Farewell! (for now)
I bring you sad news, fellow writers. I am leaving The Prose. :(
But wait; don't cry! It's only for the summer!!!
I can see the relief on your face. Come on! I wouldn't do that to you!
So, why am I doing this? Because I've got stuff to do.
Things like weddings, graduations, family vacations, writing (and writing contest entries), work, helping relatives (which I have a TON of) and DIY projects. (In other words: LIFE GETS BUSY THIS SUMMER! And yes, to me, this is a good thing. I like being busy!)
Yeah, I know that it's very sad for you.
Now, don't worry; I'll be back in the fall! And maybe, just maybe, I'll drop by now and then to check on what my favorite people are doing. (For example, I have to read any new chapters of Princess Undercover by PhelaTK that come out. If I don't, I'll go crazy!!!)
Other than that, I will be silent.
I might randomly enter a challenge or write a post.
But I doubt it.
There is a good thing about this, though!
This fall, you can get super excited when I rejoin you! :P
Anyway, I hope you guys don't miss me too much. You see, I've got this idea that there's a few people who might, but maybe I'm wrong. :)
(Hopefully I'm not too addicted to The Prose, or this will be extremly painful...)
So, friends and fellow writers, this is...
FAREWELL! (for now)
A Prisoner
Sir Riley stood in the garden. He held in his hand the note that had been on the desk. Holding it up to the light, he studied it. A stick cracked behind him. Stuffing the paper in his pocket, he turned. Prince Leos was standing in the bushes.
“Ah, the poor knight is distressed over the accident to his lady.” Prince Leos said, mockingly.
Sir Riley face grew pale. Prince Leos laughed. His eyes strayed towards Sir Riley’s pocket. Sir Riley stepped forward.
“What do you want, prince?”
“Oh, just thought I’d say hello.” The Prince replied.
He turned and disappeared in the foliage. Sir Riley gazed after him, seething with rage.
“The monster!” Sir Riley muttered, “Perhaps it is best if Jewel dies! I would rather she did so, then have her marry him!”
* * * * *
Doctor Harrison worked steadily, moving about the room. His mind also was active. He knew that Sir Riley loved the Princess, though he did not comprehend just how passionately.
The good doctor hoped that Sir Riley would not be rash. For the doctor loved Sir Riley as if he was his own son. He hoped the princess would live, for Sir Riley’s sake, as well as her’s.
* * * * *
The Royal Guard combed the castle, searching for clues. They worked their way towards the butler’s quarters. He met them at the door.
“Purvis, we must search your rooms.” The lieutenant told him.
“W-why?” stuttered the butler, nervously.
“We are searching for clues of the murderer.”
Purvis let them in. the soldiers began to search the rooms. One of them spotted a black cloak hanging behind the door.
The lieutenant stepped over and picked up the cloak. Out of his pocket he took the piece of cloth that they had found. The material was the same. The lieutenant fingered the cloak, and his finger caught. Looking closer, the lieutenant saw that there was a tear. He held the scrap up against it. It matched exactly. Purvis stood watching. The lieutenant turned.
“This is your cloak?”
Purvis looked at it and swallowed nervously.
“I’ve never seen it before.” He stuttered.
“Seize him!” Commanded the lieutenant.
The soldiers grasped the butler’s arms firmly, and he was dragged off. The lieutenant watched them go. Then he turned to the remaining soldiers.
“Search the premises carefully.” He ordered.
Then he turned and left.
King Ronald frowned. “Purvis? You are sure, Lieutenant Garrin? He has always done a very good job. And he’s been with us ten years.”
“Well, the cloak was in his possession. And he acted suspiciously.”
“I suppose that does incriminate him.”
“What shall I do with him, Sire?”
“Put him prison. But treat him kindly, if it turns out not to be him, I do not wish to feel guilty for my treatment of him.”
Purvis was put in prison and kept under close guard.
* * * * *
Sir Riley sat in his chair, buried in thought. A servant brought in a cup of coffee, but he waved it away. When the servant left, Sir Riley pulled out the note once more. Carefully he studied it. He reached his hand towards his head and ran his fingers through his hair. As he brought his hand down, his fingers brushed the white ravelotte in his buttonhole. It had wilted in the heat. Seizing it, he was about to throw it away, but a thought suddenly he had a thought. He gazed at the flower for a moment. Then he hurried into his bedroom. About ten minutes later, he returned, looking puzzled. Going out, he mounted his horse and rode off to the palace.
When he arrived, he handed his horse to a stable hand. The he went out to the garden. Carefully, he searched the area where he and Jewel had stood. When he had finished, he stopped. The puzzled look had been replaced by one of befuddlement.
