Video For Chapter: https://youtu.be/JFqF4UAaPpU
Warning: This chapter might contain some sensitive topics. They are barely brushed upon but still, I thought you should know.
And also, this happens so often in our world. But please, no matter what, don't give up. The video above is for you.
This had been in mind for a long time, but it wasn't easy finally writing it out.
Umm... rant is over. GOD bless you.
"Come on, Sis!" Skylar whined hopping onto Aqui's bed. "The party's going to be so much fun."
"But I don't know anyone there! If it had been the birthday party of someone I knew, then fine."
"Who doesn't know Ryan Molina?" Skylar looked like she had just said the weirdest thing in history.
Ryan Molina, was an A List-Star, and Skylar had gotten close to him since his Debut.
Aqui wasn't fond of him because, 'he doesn't seem to have his head in the right place' as she put it.
"My point exactly. He is a star. And stars often wear too much makeup that you tend to forget they are humans—raw."
Skylar gave her a look that said, Girl, what are you talking about?
"I mean, he seems too fake to me," Aqui crossed her arms against her chest as she remained seated at the edge of the bed.
"Judge not. You often tell me that. Besides, do you mean I'm a fake too?"
Skylar pouted, giving her a look he knew would cause her to cave in.
"Of course not," Aqui whispered softly.
"Okay, fine." She got off the bed as Skylar exclaimed a triumphant, Yes!
"I'll meet you downstairs." And he flew out her door.
Aqui glanced at the door for a moment before chuckling. He never ceased to amaze her.
Skylar was her twin-brother who had risen to fame overnight during the first months of his trial. Yet for all that, he still loved and stayed close to his 'baby sister'.
Though, they were only a few hours apart in birth.
She quickly chose an outfit for the party, nothing too showy.
This would do, she thought to herself.
Aqui had feared being in such a situation when she agreed. She couldn't find Skylar as the party went into full swing.
He had been whisked away by other co-stars upon their arrival, leaving her alone.
She wandered in the crowd till she felt a tap on her right shoulder.
"Need something to drink?"
She turned to see Ryan Molina staring at her with a smile on his lips. He was handsome, which made many people like him. But she had never felt comfortable around him.
Skylar had often invited him over when Aqui was around. He was the only one who knew he had a twin sister. They were that close.
But he had frequently made advances on her which made her feel discombobulated.
(A/N: I never knew that word. But when I saw it, I wanted to use it. Hehe... probably not the best use. Pero... *shrugs*)
"No, I'm looking for Sky." She said in what she hoped was a polite voice.
He stared at her for a moment before replying.
"Come with me."
Aqui had felt uneasy following him, a voice within warning her. But she quelled it remembering what Skylar had said, Judge not.
Perhaps she was being too critical and judgemental. She climbed up the ornate stairs to the huge private quarters above the party hall.
He ushered her into one of the rooms and offered her a seat. Aqui agreed and sat on the expensive Fabio leather sofa.
"Have something to drink. I'll be right back," and he handed her a glass.
Aqui took it cautiously.
"What is it?"
"Do you think I'll offer you something harmful?" He looked hurt. "And Aqui, come on, it's my birthday for crying out loud. You're always so cold to me."
"Of course not," Aqui quickly took a sip, ignoring the warning bells ringing in her head. It tasted... good. A bit different, but good.
"Okay, I'll be right back," Ryan smiled at her before leaving.
Aqui felt great, till she began to feel dizzy. She couldn't remember much the next day.
But one thing she would never forget was walking out of the room in her befuddled state. She had wanted to find Skylar—desperately.
But her head was pounding, and she felt dizzy. She decided to enter a different room. She didn't remember anything else, other than seeing a blonde-haired figure.
As Aqui stood face to face with him, she remembered with a shiver the pain she felt when she had woken up that day.
There had been a pounding in her head, and great pains in her entire body. Especially in her lower organs.
Alarm had filled her when she realised that her clothes were off and her body was covered with a heavy blanket.
On pulling it back, she had caught sight of the bloodstains on the bedspread.
The feeling of dread had never been more acute. And she still felt it whilst recollecting.
She recalled wanting to cry that morning and not being able to. She felt violated.
She thought of all she had lost because of him. Her joy, her peace... her virginity. And her son.
There was one thing dear to her in her culture, her virginity. But as a Princess, that had been tainted. Forever marred.
Why do I have to go through all this again? I thought this was all finally over. LORD, I thought I could finally move on.
She felt like screaming but held her peace as he went on speaking.
Even more painful, was when she found out the truth about the whole situation. Tarquin had also been drugged.
And somehow, her toxic state had crossed paths with his, leaving a shattered mess in its wake.
"So this is who you really are... a Princess," his voice was much cooler than the evening breeze around them.
His cold and clipped tone reminded her of another instance. When he had also thought that she had drugged him and seduced him.
The pain of that accusation continued to stab her already aching heart as he continued to watch her closely.
He walked toward the lake, causing him to turn his back to her. She turned around to watch him.
"Tarquin... you don't understand." Her voice broke at the end.
After, a long and awkward silence, he turned to meet her gaze.
"You know, I tried to understand you... I really did. Even coming to... love you. But all along, you played me. Because that is who you really are."
When she said nothing in response, she glimpsed the pain in his eyes. But it was only for a moment. He masked it.
