taking what’s mine.
old coke bottle...
or was it rootbeer, or maybe
cream soda
$1 plastic toothbrush holders
electric toothbrushes
so many toothbrushes…
the unused lint roller
handle had a nice shape,
yet an inescapable coldness
I would say my pointer finger,
but my middle is what really gave a boost
to the finish line
I’d like to think I was the one.
That’s far better than crying
Over someone who’s long gone.
A selfish child who took something
That they can never return.
He said no
I didn't caress his smouldering form -
I sucked his dick.
In the corner stall of the men's toilet
Quickly, before the bus leaves
a quick series of transactions
crouching, unzipping, squinting, grabbing
my back pressed against the plastic wall
my mind more occupied with the lack of hygiene
than the motion of his sinking underwear.
It ended, and I asked him if he had a mint.
He said no.
Neither did we make love for the first time -
we had sex.
In his bedroom
Slowly, because his parents were away
a quick series of apologies
for the bed, the laundry, the heat
before he mounted me
leg pressing into leg
arms sliding in uncomfortable positions
chest heaving up and down
Anatomy. Nothing but anatomy.
We disposed of the formality of foreplay;
went straight for the kill.
He fumbled, I winced, he apologized, I sighed
He found what he was looking for and
latched on.
Anatomy. Nothing but anatomy.
I stared at the glow-in-the-dark planets on his ceiling
and wondered when they had stopped glowing.
It ended, and I asked him if he would have my children.
He said no.