Not so patiently waiting
As I sit here
waiting for you to arrive
I think about that day
constantly trying to imagine
Just what you might look like
wondering what color hair
you will have
thinking about what color
your eyes will be
Picturing the beautiful smile
I know you will have
I sit here and I wonder these things
Because I can't see you now
You are so close to me,
and I love you so much already,
yet I don't even know you
But still I await patiently
as if time can't go by fast enough
But the day that you do arrive
I won't mind if time
just abruptly stops
To give me time to take you in
To remember the color
of every strand of hair
on your perfect little head
So I can memorize the color
of your precious eyes
even when they're not open
And allowing me to enjoy ever inch
of that big sweet smile
And then after all that
time can start going again,
just not as fast as i wish it would now
And not as fast as I know it will
once I get to hold you.
I didn't give him a chance
To be what he should've been
He was sweet and caring
Always there for me
As I got hurt by other guys
Awaiting patiently the day
He got his turn
To do it the right way
He gave me advice
And was never selfish
Wouldn't tell me to leave a guy
That we both knew
Would leave eventually
Regardless of the large amount
That he wanted me for himself
Instead telling me genuinely
To do what made me truly happy
I knew he'd treat me the right way
He made me more than happy
A single day didn't go by
That my smile would be caused
By just the sound of his name
He was so gentle and romantic
With the perfect joking touch
Why didn't I ever give him a Chance to be more
Than just a friend
Art from the heart of an author
Poetry is the author's world, thoughts , and feelings into something beautiful. No matter if you're depressed , or the happiest person alive , if you write about what you feel , deep down ; you'll write beautiful poetry. It's simply art , only from the heart of an author .
Missing some pieces
When you fall apart, there's nothing you can really do. Once it starts , you're screwed. You can't stop it, only prolong it. You can't really fix it till you've completely fallen apart. When every piece of you is laid out on the cold hard ground. For a long while , you feel like absolutely nothing. A nobody . A nothing. You're just there , but you don't feel like you're there. You just have to be. You struggle , cry, get mad , depressed, and break down more than ever before . Except , it doesn't even matter. All you're feelings are dull. You don't really care how tomorrow goes. Just as long as you can get it over with. Then one day you decide you're ready to heal ; be put back together. You put on a fake smile , you try to tell your self if you think you're fine and okay that you'll eventually believe it. Until , sadly, you realize that's not how it works. You have to first find all your pieces , then slowly try and put them together. Turning each piece around and around, flipping it over trying to make it fit . Try to find where it goes. You have to commit to actually trying everyday at something. Start with something simple, like actually waking up before its night again. Or actually wearing clothes that match , and make you look like an actual civilized person ; instead of a person living in a box. You can't think about sad things. They just bring you back down. You have to think your happiest thoughts . You have to try and be happy. But it's not easy and it doesn't really work like that. It's more like an up and down roller coaster for a year or two before you finally feel back together , like you're pieces are all in their original place .. But that's not how it is. You never really heal. You're never fully put back together. Any negative thing at all that brings up the thought of what tore you apart piece by piece , just pulls you apart a few pieces at a time. It will always be easier to fall apart then be put back together. But truth is , you're always going to be missing some pieces ; you'll never truly be put all the way back together.
As we lie there side by side, I thought about many things.
For example , his distinct smell that belongs to only him, his rough but gentle hands grasping ahold of mine , our bodies so close in a sweet relaxed way we could almost be one. As I thought that, I started to believe it. Every inch of us tangled up with the other. We lie there completely silent , with nothing but our own breathing. It's really romantic , just intertwined with another . Not wanting anything more , than to lie here with the other in complete and utter silence ; wrapped around each other. I noticed how his fore arm always lines up perfectly to my neck and , his chest to my head. How his head rests on mine and we're basically supporting each other in a different kind of way. It seems that no matter which way we lie down together we seem to fit perfectly. And as we lie there side by side , so sweet and silent , I noticed one more thing. Our breathing was timed exactly to the others, almost as if we are synced together . Every time I inhale ; he inhales . I exhale ; he exhales. In this moment I knew , not that I ever doubted ; we were meant for each other.
Numb before I kiss you
He took me out to dinner, and held my hand . That night he planted a kiss on my forehead . The very next day he called saying he had to see me again. That night we went to a movie , and I watched the movie with his arm around my waist and my head on his chest. That night he lightly planted a kiss on my cheek. Then said , "till tomorrow?". Only letting my hand go, after agreeing to do so. The very next day we went out to dinner , and after we watched the stars from my balcony. That night he planted the perfect kiss on my lips with his hands tight on my waist. He looked up to me and said , "Every time right before I kiss you, my whole body goes numb. Not because I don't want to, because between the short moment from when I close my eyes and touch my lips to you, I get scared . That you wouldn't have wanted me to. That's why the first night I kissed your forehead , and the second only your cheek. Tonight I went for your lips , and you kissed me back too. Now I'll never go numb again, because I'll know you'll kiss me too."
All my own
A world that's all my own . A world where I am loved , and cherished . A place that would be upset and destroyed by the loss of me . Not a place that I rule , or own. Just a place that I exist and am known. Somewhere that recognizes me by my name not "that girl". Where they actually know I'm someone .
I keep looking in a mirror
I don't know why
I see the antonym of beautiful
Flaws covering my face
Insecurities hiding in my eyes
Insults written on my skin
Imperfections leaking from my lips
Sexiness nonexistent because of my flat chest and butt
I still manage to look in the mirror
Everyday upon awakening
Because deep down I pray that one day
I'll feel as pretty as the other girls I see
But all I ever see is the me I don't wanna be
Keep me up at night
The tears pouring
down my face
On my cheeks
and off my chin
They tend to keep me up sometimes
because there are so many
They blur my vision
Taking my sight
I taste the salt
left from my tears
Only to bring more than before
I'm scared the whole room will fill
and I'll drown
right here in them
But at least it'd stop them from coming
Maybe that wouldn't be so bad
Thoughts ponderin, and wondering keep me up at night
Each one in a race
to the front of my mind
just trying to gain a little more attention time
The more you think about one thought
the harder it is to break it off
But the longer you think about just that one
the more eager the rest become
to be the one thought
you're thinking of
I'm scared to go to sleep
Thinking all these thoughts will suffocate me
But maybe that wouldn't be so bad
I'm emotional
I tend to freak out about things that don't even matter
Make little things
Into gigantic things
I'll be happy one minute
just to frown the next
I can't quite control it
But I know I'm not bipolar
For the most part I'm happy
Practically always
But when I get sad
You'd think my whole family
Died from a tsunami
When I'm mad you'd think
That the devil has took me
But when I'm happy
You'd think I just won the lottery
But I'm more emotional
than Id like to admit