"Tarquin, I—"
"How long till that mask falls off—Princess?"
All grew still around them. Aqui could hear the sound of her own heartbeat as she stood face to face with him... the father of her child. The child she never gave birth to anyway.
She had lost her child.
He was the reason why she couldn't ever give birth again. The reason why she had vowed to never marry a Prince. Or anyone else for that matter.
She had agreed to marry Angelo Valerius because that was the easiest escape. But she realised that possibility seemed too good to be true.
He was the reason why she knew she didn't have long to live...
The sad thing? He didn't even know what he had cost her.
Hi, lovelies! I'm so sorry, the end was a bit more informative, with fewer dialogues. But I wanted y'all to find out some things.
It's not yet all revealed. But I hope this helps.
GOD bless you all for sticking along this far.
"Oro seems to be winning at this rate," the announcer declared over the fully packed tournament hall.
"They seem to have a strong lead in exploiting the vulnerabilities of their opponents." His companion responded.
"It's funny how Velvet Regent seems to do practically nothing as Oro continues to attack them. They're not defending."
The team members of Velvet Regent glanced at each other in confusion.
They had followed everything their new Captain had told them to do, as per Lu Xia's request.
But, they didn't seem to be winning.
"It seems this game will end rather early. Giving Oro the title of winning this CTF competition at the fastest possible time."
"Is it because Velvet Regent's main Captain is not sitting in?"
Aqui catches Lu Xia's eye and he nods. He understood her plan. He stood in the team's stand wearing his dark jacket.
"Give us the most beautiful victory ever," Lu Xia had told her before they started.
As Aqui prepared to do just that, she thought she saw a familiar blonde-haired person seated in the crowd.
Probably my imagination. It must be Francesco, Aqui thought. She refocused.
"Uh-oh... something's not right. This shouldn't be happening."
"Are the machines experiencing a bug? No way!"
The screen above the tournament hall showed what had taken place.
Just when Oro thought they had the upper hand, the back door was kicked open.
One, two...
"The replacement Captain has cracked the code at the last second! Velvet Regent wins!"
The room was filled with a stunned silence before the applause erupted.
"I never saw that coming. Well done, Velvets! They completely fooled their enemies into thinking they had the upper hand."
"Say Frank, do you know the name of the beautiful Captain?"
"You know, I heard a rumour. I don't know how true it is. It's said that this is the last child of King Jaye..."
As their team was called up to the stage, Aqui was hugged by a very over-enthused Lu Feng Mian, the twin brother of Lu Xia.
"Daebak(Great). Good job, dear." He had often spoken to her in Korean since their last visit to the place together.
He was one of her closest friends, a co-surgeon. And engaged to another close associate of hers.
As Aqui stood with the group to collect the trophy, she felt overwhelmed.
"Thank You, God," she whispered silently.
The school's anthem was played as their flag was lifted high.
Many congratulated her—including those who had tormented her.
She sought out Javier amongst the throng, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Why am I looking for him, anyway?
But as she looked on, she thought she saw that familiar face again.
Could it be my imagination? Perhaps too much happened today.
From the attack to her identity being finally brought to light, and with the competition, she had gone through a lot.
"I think I can answer that."
The very puzzled and expectant mob turned to see King Domingo II, King of Spain, standing tall with strong-looking guards surrounding him.
Forgetting for a moment that others were around, her childlike nature kicked in, and she ran to him. He engulfed her in a bear-like embrace.
"Aquilina, querida, I believe you are now done with your trial?" He asked lovingly when he pulled away.
"Sí, Señor(Yes sir)," she replied with like-affection.
"Well, to all those concerned," he turned to those around him."This is Aquilina S Jaye. The last child of King Jordan Emmett Jaye."
There was a collective gasp by every individual there—except those who already knew, of course.
"I believe you knew her as a classmate for a while. That was because she was undergoing her trial."
He had then ushered her away with some of the guards and Lu Xia after he found out about their competition.
But he had stayed behind to see to his son afore.
"Are you sure, you want to be here with us?" Philip asked for the thirteenth time.
"Of course," Aqui sighed and continued to wash the dishes.
"I still can't believe this," Natalie sighed and rearranged the dishes.
Aqui could hear the sounds of the after-party booming in the background. She had escaped the parties that the schools were holding altogether.
She decided to help Philip and Natalie, instead. They were both working with the kitchen crew.
She didn't relish being the centre of attention. Many had sought her out, wanting to befriend her. Though, most of them had hated on her before.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, she thought sardonically.
She didn't want to befriend them now that they knew about her status.
"I guess it's true, never judge a book by its cover," Philip chipped in.
"Does that mean my appearance never gave a Princess vibe?" Aqui said with mock hurt.
"Of course not," Philip looked amused, his tone teasing.
"But, I think Princess doesn't suit you... Perhaps a Queen?"
"Or a Queen Dowager," Natalie added.
Aqui threw the napkin at her head. Natalie threw her a fake glare and rubbed her head.
Philip chuckled.
"So now, what do we call you, Your Highness?" He touched his chest and faked a bow.
Aqui playfully hit his arm as they all burst into laughter.
"The night looks beautiful," Aqui moved and looked out the window.
"I guess I'll take a short walk."
