Pray for the Wicked
A long couple weeks ago,
I was Dying in LA, but somehow,
I survived and now I have High Hopes.
I came back to say Hey Look Ma, I Made It,
Still alive during these Roaring 20s,
Help my raise my hands to the sky and Say Amen.
My friend told me every cloud has a Silver Lining,
What's that; should I know since I'm King of the Clouds?
I guess I am just Old Fashioned.
Tell me Dancing's Not a Crime you aren't better,
Last time I checked you're One of the Drunks,
Stuck on The Overpass to hell.
Pray for the Wicked
There is one person on this Earth in whom I have complete faith. She is my best friend. I know I can count on her. I know she will always be there for me. She listens to me. She cares about me. It doesn’t matter how many times I complain and complain about the same thing over and over again. She helps me through everything. She is the most loyal person I know. I don’t know what I would do without her. I might fall apart. I hope she stays a part of my life for a very long time. She makes me happy. She makes me feel less weird and out of place. I am so lucky to have someone like her in my life. I hope she knows she can trust me too.
Our Love
Love is the root cause
Of some of the most intense feelings
Humans can have.
Love causes grief and sadness and joy.
Love can destroy people
Or save them.
I have found myself at its mercy
Now that you are part of my life.
You have torn me apart
And made me into something
I promised myself I would never be.
You have also saved me
From the darkest corners of my mind.
You have shown me I am enough.
You have shown me I can be loved.
You have also shown me anxiety
And obsession.
You have taught me doubt
And fear.
Love is looking into your eyes
And not being able to keep from smiling.
Love is looking into your eyes
And wishing I could trust you
Because I know how much I need you.
The truth is, you scare me
But I love you too much to run away.
I need your love.
You’re like a drug to me.
I will hold on as long as I can
And be fooled into thinking it’s good for me.
When it’s over,
I won’t know what to do with myself
But it may be for the best in the long run.
Our love is inconsistent.
It moves fast
And never slows down enough
For me to catch my breath.
Our love isn’t perfect,
But neither are we.
We make mistakes.
We say the wrong thing.
But through it all,
Our love has proved true.
It has been an adventure
And I know it will continue.
Know that I love you.
Know I couldn’t change that
Even if I wanted to.
Conflicting Love
I don’t want my heart to be yours.
I don’t want to be controlled by you.
I don’t want you to own me.
I don’t owe you anything.
I want to go back to being me.
I was me before you came into my life
And decided everything was going to go
According to your plan.
My life isn’t mine anymore.
I have to share it with you.
I have to run everything by you.
I can no longer be crazy and impulsive.
I can no longer be me
Because you don’t like the real me.
Has it ever crossed your mind
That I never asked for you to be in my life?
I never wanted you here.
I love to hate you
But I can’t deny that I love you.
I can’t deny that I hang onto your every word.
I can’t deny that you always
Put a smile on my face.
I love to hate you.
I hate that I love you.
There is a thin line between love and hate
And my feelings for you go back and forth
More than I would like to admit.
What would it take for me to let go?
What would it take for you to disappear
And leave me to pick up the broken pieces?
I don’t know if I’ll ever be free of you.
Sometimes I don’t know if I want to leave.
Sometimes I don’t know what I would do
If you were no longer in my life.
But then there are times
When I wish you would go
And allow me to live the rest of my life
Without you.
What If
What happens after death?
What happens when we close our eyes
For the last time?
Energy cannot be created
Or destroyed.
This is what science has taught us.
So what happens to it?
What happens to the energy
That once flowed freely through our veins?
What if there are multiple Earths?
What if when our time is done on one Earth,
Our energy transfers to the next
And we keep going in an endless circle,
Living too many lives to be counted?
What if when you die,
Your energy moves to the next Earth
And takes the form of another being?
What if there is nothing
To look forward to after this life
But another life?
What if the people you love at first sight
Were big parts of your last life?
What if we are just fighting
To get back to the people we have loved
Even though we never knew we loved them?
Lonely World
my dear innocent;
green aprons in a coffee shop
eyes full of fragile tears
that fall as salty rain drops
as if you knew all along,
my foolish heart can take no more;
just another second until it stops.
as if you knew all along,
my foolish heart can take no more
we all must live and then all die
in a lonely, lonely, lonely, world.
Thank You
Dear bestfriend,
Thank you to that one person who makes me feel accepted.
Thank you for making me feel like I am good enough.
Thank you for teaching me that being normal is okay but being you so much better.
Thank you for helping me through thick and thin.
Thank you for being you.
Now, it is time for you to feel:
like you are enough.
And always remember that I will be here with you, through thick and thin.
Thank you for letting me be me and only me.