Sir Riley returned to the courtyard. There a page greeted him.
“Ah, Sir Riley!” the page exclaimed, “Have you heard the news? They have arrested the butler.”
“The butler!” repeated Sir Riley, in amazement, “You mean Purvis?”
The page nodded.
“But Purvis was…” Sir Riley started to say, and then he paused. A pleased look appeared on the young knight’s face.
Sir Riley returned home, to think. Repeatedly, Sir Riley went over the events of the night before. A servant stepped in.
“Yes, sir?”
“Have you cleaned the suit that I wore last night?”
“No, sir. I was just going to do so.”
Sir Riley looked thoughtful, and then he spoke, “John, would you get me a new ravelotte flower? This one has wilted in the heat.”
“Yes, sir.”
John handed Sir Riley a fresh flower. Sir Riley placed it in his buttonhole.
Sir Riley settled down and dozed off. Suddenly he was interrupted, by a knock.
“Come in.” he muttered drowsily.
The door opened. In stepped the Captain of the Royal Guard. Sir Riley sprang to his feet.
“What is it, Harvell?” asked Sir Riley, he knew the captain quite well.
“I’m very sorry Sir Riley, but you are under arrest.”
“What!” cried Sir Riley.
“I am forbidden to speak to you.” Captain Harvell said.
Soon Sir Riley arrived at the palace. He stood before Lewin.
“May I ask with what I am charged?” asked Sir Riley indignantly.
“Attempted murder.” replied Lewin.
Sir Riley went white, and then asked, in a quiet voice, “Of whom?”
“The Princess Jewel.”
“The Princess!” exclaimed Sir Riley, “But just a few hours ago I heard that you had arrested the butler.”
“We did.” replied Lewin, “But for all we know, he is your accomplice.”
Sir Riley stood on silence, then he spoke, “Do you have any evidence?”
Lewin reached down and picked up something. He held it out towards Sir Riley. The young knight stared. Then he picked it up. It was a white ravelotte flower. Sir Riley was well known for having bred his own flower. He always wore one, no one else did so; for there was no way to get one.
“Where did you find it?” asked Sir Riley.
“The maid, Elise, found it in her mistress’s room. She put it in her pocket and did not think of it until just a moment ago.” Lewin said quietly, “Everyone knows you alone wear this flower. You must have dropped it when you attempted to murder the Princess.”
Sir Riley stood holding the innocent looking flower.
“So, that’s where it went.” he muttered, for the flower had been what he was looking for. He could not find the one that he had worn the night before. It had bothered him. Now it turned up, making trouble. He must have dropped it in the garden, and the murderer found and used it to throw suspicion on Sir Riley.
“Put him in a cell.”
Sir Riley was brought in to the prison and thrust in a cell. The door clanged shut.
End of Chapter Five
(I remember spending so much time on this part of the story! It still is one of my favorite parts, though. Maybe because The Captain of The Royal Guard shows up, and he's always been one of my favorite characters. Perhaps I should write a story about him, since he really doesn't get any real story line in any of my books. He does have an interesting backstory in my head... :) If you are not being tagged when new chapters come out and would like to be, let me know!)
The Investigation
In the courtyard, another rider appeared, it was Sir Riley. He listened in a daze to the page who told him the news. After the page finished, he stumbled up to the Princess’s room. Doctor Harrison knew him quite well. Sir Riley often visited him in the evening. He knew that Sir Riley loved Jewel with all his heart.
“Come in.”
Sir Riley stepped in and saw Jewel and dropped on his knees beside the bed. He reached his hand out and stroked her hair.
“Jewel,” he muttered, lovingly.
He knelt there some time, oblivious to the doctors. Finally, Doctor Harrison reached out and tapped Sir Riley’s shoulder. “Riley, you had best go.” The doctor said quietly.
“Is there anything that I can do to help?”
The doctor shook his head. Sir Riley turned to the door. As he did so, he saw the note. Picking it up, he slipped it into his pocket. The doctors went back to work.
In a little while, there was a knock.
“Humph, is everybody in the entire kingdom going to come and visit?” Doctor Brownly muttered.
He opened the door. A lieutenant stood there. “Sorry to intrude, but we wish to investigate the premises.” The soldier told him, “Perhaps we will find a clue as to who the murderer is.”
“Just a moment.” Said Doctor Brownly.
He turned and spoke to the other doctors. Then Doctor Harrison turned to the lieutenant.
“Very well, we will move the Princess to another room.”
Carefully Jewel was transported to the room across the corridor. The soldiers began to search the room.
“Lieutenant!” called a soldier, standing near the window.