"Need me to be your bodyguard?" Philip walked behind her.
"Nah, I'm good," she gave him a tired smile and headed out the back door.
As Aqui walked in the quiet gardens of the Resort, her mind wandered back to Javier...
The thoughts she had tried to push away all through the competition returned.
Why was Javier at the point they were supposed to meet? Why had the place been set up with pillows when the attack had taken place?
Aqui sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She didn't really have any answers.
She thought about Angelo, she hadn't heard from him since the attack.
Maybe he got stuck somewhere.
She thought about what he would say when she finally reveals her identity to him.
He most probably wouldn't expect it.
She smiled at the thought and continued to walk. Her feet led her to the lake by her apartment, where the attack had taken place.
She knew it was risky to wander close to it despite the increased security since the attack. Yet still, she found herself attracted to the place.
As she looked at the moonlight glistening on the surface of the waters, she crossed her arms over her chest.
All was still, and she basked in the beauty of the comfortable silence.
That was, till she heard footsteps on the leaves behind her. She had wanted to turn, when a voice spoke out.
"I wanted to congratulate you today... Little Aquilina."
Aqui paled and felt her body grow weak, her palms also getting sweaty.
She shut her eyes for a moment, before turning slowly.
She first noticed his outstretched arm. And her stomach knotted, when she glimpsed the Signet ring on his finger, confirming her fears.
She finally glanced up, and stood face to face with that person.
Him. The reason why she had once stopped believing. Believing in everything good. Believing in love, truth, and almost... her God.
There he was, the moonlight casting her fair lights on his silver-blonde hair.
His blue eyes were cold.
"Tarquin." She barely whispered.
Yes, he was the one.
The father...
... of her child...
Hi everyone! Thanks so much for sticking around. I really love and appreciate it all.
Tsk tsk, I'm sure they don't use signet rings anymore... but either way, this ain't the world we know... hehe
Song For The Chapter: My SAVIOUR, My GOD ~ Aaron Shust
"Still, you should have told me, Aquilina." Lu Xia muttered, his face showed he was less than pleased.
"I'm sorry, Lu Xia. I really am," her voice really soft as she responded.
He gulped and glanced away for a second.
"And you're meeting him?"
"Yes, I'm sure I'm even late." She glanced at her watch and muttered something under her breath.
"Fine, but I'm going with you," Lu Xia's face looked resolved.
"And if I find he isn't worth it, be sure I won't sit still. You'll have to live without him..." he looked straight into her eyes.
"Or he might just have to die without you," he then turned to lead her toward the lake. Her apartment was close to it also.
Aqui gasped and followed after him, "You don't mean that."
Lu Xia had always been protective of her. Sometimes, a bit over-protective.
"I do."
But he stopped still and froze at the scene before him, his face turning pale. Aqui moved close to him wanting to see what had so captured his attention.
She gasped. She immediately reached for her gun, taking it out this time.
"Call for help, Lu Xia," she whispered, her eyes not leaving the scene.
"You go," he also replied in a hush. They were glad to be hidden from sight by a huge branch from a tree.
"No, you're injured. Please. I can't back off."
He stared silently at her for a moment, he knew she was right. He was an excellent fighter, but he couldn't help much with his injury.
"Promise me, you'll be careful," his voice was heavy with emotion.
"I promise, now go."
As he left, Aqui refocused on the scene before her. She could see Javier, tied up to the tree, a tape covering his mouth.
Another person was tied up on his other side, a bit obscured from view.
He seemed to be in pain, and there was blood on his shirt.
She made out the blonde hair and muscular build. She would know him anywhere—Jason.
Dear God, her heart cried out.
There was more than one attacker this time around.
She had to move. And fast. But she also had to make sure they would not escape. She monitored them closely.
There is a third attacker, she figured out as she counted.
One was speaking into a Walkie Talkie. They spoke with a strange accent.
"Boss, we've got him, and a friend."
"Bring them both to the back. The jet is waiting here," a voice replied.
Whoever the boss was, his accent was not the same as his subordinates.
She tried to make out the accent. But she knew she didn't have much time for that.
Aqui gauged. She could take down two in a single shot, if she hit right.
Without much hesitance, she fired.
She had been trained to shoot to cause injury and not death.
They were down for the moment. She hoped help would arrive soon.
The third person had taken out their own weapon and fired at her. She managed to escape it in time.
Not wanting to be hit, she hid for a moment and regathered her thoughts. It was going to be tough.
The element of surprise is now lost.
Then, she got an idea. It was foolish, but she felt that was her only choice.
She had to take the third out before they called for reinforcements.
Aqui silently climbed up the huge tree, just as she heard the third person calling for backup.
As she managed to get up as high as possible, she finally had a clear view of the man. Or was it?
The masked figure actually looked feminine. And whoever she was, she seemed to have great agility and reflexes. Aqui knew she had to be really quiet, and fast.
When she was settled on a branch which semi-obscured her from view, she fired and ducked.
The other woman, though injured, fired back at her. When Aqui realised her shots seemed less calculative and feeble, she swung off the tree, and knocked the woman out in one go.
"Is everyone okay?"
Aqui remained silent and worked as the armed guards and security made their way toward them. They arrested the fallen, and began to scope the area.
"Xiao Jaye, are you okay?" Lu Xia knelt by her.
