If You Had Saved Me
Time is ticking
My heart is beating
Can't you hear it?
The beat is falling behind
It can't keep up
But instead of stopping
You run
You run faster than you ever have before
To escape time
But now I have excepted the truth
You can't beat time
So I let it catch me
But I slow for a second to see if you would catch me instead
You look behind you
You paint a smile on my face and continue to run
I didn't want you to run
I wanted you to save me
Sea of Time
Slowly I watch myself
drowning in the sea of time
waiting for a hero
but knowing that one will never come
instead I play victim to myself
letting words twist and sit inside of me
words that when not released ooze a toxin
a toxin that sinks into your blood
a toxin that never comes out
no matter how hard you try
no matter how hard you cry
and with every tear it adds to the sea
the unforgiving sea that weakens you with every wave
and with every wave you give away the grip you had on the world
until you don't even know you exist
until you are so faded that you don't notice your a human
one day we will all wash up on the shore
where each grain of sand is a person
showing the wrinkles of time
and where wrinkles of time are only moments creating a picture
that we can never escape
a picture that not only paints our own lives
but paints a picture of what we did and didn't do
a picture no one seems to pay attention to
because ignorance is bliss
and bliss is what takes us in the end
Watchful Eye
Cacie splashed in the small puddles while her mother watched carefully from the porch. It was the typical dark and dreary day that the Darous family had grown to love. Since the move to the modest country home Tanya had found herself with more time for her family. As the wind picked up it blew the yellow rubber hat off of Cacie's head sending it into the mud. Without hesitation Cacie put the now muddy hat back onto her golden colored hair.
Tanya laughed at the silliness of her little girl. Continuing to giggle she took the hat off of Cacie examining the mud it left on her daughters head. "Stay here my silly little duck, i'll go get a towel." Tanya was not worried as Cacie was now six years old and knew her boundaries. As Tanya bent down to reach a towel in the pantry she felt a kick in her stomach one of the many blessing that came with being pregnant. "Hold on little one ill be sitting on the porch in a minute. I just need to take care of your big sister first." Just as she was about to get up she heard the rumble of an old car with the following of slamming doors. Assuming that it was just her husband she took her time getting up and walking back outside to go clean up her beloved daughter.
Upon reaching outside Tanya dropped the yellow duck themed towel that her daughter loved and drew out her cell phone punching in the numbers as fast as she could.
"911 What's your emergency?"
Sunlight bursted through my window sending me a rude wake up call. I could hear the quiet hum of bustle in the street and clatter of horse hooves on the cobblestone road. Making sure not disturb the creaking wood floor boards of the cottage I sauntered to my small window. The window was covered by two wooden planks bound with two metal strips, but there was numerous cracks letting sunlight dance into my room. A gentle breeze rattled at my windows begging for me to let them in. With a sigh I unlatched the window and pushed away the oak planks to reveal a small town among a kingdom. Quickly I raised my hand to protect my delicate grey eyes from the sun. Smells wafted in from the bakery down the street making me crave their flaky croissants and warm muffins.
A single shout from the street towards me removed my thoughts from breakfast. "Hey Lus!" My eyes found their way to a boy about sixteen years old with dark brown hair and olive green eyes staring back at me.
"Good morning Jackson! Is your sister any better?" Before he could answer the loud sound of a flugelhorn announced that the festival would be starting.
"Sorry Lus I promised my father that I would be there to help, but I hope to see you there." With that we both smiled at each other as he waltzed the street towards the large stone castle with tall red roofs and vines cascading its walls revealing its age. I could see the magic floating through the air following the trail of people. I could see children bouncing up and down with anticipation and parents with joyous smiles parading down the old streets of Estonia proud to be part of a kingdom.
Turning to my mirror I fixed my voluminous butterscotch blonde hair into a loose braid flowing over my shoulder to the beginning of my stomach. Swiftly I put on my festival dress covered in pure white and enhanced with a series of gold thread about the waist. Then I threw on my chocolate colored cloak and grabbed a basket woven with threads of bamboo,one of my favorite treasures. Now I was ready to go to the festival.
Knowing that father would probably not be awake for hours I was free to take our horse. I quickly made my way through a rusty gate to a small red barn filled with only one horse. Essen politely neighed at me and stomped at the ground, his grey skin was dotted with black spots and he had a gorgeous long white mane. Without hesitation I opened his gate and hopped onto his back.
"Okay Essen lets go." Essen began to trot and jumped over the rusty gate with ease. A smile spread across my face as Essen and I galloped to the castle. The road steadily climbed a cliff side overseeing a wide dark blue sea, it led to a plateau in which the festival would take place and just beyond the palace was a dark forest that loomed with shadows.