The soldier held up a piece of black cloth. “It was caught on the trellis, sir.”
“Ah, the trellis!” exclaimed the lieutenant.
He leaned out the window and studied the ivy. It was broken and wilted in places. Then the lieutenant turned to a solider.
“Find the Princess’s maid and bring her to me. I wish to question her.” The lieutenant ordered.
The soldier disappeared. Just a moment later, Doctor Harrison stood in the doorway. “Lieutenant?”
“Yes, doctor?”
“There is a note on the desk.”
“A note?”
Doctor Harrison turned towards the desk, and then stopped in surprise. “Why, it’s not there!”
“Not there? What did it say?” asked the lieutenant.
“Well, I think it went like this, ‘Revenge! – The Caped Avenger.’”
The lieutenant nodded. “If I interpret correctly, it’s ‘The Black Caped Avenger’”
“Why do you think that?” Inquired the doctor.
The lieutenant held up the piece of black cloth.
“You think that’s part of his cape?”
“Yes. It was caught on the trellis outside the window.”
The soldier stepped in with the maid, Elise.
“Ma’am, was this window unlocked last night?”
“Why, yes, it was. The Princess likes to sleep with it open. But, I believe she did not do so last night. But the window was unlocked.
“Thank you.”
The maid left the room.
“So, that’s how he got in.” muttered the lieutenant, “In the window, and out again. His cape must have caught on the trellis as he climbed down.”
“I suppose that’s what happened.” Said the doctor.
“Doctor, could I have the dagger?” asked the lieutenant, “I know it probably won’t have any fingerprints, but perhaps we can trace the owner. Though, we probably won’t be able to.”
The doctor left and in a moment returned with the dagger.
“Thank you.”
The lieutenant continued his search of the room.
“If only I had that note.” The lieutenant murmured, “We just might be able to trace the handwriting.”
They completed their search and left.
End of Chapter Four
The Prince Learns the News
King Ronald and Keven slowly went towards Queen Kayleen’s rooms. “This is going to be hard to tell your mother.” King Ronald said, in a low voice.
Keven didn’t speak. A maid met them at the door. “She is asleep.”
The King nodded. “Perhaps itis best to wait a bit before telling her.”
A page came up, “Sire?”
“The people have gathered in the courtyard. They wish to know if it is true that the Princess is dead.”
“I shall go and tell them myself.”
King Ronald advanced to the balcony. Below him, people were huddled in little groups all over the courtyard. When the King stepped out, they gathered to hear what he had to say. The King looked out at them. Then he spoke, “My people, you wish to know if it is true that the Princess is no longer alive?”
A murmur ran through the crowd.
“Well, it is. The Princess has been murdered!”
The people gasped.
“I trust that you will help hunt down the murderer of your beloved Princess.”
“Yes! Yes!” someone in the crowd shouted. The others echoed his cry.
Just then a page tapped the King on the shoulder.
The page spoke in low tones to the king.
“Impossible!” the King exclaimed.
The page continued to speak. When the King remounted the balcony, he had tears in his eyes. “Thank God! The Princess still lives, it may yet be possible to save her.”
The people cheered.
“I trust that you will still hunt down the person who attempted to do this dreadful deed?”
“Yes!” cried the people.
The King turned and went back into the palace.
The Countess Meralynn stepped out of her carriage. She arrived just in time to see the King step out on the balcony. Her lips tightened when she heard the news. When it was announced that the Princess was not dead, she fainted. Her companion, Sir Eswold, caught her. Laying her on the carriage seat, he fanned her. When she regained consciousness, she lifted her head. Her mind span, the very girl she had envied had almost been murdered. Some of the others might have noticed her behavior and had put it rightfully down to jealousy. Then while they thought about it, it would grow on them. And then they would report her as having threatened the princess. Oh, why wasn’t I nicer that evening? Father will never forgive me if I ruin our family name. Meralynn thought remorsefully.
* * * * *
Into the courtyard rode Prince Leos. Dismounting, he gave his horse to a stable hand. Entering the palace, he met a page.
“Ah, prince!” exclaimed the page, “tis a tragedy!”
“What has happened?” asked Prince Leos.
“Someone has attempted to murder the Princess.” Replied the page, “But in their haste, the murderer missed her heart, and she still lives! At the present moment, they are doing their best to save her.”
The prince went pale, “How could this be!” he muttered.
Looking up he saw some knights mounting their horses.
“Where are they going?” he asked.
“They are going out to search for a clue as to who the murderer is.”
“I see,” murmured the prince, “Where is the Princess?”
“In her chamber.”
Prince Leos hurried through the palace until he arrived at the door to Jewel’s room. Doctor Harrison was just leaving. Stepping out, he saw the prince.