"They spoke of a jet outside, please check on that." Aqui managed to say as she stitched the wound close on Jason's chest.
"Alright," Lu Xia turned and spoke to the leader of the investigation team.
Aqui had managed to take out the bullet using a few tools that she had on her. But he still needed care—urgently.
"Ma'am, do you need any help?"
Aqui looked up to see George, a man she had worked with before in the WACO, standing next to her. She was glad to see him.
"George, please, he needs immediate care."
"Sure, the medical team is almost here."
As he spoke, she noticed the ambulance pulling up, and a team hurrying out. She let out a sigh of relief as they took her cousin in.
She then surveyed her surroundings and saw one of the emergency workers speaking to Javier.
"Are you sure, you're alright, Sir?" One asked Javier.
"I'm fine, see to him first." Javier replied.
He sounded tired.
The news had spread already, and many Royals, as well as the Commoners that could, had gathered around.
A panic-stricken Francesco was followed by Rosa as they rushed to Javier.
"How are you? Did they hurt you in anyway?" Francesco checked on his friend.
As Javier gave the same reply from before, Rosa turned to face Aqui.
"How is it that you're always around whenever something like this happens?"
"Rosa—please. Not now," Javier's voice was firm yet strained.
Aqui wondered what was going on in his mind.
Does he still doubt me?
The awkward silence that ensued was broken when some guards approached.
They escorted two women into their midst.
One was old, yet elegant and gracious. The other was a middle-aged, yet regal Chinese woman—Lu Xia's mother and Javier's stepmom.
Everyone went still at their presence.
"Mi nieto, estás bien? (My grandson, are you well?)" She lifted a bejewelled hand to caress Javier's cheek.
So this is Doña Maria Aurora García—his grandmother, Aqui thought.
Aqui had heard of her, but didn't remember much about her.
"Estoy bien, Señora(I'm fine)," his voice was calm.
"Your lawyer is almost here, mi amor(an endearment)."
As if on cue, Mike rushed into their midst. He had his briefcase with him. He seemed to have just arrived.
"Prince Mike, have you found out who was behind the attack?" Javier's stepmom, Queen Lanfen questioned.
"They are investigating right now. I have to head back right away and question the suspects."
"Please, see to that," she replied.
After he nodded, Doña Maria walked closer to him. She gently clasped one of his hands in hers.
"It's been a long time since I saw you. How are you, young man?" Doña Maria asked tenderly, facing him.
"I'm good, thank you. How are you too, Señora?"
"I'm very well, thank you," she smiled. "I haven't heard from your mother in a long while. Is she well?"
"She is, she speaks about you often."
"My very best regards to her then."
"I will."
Mike then turned to face his sister. Aqui felt the others staring at her, but ignored them. He walked to her.
Without saying a word, he embraced her.
"Ma shlomekh? (Are you fine)?"
"Ani beseder(I'm okay)," she replied softly. "I have to check up on Jason."
"Don't worry, I'll do that. Go to the tournament, I'll see about him."
"I didn't know you were in."
"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you..." He smiled.
"Mike, is that who I think it is?" Doña Maria interrupted.
He and Aqui turned together to face her.
"It is," Mike replied softly, the smile not dimming from his face.
Doña Maria's countenance brightened as she beckoned onto her.
"Come here, hija(child)."
Aqui saw the confusion written on the face of the on-lookers and those around Doña Maria as she slowly approached.
She hugged a perplexed Aqui, and caressed her cheek when she pulled back.
"Do you remember me?"
"I'm sorry, I don't really remember you," Aqui admitted shyly.
"She was just a toddler when you met her," Mike chimed in from behind them.
"Oh, but I remember you dear, you look just like your mother. Don't you think so, Lanfen?"
"I would say she looks like her father—perhaps the eyes," Lanfen brightened.
Their gushing was brought to a halt by a very puzzled-looking Javier. The look on his face mirrored that of those around them.
"Espera(wait)—how do you know her?"
The entire place grew silent. A silence pregnant with expectation.
"I think I can answer that."
Yay! I'm so glad for how far GOD has brought us! I hope you're all doing well.
Uhm... well, I hope this helps to make up for the shortness of the previous chapter. And… as much as I wanted to post more than one chapter, I felt I had to wait a day to continue.
Song for the Chapter: Trust In YOU, Lauren Daigle
"Xiao Jaye(Little Jaye)."
Aqui was surprised to see Lu Xia as she stepped out of her apartment. She felt a mixture of joy and anxiety at seeing him.
Has he heard the news about the marriage?
But when he smiled and stretched his uninjured arm to her, she felt relieved.
He doesn't know yet.
She ran into his warm embrace.
"I've missed you," she said to him.
"So have I. How are you?"
She pulled back and smiled, "I'm doing well by God's Grace. And you?"
"I'm okay," he smiled back at her and ruffled her hair a bit.
"Are you ready to eat dumplings? Let me take you out."
"Oh," she didn't know what to say. She had to meet Angelo.
"Well, the thing is..." and she told him everything.
Better from her than another.
Javier was glad to meet Jason on the way after he left their private lounge.
Despite everything that had happened, they still remained good friends.
"Hey, what's up?" Jason asked. His strong jaw reminded him so much of his cousin, Aquilina.
"Not much, what's up with you?"
