Wild heart
The tarantism of her broken heart
Invading the dance floor
With her rhythmic art
A cry in each move
A weep in each groove
Leaving the pain on the dance floor
The sad beats of her heart
Something even the music can adore
Dancing all wildly
With nothing to prove
That break up two step
With nothing to lose
Switching the side of her phone
Do not disturb her line
Healing hurt feelings
Enjoying her time
Hidden angel
Are you with me
Wherever I go
I can feel you
With my eyes close
So I meditate
Especially when I’m down
You say hold your head up Baby
Elevate your crown
When I’m crying
You say darling don’t make a sound
Because although I’m no longer physically around
I will always be around
You’re so ubiquitous
You’re everywhere at once
In the stars the sun and moon
It hurts to know you left so soon
But I know there’s no time for sadness
Or gloom
there’s so much things
Left here for me to do
I know my life still matters
And even in your physical absence
Your life will always matter
My beautiful hidden angel
I’m glad you’re with me wherever I go
And I know you’re watching me as I grow
And it’s beautiful to know that you’ll always be with me
And everyone that you know
Eyes closed
Mind open
To keep my heart focused
meditating to get my zen
Glancing in the mirror
To catch my skin glowing
Lighting candles
To get the light going
Got my scenes growing
Orange colors in my aura
Positive words in my Montra
“Tay stay present “
Always remember each day is a blessing
Always remember each day has a lesson
Gotta keep meditating for my protection
Have to stop insulting the old me
By disrespecting the new me
Been allowing my new self
To go back on the boundaries
That my old heart set out for me
bringing noise to my peaceful mentality
Heartbreak is the new norm for me
The old me says hey
I didn’t teach you these ways
Remember before we said ...
we were turning that page
No longer living that way
Remember lighting candles
The new her is giving our energy away
She’s even forgetting to pray
Famished soul
Desperate for her heart to feed
Walking the path forgetting I have
My own very self to lead
What if the old and the new me
Merged into one
Tolerating disrespect from absolutely no one
So far fetch
Like a joke with no pun
A sky with no sun
The old me let go of a lot of bad habits
And I’ll be damned if the new me
Sashays into this new season
With no motive but to sabotage it
The Homeowner’s thoughts
If this house had a mouth
Tell me ..
what would she say,
Would her words,
paint vivid pictures ..
Of my most wicked days?
An unruly movie of my kept secret ways,
How liquid,
my solid demeanor
gets ..
when my son is away.
All the things
I say to God
when I lay down and pray,
When I cursed him for taking my loved one away...
Or when I thanked him
for blessing me
with a peaceful soulmate,
Crazy how I knew you
right out the gate
Searching deep in my memory
Like how do I know his face
Finding my sunshine in the darkest of days,
Second guessing you cus there’s just simply no way...
I can love you already for a lifetime of days,
you entered into my house
Who has so much to say
And I hope you don’t leave me
when the movie
begins to play.
I don’t have a title for how I feel
I’ll admit that I ain’t perfect
I been insecure for years
It’s a very low feeling
To think that you are worthless
Groomed to think this way since age 3
Looking in the mirror never really liking
What I see
Wondering if God made a mistake on me
Giving birth to a beautiful blessing
And his father can’t even see the worth in me
Giving every person my all
Still they walk away from me
Or do I push them out
The picture is never clear to me
Pinned up resentment turns into
Built up anger
Which turns into mental danger
Danger for anyone who deals with me
Loves on me
Always looking for my exit out
Before someone else abandons me
Fighting when I know there can never be a victory
Cus the battle isn’t with you
It’s inside of me
It haunts me
Taunts me
Look at your self
Pretty perfect picture
But how can someone love you
When you have no inner wealth
Everyday losing grip on your mental health
Wonder if I told anyone how I really felt
Would it really help
So I just keep it to myself
Until every once in a while
I gotta let my demons out
Now I’m looking crazy
My decision making gets a little hazey
Feeling like if I was someone else
I probably wouldn’t even date me
I don’t know man this just how I been feeling lately
Or should I say
This just how I been feeling daily.
I have to ask
If I told you I still loved you
Can we remove the book mark from our past
If we tried again can we make things last
When we broke up
It happened so fast
Now it’s ship wrecked
The waves reached us
Hate feels so good when you don’t mean it,
Filling up my plate
but i won’t eat it,
Famished love,
Leave me alone,
let me hate you in peace,
Don’t come back,
Morning this break up when we never had a title,
Lover turned to rival,
Happy turned to spiteful..
I’m not!
gonna give in this time,
Can’t get away
you gotta pay this fine
You gotta let me Pine
Over you...
I wanna be over you
I wanna let go of you
I wanna murder you
My bad
I’m Just kidding
But I do wanna bury you
In my heart
Rest in dark
I played my part
I fell apart
Now what
What’s left
You crafty motherfucker
You did it real good
You fucked me real good
You hurt me real good
Peace is so hard to find
When you resting in that chaos
I wanted to help you out
Wanted to get you out
Now you just out
And I’m out
Out of your life
and this time when I say i say it
You know those 3 words ..
I hate you ..
I really do mean it.
I lost you
It hurt me
I lost me
I lost you and lost me
My nana dear
I miss you being here
The same year I lost you
Is the same year I found me
Because I had him on the first
The first of the year
And God made it clear
That I would have a happy new year
My son was born
The same year I lost you
So the words ring true
The same year i lost you
I found myself to
I am a mom
I say this calm
With much charm
I was lost now I’m found
And even though you’re not around
You’re still teaching me lessons
The same year I lost you
I gave birth to a blessing
Kill, Poetic thrill
Poetic license to kill,
Do I have a license to thrill?
Thrill you with my rhymes,
It’s only a matter of time,
Before you fall in line,
Reading in between my lines,
Sounding off like chimes,
Metaphors galore,
Can’t hold back anymore,
You like my stanzas and flow,
Poets glow,
You gotta know,
Because we see the world differently,
We articulate it free flowingly,
Don’t get to close to me,
When I got my pen and paper out,
The way I pull this all together will ..
shock you without a doubt,
Because I’ll give myself the license,
The poetic license to kill,
Just give me the leisure to thrill,
Thrill you with my rhymes,
It’s only a matter of time before you fall in line.
Broken pieces
Of my heart
Pulling light out
the dark
Where’s the spark
That we once had
Feels so bad to be this sad
I tried again ...
you know that thing
I said I wouldn’t do
Yea that’s right I came back to you
Now I’m broken
Into pieces
Shattered glass
can’t compare
Full of sadness
and despair
You don’t care
You’re unaware
I wish this pain
was something we could share