“May I see the Princess?” asked the prince.
“She is unconscious.” Doctor Harrison told him.
“May I see her anyway?”
“Very well.” Doctor Harrison said, after a pause.
The doctor opened the door. The prince stepped over to the bed.
“Are you sure that she is alive?”
“Yes, her heartbeat is quite distinct.”
The prince stood there for a moment, a look of pain on his face. Then he turned and hurriedly left the room.
* * * * *
The King and Keven broke the news as gently as possible to Queen Kayleen. At least now they had some hope that she would live.
End of Chapter Three
(What do you think folks? Is this story any good! PLEASE comment and like this! If you are not being tagged and would like to be when new chapters come out, let me know!)
Jewel, in the ballroom, was the center of attention. She was unusually quiet that evening, her friends noticed. Jewel was well known for her laugh; it was happy and carefree sounding, but this evening she didn’t laugh. She was absorbed in her thoughts; she knew that she must tell her father that she loved Sir Riley, but she was afraid to. Also, Prince Leos would be angry, he already didn’t like her to speak of any man besides himself. Finally, Jewel decided to tell her father in the morning.
The young Countess Meralynn stood near the Princess. She listened to the others talking, but her eyes kept straying towards the beautiful Slavinder gemstone necklace that Jewel was wearing. Why doesn’t my father get me one of those. She thought crossly. He has enough money. It wasn’t fair, just because Jewel is a princess means that she gets everything beautiful.Countess Meralynn grew more and more jealous. She wanted that necklace, and she was going to get it, no matter what.
In the corner of the ballroom, there was a person. He had sharp beady eyes, and they watched the princess. He saw her dismiss herself, saying she did not feel well. He smiled maliciously. Then he left also. Getting into a carriage, he drove away.
Jewel went to her room. She lay in bed, for a while, and then fell asleep, a smile on her lips.
The moonlight streamed through the window.
Suddenly a shadow fell across the room. The window slid open, a figure appeared and slipped into the room. It crept over to the bed. The figure was wearing a black cape and was masked. It stood looking down at the Princess. The figure leaned over, and then its black gloved hand drew something from its belt. Lifting it, the figure plunged it downwards.
Then, turning, the figure stepped over to the desk. It quickly wrote something on a paper. Stepping back to the window, the figure slipped through. The black cape caught on something, and the figure pulled it free. The window closed, and the figure climbed down the trellis, and into the garden. It disappeared down the path, the black cape fluttering behind.
* * * * *
The maid hurried down the corridor to the Princess’s room. She knocked, there was no answer. Quietly she opened the door, and stepped in, the Princess lay asleep on the bed. Suddenly the maid froze in horror, and then screamed! For the Princess had a dagger in her heart!
The maid turned and ran screaming towards the door. Prince Keven met her. “What is it, Elise?” he asked.
The maid pointed towards the bed. Prince Keven looked, and then stood staring. He turned and ran down the corridor. He burst into a room. King Ronald and his trusted councilor Lewin were in it.
“What is it, Keven?” asked the king, upon seeing Keven’s pale, horrified face.
“It is Jewel!” Cried Keven hoarsely, “She has a dagger in her heart!”
The King and Lewin stared at each other. They followed Keven back to Jewel’s room. King Ronald went over to the bed.
“Get Doctor Harrison!” he ordered.
Elise, who was still standing there, obeyed quickly.
King Ronald stood gazing down at his beautiful daughter. Keven dropped down beside the bed and touched her hand; it was ice cold.
“Jewel,” he muttered brokenly.
His head sank, and soon his sobs were heard. King Ronald laid his hand on Keven shoulder. Lewin stood watching the father and son who had lost one of the most precious things in the world.
He was turning to go, when he noticed the note on the desk. Stepping over, he picked it up. He drew in his breath sharply. The paper said, in bold clear print: ‘Revenge! – The Caped Avenger.’
“It ought to say, ’The Caped Villain!” Muttered Lewin, “Imagine, killing a beautiful young girl for revenge.”
Hearing a noise, he turned. It was Doctor Harrison.
“What is it?” the doctor asked.
Lewin motioned silently towards the bed. The doctor stepped over. He looked down. “The Princess!” he exclaimed, unbelievingly, “What happened?”
“We don’t know.” Lewin said quietly, “But whoever did it, left this note.” Lewin pointed towards the desk.
Doctor Harrison studied it. “Hmmm.” Was all he said.
Then he turned to the king. “I’m sorry, your majesty, but you will have to leave.”