"Well, the match hadn't exactly been in our favour." Jason sighed. He was a part of Velvet Regent's basketball team.
"No worries, there. You all did fine. I'm sure the CTF game tonight will set things right."
"Of course."
They both began walking in the direction of Javier's apartment.
They stopped by the rose-garden in front of it to talk a bit when they arrived. And that was when Javier finally opened up about his marriage to him.
"You what?" Jason moved back a bit and stared at him with his eyes widened and his mouth agape.
"You heard me," Javier had felt like opening up to someone about it, yet he knew he couldn't tell Francesco.
"You've never met her?"
"I'm about to, and I need your help to set the place up... a bit."
Jason sat back and shook his head as he silently pondered. After that moment of silence, he spoke up.
"What can I do to help?"
"Are you sure this was your only option?" Jason asked him again.
They had set up a place underneath the shade of a tree for their meeting. With cushions, blankets, and a tray of food, Javier felt content and pleased with their set up.
"Yes, I'm sure," he said distractedly.
I hope she'll like it. If only I had some flowers.
He glanced at his watch. It was soon going to be time for their meeting.
He forced himself to concentrate as Jason moved closer to him.
"The only other option would have been your cousin. But for some reason, I can't seem to find her... and someone didn't help me either."
"You wouldn't understand..." Jason muttered weakly and looked away.
"Fine, but what is done, is done." He moved to double check on their arrangements.
Jason sighed and ran a hand through his blonde hair and finally looked at Javier. He moved a little closer to speak to him.
"Alright, I get—" But Jason's words were cut short. He fell forward slowly as he held the right side of his chest.
"Jason!" Javier grabbed him as the blood from the bullet wound wetted and stained his own blue shirt.
Then, a shadow fell over them.
"Okay, so now Velvet's at a tie with Oro. Tonight's match will finalise everything," Rosa mused to the two Princes.
Javier's attention was diverted from his phone as he glanced at her and Francesco—but it was just for a moment.
He had earlier received a call from Demetrius, who had gotten the final marriage certificate.
He had asked him to send it to him through the fastest means possible.
And as he thought of a way to break the news to his father, he received a text from AngelicEagle, his new wife.
That brought a smile to his face, though he had never even seen her.
"Hey, I had to leave yesterday. I'll be gone for a few days. I have something quick to do in France. Maybe we'll meet when I return? :)"
"I'm in France at the moment," he had texted back.
"What about I meet you here?"
"Sure. :)"
He smiled as he texted her the details of the location where he wanted them to meet. He didn't want it to be too open, like a restaurant—he couldn't afford to expose her so soon.
He asked to meet her at the rarely visited lake near his apartment at the resort. His was one of the most set apart and had a secluded lake behind it.
It was the perfect spot.
I can't believe I finally get to meet her, he smiled yet again. If only she were Aquilina, then all would have been perfect.
That soured his mood a little. But what was done, was done.
"Ehi(Hey), Francesco," a deep voice called out as it neared them in their lounge.
They all turned to see the icy but handsome face of Tarquinius Brando Romano (Tarquin), the Crown Prince of Italy.
"Tarquin," Francesco half embraced his elder brother.
Tarquin shook Javier's hand firmly and barely nodded at Rosa.
"I didn't know you would be coming," Francesco sat down after his brother did.
"Neither did I," he said without the slightest hint of feeling in his voice.
"This year's competition is rather special. Most Kings would be attending too, so I had no choice."
Rosa gasped and Francesco frowned. Javier was not so surprised, as he had overheard a bit of the conversation between his father and step-brother, Lu Xia.
"But, why?"
"Well, looking at the security threats in different nations, it would be a good idea to join forces. And what better place than where all you youngsters are meeting?"
Javier studied Tarquin as he spoke. Tarquin hadn't been as cold before, and neither was he much older. There was only a three-year difference between he and his brother.
But over the past months, he had changed. He no longer smiled. And it was said often now that he hated the company of others—especially females.
No wonder his indifference towards Rosa.
After, a moment of slight conversation, Francesco and Rosa stood up.
"Well, we will have to leave now," Francesco and Rosa turned to face them after standing.
"I have to practice my singing for later," Rosa chimed in joyfully.
"Why, is Francesco your backup singer?" Tarquin asked.
Javier almost chuckled at the look on Rosa's face. Francesco only gave his brother a look, and led Rosa away.
Tarquin only rolled his eyes at them and turned to face the window. He felt Javier's gaze and turned to look at him.
"What is it?"
He had his way of intimidating people with his looks, but Javier didn't fall for it. He had known him long enough.
"Just wondering what's eating up the mighty Tarquin?"
"And what makes you think something is eating me up?" He looked more amused rather than angry.
"Well, it must be something huge that makes you put up such a bigs front."
He stared at Javier for a moment and turned back to the window. For the longest moment, he didn't say a word.
Javier went back to his phone.
There's still a bit of time before I meet her.
"Well, as you can see, I'm not mighty but rather... most defeated." He sighed.
"Want to talk about it?" Javier's brows were furrowed. He was surprised he had opened up that much about it though.
"No..." his piercing blue eyes met Javier's as he also stood to leave. "Not yet, anyway. Maybe another time. But... thanks. You're the only one who's had the courage to ask."
