eerie and frightening like a movie or TV show.
Also, a good writer will punctuate, “Speech”, “Parts of Speech”, “Titles of Speech”, “Subdivisions of Speech”, “Lists of Speech”, “Prepositions of Speech”, “Dependent Clauses of Speech”, “Transitions of Speech”, “Subjects of Speech”, “Compounds of Speech”, and “Sentences of Speech” appropriately. Each one of them will be a “Title of Speech” from another work in progress that has been finalized. Now, that you have the most essential basics, I will teach you about emboldenments , italics, underline, outlines, and annotations.
Emboldenments, italics, underline, outlines, and annotations are the parts of speech used for inference. For instance, you underline or italicize a book, and you quotate short works and chapters. So, emboldening words creates the emphasis behind the meaning of a notion. You can also annotate meanings of a word. By annotating the meanings of word, you can save yourself a lot of time and make your footer look kind of fancy. Outlines are supposed to be styled with bullets t give a really blatant meaning of speech. Indeed, there’s so much fun to explore in a rich mnemonic style of American English.
By using figures of speech, one can create illusions of a fantasy that lies within memory. By using words like Samson, one can see a specific reference. The pleasure is in how keen your senses are to see the perception the writer tries to impose. Now, that one has objective, I believe that a test of fitness is necessary to ascribe an impunitive asset range: bronze, silver, gold, and platinum.
1. What movie came out in 2002?
A. Samson
B. Spiderman
C. Equilibrium
D. Wolverine
2. What famous story of the Bible is portrayed as a re-mastered movie?
A. Story of Job
B. The Song of Solomon
C. The Book of Joshua
D. The Book of Samuel
E. None of the above
3. When do you italicize a word?
A. Short Books
B. Books
C. Subdivisions of Speech
D. Outline
E. More than one may be right
4. How do you underline something?
A. Short Books
B. Poems
C. Stories
D. None of the above
((1/4)=Bronze (2/4)=Silver (3/4)=Gold (4/4)=Platinum)