The King nodded, as if in a daze. He touched Keven’s shoulder. The boy looked up. “We have to go break the news to your mother.” King Ronald said, quietly
Keven obeyed silently. Lewin watched them go, and then he turned to the doctor. “What a dreadful thing to happen.” He said.
The doctor nodded. Lewin left the room. Doctor Harrison went over to the bed. He stood looking down at the lovely girl. Never again would he hear her happy laugh. He bent over and picked up a pale, cold hand. Automatically he checked for a pulse. He dropped the hand, and then stopped. Quickly he picked it back up again. Yes, there was a heartbeat!
“I must be going crazy!” he muttered. There was a dagger in her heart, how could she be alive? Checking closer, he saw that, the dagger had missed her heart. The dagger had logged the wound. He pulled out the dagger. Blood began to seep through. Quickly the doctor plugged it. Then he leaned over and placed his ear over her heart. Sure enough, it was beating. It wasn’t strong, but it was there.
The doctor stepped into the hall, seeing a maid he called out, “Get Doctor Brownly, and hurry!”
The maid disappeared. Doctor Harrison stepped back into the room and began to get his supplies ready. A few moments later, Doctor Brownly arrived. Doctor Harrison hurried over. “You heard what happened?” he asked.
Doctor Harrison motioned towards the bed. Doctor Brownly muttered an exclamation of horror.
“Thomas, I think I’m going crazy.”
Doctor Brownly looked at him, “Nonsense Frank.”
“John, I think that I heard a… a heartbeat!”
“Impossible!” exclaimed Doctor Brownly, “You can’t be stabbed in the heart, yet live!”
“Check for yourself.”
Brownly looked at him, and then stepped over to the bed. He felt for a pulse, and his eyebrows went up. He leaned over and placed his ear over her heart. Slowly he straightened. Turning to Doctor Harrison, he said, “I don’t believe it! She’s alive!”
He looked at Doctor Harrison, “Is it possible that we’re both imagining things?”
Doctor Harrison shook his head.
“Well, maybe we want her alive so much that we are?”
Doctor Harrison shook his head again. The two colleagues looked at each other. “But, how is she alive?” asked Doctor Brownly.
“I believe that the dagger missed her heart, and it also clogged the wound.”
“We must do all we can to save her.” Doctor Brownly said quietly.
They sent for Doctor Viroldo and for all the supplies they would need.
End of Chapter Two
(Hmmmmm…sometimes I wonder if this part of the story is medically accurate. My 14-year-old self didn't care, and I don't know if my present self cares either! :) You live and learn...and you'll never know everything.
If you are not being tagged and would like to be when new chapters come out, let me know!)
The Rival Lovers
Far away, in a land called Sirine, there lived a princess named Jewel, with dark brown hair and grey-green eyes. Jewel lived with her parents and younger brother in the royal palace.
That night there was to be a ball. Jewel had just finished getting ready when there was a knock on the door.
“Who is it?” Jewel asked.
“Keven, I have come to escort you to the ball.” A boy’s voice said.
Jewel glanced in the mirror, and then opened the door. There, standing in the doorway, was her fifteen-year-old brother, Prince Keven.
“Jewel, you look lovely!” he exclaimed when his eye fell on her.
“Thank you.” Jewel said, with a soft smile.
Keven held out his arm, and Jewel took it. A moment later, they stepped into a room. Queen Kayleen and King Ronald, their parents, were standing there, waiting for them.
“We are going to go greet the guests.” Queen Kayleen told them.
“All right. We’ll be right there.”
Queen Kayleen and King Ronald left the room. Keven and Jewel were just about to follow them, when a page came in.
“Prince Leos is here.” He announced.
In came the prince, he was the younger brother of the King of Noto, a neighboring country of Sirine. Prince Leos was tall and quite handsome.
“Ah, Princess,” he said, “May I have the pleasure of escorting you to the ballroom?”
Jewel hesitated, and Prince Leos took this as affirmative. He removed her hand from Prince Keven’s hand, and off they went.
“Jewel, you are quite quiet.” Prince Leos said, “If something is bothering you, you can confide in me.”
“Oh, it is nothing.” Jewel said.
“Well, you still may tell me, we are going to be married in two months.”
By now they had reached the ballroom. “I said, nothing is bothering me,” Jewel replied coldly. She removed herself from the grasp of Prince Leos and walked away.
He stared after her, and then looked around, no one seemed to have noticed the Princess’s obvious disapproval as she departed from his presence.
The prince was wrong, a pair of sharp eyes had seen the entire scene. The person was in the far end of the ballroom. They belonged to a young knight, named Sir Riley. He smiled quietly, and then sauntered over to where the Princess was. Prince Leos had already arrived, and he stood near the Princess. He kept interrupting Jewel to ask questions. She was growing quite annoyed.