He smiled a tiny bit before turning around to leave.
That's my cue to leave, I guess.
"Are you sure you won't be needing anything else, Mademoiselle?" The owner of the resort queried politely.
"I'm sure, thank you."
"Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything."
"I will."
He turned around to leave with his assistant who had stood quietly behind him during the exchange.
Aqui sighed and looked around her when they had left. She had gone there without any intention of hiding her identity. Regardless, she had been clandestine about her arrival.
She didn't want to face everyone else—not yet anyway. She knew she would have to sooner or later.
The owner himself, knowing her identity had visited her on her arrival and the following day as well.
She walked into her large room.
I guess I'll practice a little for the tournament before I meet Angelo.
She took out her laptop and set it on her desk. She had been given her own apartment, as they knew who she really was.
Those other than the Royals and really rich shared apartments, though they were also huge and nice.
She trained her speed with a game and was glad she was still up for competition.
She glanced at the clock and realised she had to leave to meet Angelo, her husband. It was funny how he chose to meet so close to the resort.
And it's strange how Mike still hasn't called about the matter, she wondered as she grabbed her phone to leave.
I might have to tell him myself then.
Hi, fam! How are y'all doing? GOD bless you all so much.
I hope you've already made the connection... or maybe you haven't? Well, see ya!
Phelita ❤️
Hey! You've stuck with me this far. You're amazing, yes, you. : )
So here's the chapter by GOD'S Grace.
Song for the chapter: Like A Tree by JayMikee
He shall be like a tree,
A tree that's planted by the stream,
So guide my steps, O LORD…
Aquilina had to stop typing the message on her phone when a phone call interrupted.
She dropped the strawberry she held in her other hand as she slid across the screen to pick it up.
"Ni hao!(Hello)" She said cheerily, feeling light.
Her mood had improved drastically since the day she had finally surrendered it all over to God.
She heard the light chuckle over the phone before the deep voice answered.
"Ni hao ma?(How are you?)"
"I'm good and you?"
"It's been better." Lu Xia sighed.
"Aww... does your arm still hurt?"
He had injured his arm previously.
"That's actually why I'm calling you, Xiao Jaye(Little Jaye)."
She groaned.
"Please don't call me that."
"Whatever—Xiao Jaye."
"I have a favour to ask of you." His tone got more serious.
"People with favours to ask don't irritate the other party first."
"Just listen, okay?"
"Fine," she sighed and lifted the aforementioned strawberry to her lips, taking a bite as she listened.
"You want me to do—what?" She almost choked on the fruit.
"Take my place in the upcoming tournament."
"Lu Xia!"
She sighed and massaged her temples as she considered his offer.
He was supposed to lead Velvet Regent's Senior CTF team in a competition against their rival school, Oro.
(A/N: To not look too geeky, I will just explain it as a sort of computer security competition in this case. :) )
It was also attended by Royals and the very rich, just as theirs was.
"But I'm not even in your grade."
"You're a surgeon for crying out loud. And besides, you could win the tournament singlehandedly if you wanted."
"Please, Xiao Jaye?" His voice sounded so soft now.
"Okay, fine. But you'll have to feed me dumplings throughout my stay there."
"Will you be joining us? Our flight will take off by tomorrow."
The Royals were all going in their own private jets.
"Nah, I'll be there later. Your game isn't till later anyway."
"Xiao Jaye?"
"Xie xie(Thank you)".
"No, you are not going."
Aqui had agreed to go, but it was another thing to get Mike to agree.
"I'm going to be fine!"
"I'm your elder brother, and I said, no!" Mike pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, exasperated.
"You're not that older than me, really. You've just had a few more meals in this life than I have."
That made him crack a smile.
"Besides, the risk levels are no lesser when I am here. When God says it's my time, then it's my time."
She folded her arms across her chest. She could tell he was softening, so she pressed on.
"And if He says it's not yet my time, nothing can harm me. And from the looks of it, He's not willing to take me now if even I beg Him."
Mike finally sighed. Maybe it was because she was his baby sister, but for some reason, he could never fully say no to her. Despite his prowess in court, she always won every argument with him.
"Fine, you win."
He stood up from his desk and moved in front of it to face her.
"I sometimes thank God you're not my opponent in court, I don't know how I'll ever win a case against you."
She pretended to think hard for a moment.
"Then, I'll continue to study hard to become a lawyer one day, so that I'll give you a good debate in court."
"In your dreams, kiddo." He threw an arm over her shoulder, as they walked out together.
"You can go, but I will be joining you there soon."
Yes, she thought. She could live with his arrangements.
"And, Aquilina?"
"Don't forget, you're finally eighteen."
"Of course, I remember..." She had celebrated her birthday the previous week.
"And I hope you're thinking of everything Ima (Mom) spoke to you about?"
She was thinking about it, a lot. In fact, it was the reason why she had made the decision she had made.
And that was another reason why she wanted to leave for France.
Some days prior
"Aquilina, ma chérie(my dear), how are you?" Moriah, Aqui's mother, asked over the phone.
"I'm fine, Ima(Mom), how are you too?" Aqui pulled out of the Hospital's driveway in her DBX.
"By God's Grace, I'm good, my love. Your Dad and I have missed you so much."
"I've missed you too." Her voice was soft, she had really missed them.
