I'm a young Canadian writer just starting out as an author. I'm also a photojournalist. 20 years old and a lot to learn. Any tips?
You're taking the last breath of your life. What do you see? Who is around you? Have you done anything significant with your time on earth?
You could be in a hospital after a long healthy life, have just been in a car accident, or at home and suddenly be hit with a stroke. The way you 'bite the dust' is up to you alone.
Ended September 30, 2017 • 9 Entries • Created by Skyriter1
An insane asylum plaques your city.
Write a short story about an asylum based in the 1800's. Have it centered around one protagonist or many, it's up to you. Bring the next Alcatraz to life in this challenge. Good luck!
Ended August 31, 2017 • 2 Entries • Created by Skyriter1
The First Love - Now typically in writing, the 'first love' is usually a significant other. A man or woman in your life that truly stole your heart, for better or worse. This challenge is to describe your first love, but not in the way you may think. I want you to get creative. You can write about the common love of another, or maybe describe your love for your first pet, or maybe a family member and your love for who they are. Make your own path, and follow someone else's footsteps. The writing is up to you.
Now typically in writing, the 'first love' is usually a significant other. A man or woman in your life that truly stole your heart, for better or worse. This challenge is to describe your first love, but not in the way you may think. I want you to get creative. You can write about the common love of another, or maybe describe your love for your first pet, or maybe a family member and your love for who they are. Make your own path, and follow someone else's footsteps. The writing is up to you.
Ended June 16, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by Skyriter1 in Nonfiction