As Sir Riley stood there, a lady joined him. Her face was hidden behind her fan.
“Isn’t the Princess lovely?” she asked in a sweet voice.
“Indeed, she is.” Replied Sir Riley.
“Wouldn’t it be a pity if she died young like the princess of Azlio did?”
Sir Riley started, and then looked down at the lady.
“Let us hope not.” He said, in a slightly wary tone.
“Ah, but you should be prepared for anything.” The lady whispered.
“Who are you?” demanded Sir Riley.
The lady quickly turned and disappeared into the crowd. Sir Riley gazed after in puzzlement. Then he shuddered, the lady had been Lady Arthleena, the widow of a knight that had fallen off a cliff while riding along a mountain path. His widow had gone out of her mind, and spent her time telling people that they might die. She was considered dangerous and was going to be locked away. How she got into the ballroom Sir Riley did not know.
Sir Riley turned back to the others. After he listened to their conversation for a moment, he slipped away. Jewel glanced up and saw him leave. A moment later, she excused herself and followed him. Jewel stepped out into the dark garden. She went to the back corner. “Riley?” Jewel called softly.
His figure appeared. In a moment, she was clasped in his arms.
“Did you tell your father?” Sir Riley asked in a low voice.
Jewel was silent.
“Jewel, did you?”
“No,” Jewel whispered.
“Jewel!” Sir Riley said, “You must tell him.”
Jewel began to cry softly, “Oh, Riley! I can’t bring myself to! He’s set on my marriage to Prince Leos.”
“Jewel, everything will be all right,” Sir Riley said, holding her tightly. After a moment he spoke again, “The next chance you or I get, we must tell your father that we love each other.”
* * * * *
In the ballroom, Prince Leos saw the Princess leave. A couple minutes later, he followed. Creeping up in the bushes, he looked out. Jewel stood there in a man’s arms. Soon, the man turned, and in the moonlight, he saw it was Sir Riley. Prince Leos narrowed his eyes. Angrily he scowled. He would get Jewel to explain this, she was promised to him. Quietly he slipped away.
Jewel and Sir Riley parted, Jewel returning to the ballroom. Sir Riley stood in the garden, thinking. He loved Jewel very much. Prince Leos made him angry, always forcing himself on Jewel. But, Sir Riley had to admit, he was handsome. He also had perfect manners around the king. Sir Riley hoped that Jewel would tell the King when her next chance came.. Little did he know, there was not going to be another chance.
Sir Riley did not return to the ball, instead he went home. He had no wish to encounter Prince Leos again.
End of Chapter One
(Yay! It's the last story in the series! If you are not being tagged, and would like to be when new chapters come out, let me know!)
a man doesn’t need much to cling to life
A lone ant
crawled into his hair and went across
his forehead to
his eyelid
He woke up
Sand all about him and wood above
But this was so far
from hell
Hell was a thing of the past now
Now he had her by
his side
She was still sleeping
in her rugged sleeping bag
For the past few days
they slept under the cabin
to avoid being ambushed inside
He knew she wouldn’t be by his
for long. The infection in her
mouth was really getting out of control
putting her one outrageous fever
away from death
This was the world today
A warm wasteland full of predators
and no medical help of
any kind. Kill or be killed. Law of
the jungle. And so on
He liked to believe he
Too many didn’t
His luck stood in not having that much of
a fine life before the disaster
In fact
life was actually better now
in some aspects
For one
he had a cute companion by his side
A man really doesn't need
much to cling to life
She awakened a few minutes later
from another one of her fever dreams
All sweaty
Breathing heavy
Reaching out for his hand
“Do I smell?” she asked
“I said, do I smell?”
“Well, yeah, we both do. Just look at…
where we are. How we are. But hey,
one thing you can be sure of, I
really, really don’t mind.”
“You sure?”
“More than sure.”
“Good. Then hold me.”
He moved closer and circled her with his
arms. Buried his head in
her hair. “We can go inside. No one
came tonight either. It’s safe.”
“No,” she said. “Hold me for a bit longer.
This night… I had the worst of
them. Worst nightmare. A boat came
here on the beach. With saviors. They weren’t
even pirates. But actually good people.
They rescued us.
And among them… there was another woman.
A healthy, pretty one.
And the two of you fell in love. And I
lost you. And I killed myself. Threw
myself over the board. And drowned. My lungs
were burning.”
“Wow,” he said. “What a silly dream.”
“It felt so real.”
“You think I’d leave you for another woman
just because she’s healthy and pretty? After
all we’ve gone through?”