When I reached the entrance I could see the various market stands filled with nick knacks and piled with fresh food. In the middle laid a single chair sitting the king of the kingdom. He had sleek black hair showing grey specks covered with a golden crown that glowed like the sun. Jackson suddenly appeared before me greeting me with my favorite nutmeg muffin. Instantly I got off Essen and took the muffin.
"Good to see you again Jackson. Your not going to be running off again will you?" His olive green eyes sparkled and he let a slight chuckle out of his mouth.
"I would never. I have looked forward spending this time with you for months." His voice reminded me of water flowing over smooth rocks.
"Yes I have been looking forward to it also, but first I must see the king. I'll see you soon Jackson." He seemed slightly disappointed but I had to see the king, so with Essen following obediently behind me as I walked towards the king. When I stood before the king I bowed and addressed myself.
"I am Lus Devenson and I am here to make a request." The king sat straight up curiosity spreading across his face.
"State your case child."It seemed like his smile turned devilish.
"My mother is sick and my father works relentlessly to pay for the medical bills, but I ask of you to give us a loan so we can pay to heal her." The king lifted his hand and slammed it on the arm of his chair.
"Never. The kingdom won't pay for peasant's problems. Come back when you have a real emergency." A sneer played across his face he almost seemed happy to deny me.
"Please sir I will do whatever I can to save my mother. You must understand!" His hand flew up indicating for his guards to take me away from him. "No, please you must listen.Please help me." The knights in shining silver armor started to move towards me. I let my voice rise. " Your duty is to help people in need not deny them the privilege of living." As my voice rose my hands started to glow and became brighter with every word. All eyes were on us now. Just as a knight lunged at me a burst of light shot from my hand almost hitting the kings head.
I looked down at my hands surprised and bewildered. The noise from the crowd rose into a frenzy. The king immediately stood up and looked at me with disgust.
"WITCH! Seize her! Don't let her get away." Desperate to find someone who had empathy for me I turned around to see Jackson, but his eyes were laced with fear. Tears welled up in my eyes as I mounted Essen and galloped away with knights chasing after me.
Essen took me deep into the woods, tears now came in waterfalls down my cheeks. Suddenly Essen stopped at a small lake covered by a canopy of leaves and branches, only little bits of sunlight shone through to make the lake sparkle. It oddly seemed to calm me down and before I knew it I was down on the ground beside it submerging my hands in the water. The glow returned in my hands and spread throughout the lake. I quickly removed my hands from the lake scared. A single tear slid down my face and dropped into the lake sending out another burst of light.
"What is wrong with me Essen? What did I do to deserve this?" My dress once white and pure was now caked in mud and topped with leaves of branberry bushes. That is when I noticed a gash on my leg. Instinct told me to told me to touch the wound but knowledge told me not to. Hesitantly I touched the wound unaware of what would happen. The glow the intensity of a sun shot through into the wound and throughout my veins. It slightly stung but when I lifted my hand the wound was gone.
"Impossible. Simply Impossible" My eyes once again turned to the lake it seemed to beckon me. Essen neighed persistently and pushed me towards it. This must be it. Where my past ends and my future begins. A burst of energy surged through me and I swiftly jumped into the lake. Light engulfed me and kept at peace as I observed the small bits of magic floating around me. Peace had finally come.
*I didn't know quite how to end this so it's a bit weird. I will appreciate any criticism or suggestions :) *
Tales of Jaolia
Dusty red sand swept into my face as I fought the strong winds. Just as I reached the gates of Pabola I could hear the faint sound of an engine heading this way, adrenaline began to pump through my veins and I banged on the large iron gates. The rumble slowly started to get louder and I shouted for them to let me in. The attack wasn't supposed to happen for another three hours. I was supposed to have time. A race of alien the same as my own appeared on the other side of the gate.
"Please state your identity little one." His voice carried smoothly into my ears despite the howling winds from the mountains of Cabaras.
"I am Rlelryn of sector 5-8-2 in the quadrant of Rakris. I have code 9-2-4-3-7-5, now please let me in!" A scowl spread across his face and he did not budge to let me in. Swiftly I pulled down the hood of my grey cloak revealing my reef blue skin and pointed ears pulled back by a series of silver beads."I am here on military business and demand to be let in." He immediately entered the code to open the gate and pulled me inside.
"So sorry General. I didn't know, I thought you were a dweller." Anger surged through me putting a touch of red on the top of my ears.
"We are a rebellion at war captain. Slave or not we accept our own kind! If you're not willing to accept that maybe we should put you on the other side of that gate. Now the humans are almost upon us I suggest you gather your men and prepare to defend." With that I left him stuttering after me as I put my hood back up and headed for the small medical hut.