"Darling, I wanted to talk to you about something."
"Sure, go ahead," Aqui felt a bit uneasy, not knowing where the conversation was heading.
"You know, you're finally of age now, and soon you'll have to join the military as your Grandma insists."
"Sure, Ima(Mom)."
Her grandmother was a Jew. And for that reason, she had asked that all of her grandkids spend a short period of time in the IDF (Israeli Defence Forces).
The shift wasn't much of a change from the WACO to them.
"I want you to try to head home to Jerusalem as soon as possible. We also have to discuss your betrothal."
"Betrothal, Ima?" She felt nauseous at once.
"Aquilina, chérie, I know you always say no, but it's time, daughter. We'll discuss it when you get home."
Her mother's tone told her she was done discussing the matter. But Aqui was not done...
She pulled the car over and pondered over the matter.
How am I ever going to get out of this?
She was okay with the military service. She even looked forward to it. But to be betrothed to a Prince... she had vowed she would never allow that. Because of what had happened in the past.
She knew it was a Prince because that had always been the plan.
Surely, recently, she had thought she could allow that possibility... but it had been over a month, and she hadn't heard from that person.
So, as her Friendar app beeped with a new notification, she felt she had finally found her solution.
Back to Present
"I'll see you soon," Mike said to her as their driver—whom he had insisted on taking her—pulled away from the mansion.
She waved with a slight smile. The drive to their family's airstrip was a short one.
As she boarded, she thought back to Mike. She knew that he would hate the decision she had made, the step she had taken.
She took out the final document she had received.
His name was sweet, Angelo Valerius García.
Though the surname reminded her of Javier, somehow she felt comfortable. Her spirit felt at peace with the decision she had made.
I'm married now. And I'm glad he's not a Prince. She smiled a bit at the thought.
She placed the document back. She knew it was only a matter of hours till the news reached Mike and the rest of her family.
But by the time the news would reach his office, hopefully, she would be out of the country.
Bordeaux, France, here I come.
Hi, fam! I don't know how I feel about these. I had this in mind, maybe not this way completely, but yeah... But I don't feel very confident... Please let me know what you think. I hope it's not too confusing.
Au Revoir,
Phela ❤️
Everything is set, Javier thought whilst looking at his packed suitcase.
Unlike other princes who loved to have help in everything, he had chosen to pack his own suitcase for the trip. He loved his independence and to settle his own business.
And everything was set, but his heart. He glanced at the clock, and then at the document he held in his hand.
It is now or never.
That document could seal everything for him. He knew he wasn't certain about what he was going to do.
But he felt he had no choice.
"Demetrius," he called for the man who had been patiently waiting his summons.
He had accompanied him to sign the document, as a witness. And all that was left, was to submit it and wait for the final certificate-after the other party had signed.
"Submit it after I take off," Javier instructed the man.
"Are you sure, Señor?"
"Claro (Crystal Clear)," he had made his decision. Demetrius gravely took the document - the marriage document.
"What do I tell your Father, Señor?"
"I will tell him myself when the time is right."
Demetrius nodded courteously and turned around to leave. When the door shut firm behind him, Javier sighed and run a hand through his dark hair.
"What have I done?" He questioned out loud.
Yet for all his frustration was worth, he didn't feel as anxious as he thought he would feel. He was strangely calm.
He thought back on how he had come upon this decision.
"Let's take a break," Francesco called out to his violet-eyed friend.
Javier silently swung his racket upon his neck and walked out of the tennis court.
He followed Francesco into his garden where a table of food had been set.
"You must eat something," Francesco passed him a plate.
They had met together on Francesco's estate to play tennis. And he knew Javier rarely ate in public, but they had been alone - without counting the guards - for the entire day and yet, he hadn't eaten a thing.
"It's almost 5 PM," he went on, but Javier just shook his head and drank a glass of water.
He had been much more quiet since the incident, Francesco had noted.
"Look Javier, I get it. You feel hurt by the whole situation, but you have to move on."
Javier turned away to look at the horizon. The sun was setting, he noticed.
"I'll use your restroom," he finally replied after a moment of silence.
As he walked, he thought about his dilemma. They were leaving for France the next day, yet, he had no news of Aquilina.
He had written her again, but received no reply. Jason had told him he couldn't do anything about his situation, which he found strange.
And stranger still, was the fact that he couldn't locate her, despite his unlimited resources.
The list of those going to France hadn't included her name when he last checked.
He felt like he was at a dead-end. His father was awaiting his response.
His phone beeped as he walked out of the restroom. As he stepped on the Rosa Aurora flooring that led to the back door, he took it out.
He felt a smile spread across his face as he read the message on the screen.
"And how are we today?" It was from AngelicEagle.
His new friend. It was strange, how she made him feel at peace, and calm.
Yet, he barely knew her. He sighed when he thought of the other piece to his dilemma.
He had found a new feature on the Friendar app, which had piqued his interest - the online marriage feature.
It wasn't all online - but the concept was, you could get married through their service to anyone across the globe.
All you had to do was to apply for it, and hope the person agrees.
Once that's settled, you walk into their office. You'd then sign the document, and they will see to the other party signing it as well - wherever they are.
He didn't want to do it. But since he had seen it, he couldn't help but feel that was his only choice.
That was if his new friend didn't reject him as Aquilina had done.