“Look,” she said, “my husband left me for
another woman
even before my gums and tongue started to
swell and rot. When I was still
healthy and… somewhat pretty.”
“Well… I’m not your husband.”
“Sorry,” she said. “I… shouldn’t have brought him
into the discussion. And you’re right. You
are… the most… You’re all I’m still
alive for, really. And I know
I won’t be alive for long.”
“Don’t talk like that,” he said
“It’s true. That’s why… I want you to know
that these past days…
I’ve been praying. For God not to send
us any rescuers. I prayed not to be
found by any other humans. I hate all other
humans besides you. I know it’s incredibly
selfish of me but… We’ve enough
provisions here to
survive… You know, in my case, for the rest
of my life. It’s all a matter of
days, really. I want these last days to be
spent with you alone.”
They made love there in the
dirty sand
and he didn’t mind covering that rotting
mouth with his
By the time she died
her belly
was quite swollen
And he made his peace
with the fact that he’ll never get
over it
Torrent dans mon âme
Je sens la confusion, un tel torrent dans mon âme.
Une tristesse à la fin de ma journée, qui rampe comme
un suintement noir suintait de ma peau.
Une voix dans ma tête qui n'arrête pas de dire.
Il est temps de rentrer à la maison.
Mais qu'est-ce que je dois aller à la maison.
Tout a changé.
La maison que j'ai connue n'est plus là.
Les lieux et les choses qui détenaient autrefois de la magie,
ne sont plus qu'une béquille inutile.
Dans mes rêves, je vois les champs et les forêts où j'ai marché autrefois
En été vert et or.
Le rêve est creux et vide.
Les champs sont devenus gris d'hiver.
La forêt a perdu son vert.
Une voix dans ma tête qui n'arrête pas de dire.
Il est temps de rentrer à la maison.
Une tristesse à la fin de ma journée, qui rampe comme
un suintement noir suintait de ma peau.
Un tel torrent dans mon âme.
D.Casabonne ( C ) 17.11.2021 Tous droits réservés
Rester (Version Alt)
Je conduis à la maison quand
tout le monde dort encore.
Il y a un silence qui enveloppe
le monde à 4 heures du matin.
La tenant pendant quelques courtes minutes
avant d'aller dormir, la meilleure partie de la journée.
Même si je sais, ce sera bientôt fini
Mon coeur me dit qu'il est temps d'y aller
Mon cœur me dit de ne pas lâcher prise.
J'aurais dû partir quand elle m'a dit
elle était amoureuse d'un autre.
Je suis resté.
J'aurais dû lâcher prise après les disputes
à propos d'elle me repoussant
je suis resté
J'aurais dû partir après qu'elle ait dit à quel point elle était malheureuse.
je suis resté
Mon coeur me dit qu'il est temps d'y aller
Mon cœur me dit de ne pas lâcher prise.
En regardant dans ses yeux, je vois la douleur
déception tous les jours.
Je l'entends grincer des dents quand je dis
Je vous aime.
Les espaces vides en conversation
grandir plus longtemps.
Les moments de silence gênants
chercher quelque chose à dire.
Mon coeur me dit qu'il est temps d'y aller
Mon cœur me dit de ne pas lâcher prise.
D Casabonne (C)10.08.20 Tous droits réservés
A Dream
Lizzy ran. She ran because he told her to. That wonderful, stupid old man, who looked so young. She ran from the machines as they screamed "EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!"
"Need...to get...the sonic..." she panted as she ran. She ran past gravestones, barely registering the names: River Song, Rory Arthur Williams, Clara Oswald. Pale hands with eyes on their palms reached out to grasp her feet, and Zoe let out a sob. She knew she could never dance through them all.
Suddenly there was a wooshing sound, and she stood next to the TARDIS. Beside her was a young man with silver hair. "You didn't see that coming," he panted heavily.
"Pietro! Help me find the Doctor's sonic!" Lizzy cried. He nodded quickly, and she pushed her key into the door. It opened, and at once Pietro disappeared from her sight, zooming and dashing all over the inside of the TARDIS. In ten seconds he reappeared in front of her, holding out the screwdriver. "Why is it bigger on the inside?" He asked her, but she shook her head. "Get me back to the Doctor, now! He needs this!"
Pietro nodded, and in three seconds Lizzy and he were standing behind the Doctor.
"Hahaah!" The Doctor cried, putting his arms around us. "And this is why you should never let me talk, Davros! Unlike your very old self I have many friends, and they never, EVER, let me down!"
"I have no need of FRIENDS, Doctor," Davros retorted, his aged form slumped in the Dalek chair. "My children do my every bidding without question. And, unlike your human friends, my children do not easily die! Daleks! Exterminate the Doctor!"