The hut was only made out of a simple wood compound, it made it seem impractical for a war meeting but we liked it that way. Inside two bodyguards awaited me. I vanished behind them down a hidden corridor that led to one single Tungsten door protected by a eye scanner. Carefully I placed my face in front of the eye scanner, it the proceeded to send a golden light down my eye. After precisely thirty-two seconds the door opened and revealed a large circular table surrounded by thirty-one people all like me. I confidently strolled into the last seat and looked at the individuals around me. At what would be the head of the table across from me was Polow the grand jury member of our planet, Jaolia. On his right hand side was his niece, Estdel, the would be princess of our planet. On his left sat, Iarai, his son and the commanding officer of all military units. The rest of the table was filled with people from various juries and military rankings, each of them ready to give their lives for our cause.
Iarai stood up dressed in traditional silver armor to address us. "As you know Jaolia has been overtaken by creatures identifying as human Earthlings. They have killed, wounded, and captured our citizens, we will not stand for this." He paused for the cheers of the table. "We will have to plot carefully, for the humans have proved cunning. Let me remind you that the purpose of this meeting is to save the citizens of Jaolia and separate ourselves from the wretched humans."
I could hear a large roar but it did not come from the people around the table. Briskly I turned around to see the strong Tungsten door being beaten down, dents became visible in the sleek black material.
Polow stood up and shouted, "Rlelryn, take my niece out the passage. Everyone else prepare for battle." By the time the humans had pounded their way in The princess had made it down the tunnel. Dirt crumbled onto our cloaks as we carefully made our way down trying to make as little noise as possible. But suddenly we could here the pounding footsteps of boots and the clink chains meant to bound us.
"Estdel Run! They found us." We began to sprint down the corridor until we made it to another tungsten door. I produced a key and unlocked the door shoving the princess out into the open and locking the door again. Finally for what seemed like hours I turned around to see one human pointing a gun to my head. The man babbled in strange tongues but his intention seemed clear, my thoughts were further proved when he easily pulled the trigger.
*I don't write much SciFi, but I plan to improve and this is a start :) *
The Universe
I sat laughing at my desk watching the latest youtube video about the Mandela effect. It was so funny to toy with these humans. Felicia came on the speaker announcing the annual celestial being festival was about to begin. Silently I thought sorry Felicia I've got to get my work done.
My computer set up changed to a 360 degrees screen where I could change slight things in the humans reality. Hmm. Maybe I could change a candy bar logo. Yeah, why not? With a simple mind technique I removed the dash from the Kit-Kat(KitKat). Now what? I wanted to go a little further this time mess with their minds a lot! How about the Mona Lisa. She's famous for her frown so lets change it into a smile.
I shut off the system and then went to the festival. We celebrated it every year for being the #1 celestial company.
Rain drops danced on my window, tricking my vision to see some beauty in the world. Suddenly there was a pounding at my door. I knew I shouldn't have stayed up so late. Maybe I could just pretend to go to sleep now and they will go away. No, I had to open the door. So I got up and smoothed out my pink nightgown preparing to open the door.
Right before I could reach the doorknob my door swung open right as the thunder sounded. A tall dark shadow stood before me and when it entered the room it was revealed to be my brother. He quickly grabbed my hand and sat me down in the corner with him.
"What is wrong Theo?" He held me close to him. With his large hand he smoothed out my ash brown hair. And that's when I could see it the tiny flakes of ash in his hair.
"We must leave soon Jade. It is no longer safe here." A small tear left my eye. It painted a stream down my face like the window. I immediately jumped up and grabbed the suitcase under my bed. "Jade you can't bring anything you know better." Warm honey brown eyes searched mine. He finally got up and took my hand again. Then he led me down a set of staircases and through a series of hallways.
We now were out on a runway where the plane would take us to safety. The rain had drenched my once soft and wavy hair and had also drenched my soul. With a heavy heart my parents, the king and queen, loaded me on to the plane.
"Wait why is Theo not going with me?" More tears. More sorrow. But they had each other. I had myself now. The plane door closed and took off into the midnight air. Now high in the air I could see that the loud booming thunder was not that but actually bombs dropping down onto my kingdom.
Fire was spreading through the houses and the pounding rain could not even take them out. My heart throbbed and ached. I didn't care if I died I just wanted to die with them. What surrounded me was luxurious padded seats and high end drinks. I couldn't take it any more.
Slowly and carefully I got up and made my way to the door of the plane. Just a few inches separated me from the pounding rain. Again I moved careful not to make a sound and opened the door. Wind pounded at me; rain began to drench me again. My hands gripped the sides of the door and then released, so that I plummeted into my kingdom below.