"Javi! Come on, what are you waiting for?" Francesco called out to him.
Francesco had seen his friend idling by the back door which led back to the garden.
What was he waiting for?
Hi lovelies! GOD bless you for making it this far. Please, don't beat me... yet. Okay? Deal? Deal.
And GOD bless you, Hope4ever and ThatGirlAJ The love is deep.
Much Love,
Song for Chapter: Truth I’m Standing On — Leanna Crawford
"No, Father. I'm not going to get married to some Princess," Javier argued.
He was sitting in the private chambers of his father, King Domingo II. The gold carvings surrounding the king's seat made him look all the more imposing.
His Father had dropped by unexpectedly for a visit. An unpleasant one — to Javier at least. He had summoned him right away to his chambers claiming to have important business to speak to him about.
"Javier Miguel, if you want to inherit all that I have someday and take over this throne, then you will do as I say!"
The king's patience had worn out.
But one look at his son's dejected face, took all the heat from his anger.
"Tell me, do you have someone else in mind you want to get married to?" He was willing to at least, listen to what his son had to say.
For a moment, Javier's eyes flickered with hope. He wanted to say that, Sí, yes, there is someone whom I love and who loves me back and is willing to marry me.
But, he couldn't. He thought of the last letter he had written... to Aquilina. He had made his feelings bare unto her. And asked her to spend the rest of her life with him.
He was ready to let go of everything—even his right to the throne.
Sadly, as the other letters he had sent, he got no reply. He couldn't bring harm her way by texting her. Whoever was after his life might be checking on his close contacts — despite the tight security setup.
"No, no tengo, padre," (No, I don't have, father), he admitted, his shoulders drooping.
His father sighed, he couldn't bear to see his son sad—knowing all that he had been through.
"Fine, I'll give you two weeks to think about it before moving forward."
"Just two weeks?"
"Two weeks are enough!"
Why, Aquilina? Why?
Javier felt his head begin to ache once again.
If only Aquilina could sing for me, he thought.
But that only made him further depressed. No, he needed a distraction. He had spent the whole day worrying about his father's proclamation. He had just two weeks to escape his fate.
And they were going to soon leave for their school's Annual Competitions against other similar schools held in France.
He walked around the garden behind the glasshouse a bit, but it didn't help.
He tried reading a book by his pool as well — hoping that'd be enough of a distraction. But it was to no avail.
He took out his phone... everything looked boring to him. He sighed and decided to try any new app that was on the suggestion list.
Perhaps, I'll find a game.
As he searched, he stumbled upon an app, Friendar.
Interesting name, he thought.
Without reading much about it, he downloaded it.
Soon, the app, Friendar, which actually meant Friend Radar opened up.
They asked him to fill up his details, and he entered his ID number—they needed that to verify that everyone was safe. But they didn't reveal any other detail about the person to the public—it was secure.
He felt so bored that he joined, but not with his current Royal ID. He snatched up the long hidden card he kept secure in his wallet.
The name it read was, Angelo Valerius García. His real name, or rather, the name his mother had given him.
He remembered when he had begged his father to change his name.
Five-year-old Angelo walked down the dimly lit palatial hallways leading to his father's office. He knew that they had been dimmed for his sake, as he couldn't bear the glaring lights.
As he walked on, he subconsciously touched the bandage that wrapped his little head. It still hurt.
He knew he shouldn't be roaming about, but he had to see his father. He knew his work gave King Domingo II little room to see his son, though he had tried to be available when he could.
But his young heart had yearned to see his father again.
He is all I have left, he thought to himself.
His mother had deserted him and left with her lover.
Though the servants had been instructed to keep quiet about the subject, there were still whispers. And those whispers were a painful reminder to his young heart.
His mother had left him when he needed her most.
She had been lovely, and so had everyone said. And Angelo knew it to be true. But he willed his young heart to forget every little detail about her.
Which was why he was approaching his Father's Royal office in the night, where he knew he would be.
His petition? To ask that the name which his mother had declared over him while he was yet a wee one, be removed. Thus removing every trace of her. It had once been his pride and joy.
His father who had been shocked to see him up and about had grimly agreed. But not after reproving him for leaving his room when he was sick.
"And father?" He said as he reached the door about to head out with a guard who had been called to aid him out.
"Sí, mijo (Yes, my son)?"
"I never want to get married to a Princess,"
His father had remained silent for a long moment. He knew why his young son had made that request—his mother had been a Princess before he had married her.
"We will see when the time is right."
Javier pushed the memories aside, and entered the ID number. Though he had stopped using that ID, he had never actually had the courage to get rid of it.
What better riddance than this? He mused.
He set his username as ShatteredSoul. For that was how he felt at that exact moment.
He then let the radar scan those who were in his city and a little beyond.
He glanced at the various usernames that popped up.
Brown Tea.
(A/N: Been writing since midnight, I'm past logic at this point, please do bear with me. :D)
He chuckled.
Now that sounds way better... and interesting too. He gingerly added the person as a friend. The bio had said it was a she.
He then went on to chat with the person.
Finally, a diversion.
Hi, all! I am so, very sorry for the long wait. Kindly forgive me.
And GOD richly bless @Hope4ever and @ThatGirlAJ
Your love means so much to me.
Much Love,