The surrounding Daleks repeated Davros's words, and moved their weapons to target the three figures.
"Got a plan?" Lizzy murmured. "Because I am a teeny bit frightened."
"Ah, don't worry Liz. I've always got a plan. Though sometimes they tend to be a bit rubbish!" He yelled the last part as he pointed the screwdriver at the ground; a jagged crack materialized as the Daleks fired; Lizzy screamed as they fell down into a building. There were parts of smashed concrete and roofing scattered everywhere, and Lizzy saw two people looking astonishingly at the three of them.
"Where did you come from?" the Asian woman asked. The massive guy with her yelled a name and brushed past us to dig frantically at the pile of masonry that we had fallen into.
"Is somebody under there?" Pietro asked with his Sakovian accent.
"TURBO!" yelled the big man gleefully.
"Mack," came a weak reply from under the masonry. "I think...I think my legs are broken."
"Oh my God!" Lizzy cried. "It's you! Fitz, Mack, Agent May! Oh my God..." She covered her mouth with her hands. "Doctor...did we just kill Agent Fitz?"
"Like I said, Lizzy," the Doctor said sadly, "some of my plans are rubbish."
Lizzy gasped in dismay, and broke down crying when Mack lifted off a heavy rock to show the piece of roofing nearly cutting Leopold Fitz in half. The Doctor rested a comforting hand on my head. "The night's not over yet, Lizzy," he said, and the TARDIS formed around the two of them. He ran around the controls fiddling with them, but Lizzy slumped down and sobbed wretchedly. Leopold James Fitz...she had seen him from another universe. She had seen them all: Director Coulson, Melinda May, big Mack, Daisy Johnson the Destroyer of Worlds, and...Fitzsimmons. Jemma Simmons, oh how would she feel, how would she bare the news of her husband, dead in a flash...
"We killed him, Doctor." Lizzy said woodenly. "We killed Fitz."
"I'm sorry, Lizzy," he said quietly, coming over to sit next to me. "It was the only way..."
"To break the paradox?"
"Yes, to break the paradox. And Lizzy, I know you've been through so much, but please, hold on tight. You can do this, I know you can!" He kissed her on the head, and held her face in his hands. "My impossible girl," he whispered, and smiled at her.
And then, Lizzy fell.
She didn't just fall through air: she fell through scenes, and fell slower every time someone died. She passed Boromir , riddled with arrows, Aragon kneeling by his side. She passed Chuck pressing the bloodstained carving into Thomas's hand; then Newt, covered in black blood, whispering "Thank you" to Tommy as the knife stole his life away; then Teresa, she too falling into fire after saving Tom. Lizzy's tears fell more frequently each scene she came across. Kanan Jarrus, Fives, 99, Chirrut, Baze, Bhodi, K2-S0, Jyn and Cassian, Amy and Rory, Shrike, Wolverine, Ru and Finnick, Maul and Anakin...
It went on and on. Lizzy was crying so hard she could barely breathe. All of a sudden, she wasn't falling anymore: she was sobbing on the ground, her wet hands already covered with dust and tiny rocks. She raised her head, and her sobbing reached a crescendo.
It was Fitz again. Her saddest moment...of course it would be this.
"I think my legs are broken."
"No, Fitz!" She howled. "You're going to die! And it's all my fault!"
"No, no, it...it isn't your fault," he said, turning his head. "Loo...look at me."
Lizzy heaved in deep breaths as she crawled closer, and took his hand. "You sound...so Scottish," she blurted out, and her tears increased.
"Look, death is like...its like before I was born, I...that's what my mum used to say to, to me..." he trailed off, no more words to say. His hands were trembling badly: Lizzy held them tight. "Jemma should be here, not me. It should be Jemma."
"Shoosh, shh, Jemma would only worry, and Ma...and Mack can tell her once I'm, er...gone..." His eyes were glazing over. Lizzy wiped his dusty face clean. He wasn't even crying: he was peaceful, almost happy. "Liz...Liz. Lizzy, can you do one, one thing for me?"
"Yes, Fitz, of course, of course: anything!"
He paused to look away, then looked back into Lizzy's eyes. "Wake up," he said, and stopped breathing.
"NOOOO!" Lizzy bawled, curling up into a ball and holding Fitz's hand.
"My...my legs are broken..."
"...um, no they're not," Georgia said. "Wake up, sleepyhead! We'll be late for work!"
Lizzy uncurled herself slowly, opening her tear-crusted eyes. It was morning. All the crying had been in the dream...at least, she thought so until she saw her soaked pillow.
"I'm...coming, Georgia," she said quietly.