Ideas for other systems:
Make a little bag for littles to have in case they front while at school/work. This can include comfort items, polly pockets, fidgets, a note, etc.
Not my original idea and I can't find who created it, but make a note for new alters/ alters coming out of dormancy or fronting for the first time.
Pack bland snacks or fruit for alters not comfortable eating meat or doesn't eat a lot while fronting.
Make a playlist for asl words on youtube for alters who can't/don't speak.
Make a list of people who alters can go to of they feel lost, unsafe, anxious, etc.
Get an app where you can track who is fronting when or you can make notes for each other like discord or SimplyPlural or just a google doc. (Not sponsored, just what our system likes.)
Make a multiple accounts for things. If your parents/caregivers/gaurdians aren't aware your a system, just make a second one as a spare/backup account.
Y'all got this and you are doing beautifully
It’s weird
When you think of amnesia
You think of losing a lifetime
But for me
For us
It’s minutes
It’s days we have no memory of until someone let’s us in
It’s the little things
It’s the big things
That take so little time
That impact us for the rest of time
It’s not knowing how you got somewhere
It’s being startled when the TV plays a comercial
When a character was in the middle of a sentance
It’s the little things
Sometimes it’s memories you wish would have stayed gone
Or pain you never wanted to know
Of course it’s not always minutes
Or even days
Some times it’s weeks
Even Years.
And with the pain
Lie happy memories
Memories that I want to know
But I also don’t
Because it then feels like the abuse is excused
That the pain was Justified
The trauma was Justified
That I am Not justified
And suddenly I’m a little kid
I have no rights again
I deserve the pain again
I do not deserve to live again
But then I remember the minutes I’ve lost
I remember the people who lived those memories
I remember that they have my back
That I am not alone
However frustrating that may be
However many times I want them to stop singing
To stop critisising
They are there
They are Real
Even if we don’t have a diagnosis yet
Even if we don’t always believe it
We are..
We are us.
And That’s enough for us.
I wanna go Home
But Home doesn’t exist
And it’s not a place
Or a state of being
It’s a burned off village that no longer exists
It’s a place that has yet to be
It’s a place in a past life
It’s my future
But I just want to go Home
I want to stop worrying about how much longer I have to live
I want to have a place to lay my head
Even if that place isn’t a bed
I want to know that I belong
And for once it not to be a song
That reassures me that everything is as bad as I think
But also say that I’ll be okay
Cause The place I live
The life I’m in
It doesn’t feel right
Maybe somethings just not in my sight
Because it feels like
Every thought I’ve thought it twice
Every movement isn’t right
Every breath is just another mistake
And I Want To Go Home
But I can’t
So it's fine
Don't worry
But when I tell you
I’m fine
It means I’m lonely
Don’t worry means
I don’t know what to do
And when I tell you
You make me feel safe
I’m not lying
Because it feels like maybe
Just maybe
I might have found Home
Quiet Days
Do you ever have quiet days?
Where you don’t wanna speak
Cause if you do
It feels like something bad’ll happen
It feels heavy
It hurts but it’s numb at the same time
Do you ever have quiet days
Where everyone is screaming at you to talk
‘It’s not that hard’
‘Not until you use your words’
But the words just won’t come
Maybe you wanna talk but can’t
Maybe you just don’t feel like talking
Maybe not talking feels safest
Maybe it’s just a quiet day
And sometimes,
It’s just so hard
To not talk and be yelled at all day
And you just want someone to whisk you away
To tell you:
’I know, it’s just a quiet day.
And that’s ok.′
But until that day
Where hopes become reality
I’ll just have another quiet day
And pretend the yelling never botherd me anyway
I Don’t Know If You Know But....
TW: Talk of guns, mentions of dead children, mentions of abuse
I don’t know if you know but,
Our generation, has experienced things no one else has
Been traumatised so much
That therapists refuse to diagnose because
‘Parenting can’t be that bad!’
But when I was 7, maybe 8
and a gun was placed in my hand
And I was belittled because no one told me what it was
And I was violent
But all I wanted to do was play
That was traumatic.
But that was a science experiment
So it’s fine!
It was for The Greater Good!
And I don’t know if you know but,
Autistic children are being tortured right now
In the name of ‘behavior modification’
Read: The Greater Good
And these children are being held at schock levels
right underneath lethal
But it’s for The Greater Good
And I don’t know if you know but,
One thousand,
Two thousand,
Five thousand plus
indigionus children have been found
Not alive, not cases within the last few years
But Dead Children,
Dead Babies,
In Residental schools
And I don’t know if you know,
But kindergardners are being prepared for war
For when an active shooter finaly decides their life is done
For when they have to pretend to be dead
For when they have to watch their friends die
Because someone wasn’t diagnosed
Because someone didn’t get what they needed
And I don’t know if you know but
The Greater Good isn’t for us,
It’s not for the common people
It’s not for you or me
It’s for the
Who don’t gain money from compassion
Who only do enough to be half way in the publics favor
To ensure they get richer and richer
The Greater Good was made by Old Rich White Men
So they could exuse acts of pain and suffering
So that monsterous acts were hidden in a White Silk Cloak and Angel Wings
But I Bet You Didn’t Know
And Neither Did They, Right?
An Unknown Parent
I smiled from the control room of the mind space. I watched my kid, a little five year old child, parent her sibling. Do I hate that this is what she has to do? Yes, so much. But she's doing splendid, even without me here with her. I glanced away from the 'screen' showing my little one as I heard a noise from the back of the mind space. I quickly refocused on the child in contol of the body as I heard a sort of yelp as they pulled a metal can of green beans out of the microwave.
'What happened?' I asked tentiatively. I had to be passive about asking and comunicating with my kid. She doesn't even know I exist, lest that cause her more trauma than her parents had caused her.
'Izie put it in the microwave and it looked like there were sparks! Your not supposed to put metal in the microwave! I should calm Izie down, then put her in the living room, make food, then make sure she has a time out.' I nodded in the mindspace as Sammie thought out her movements. I sighed and hesitantly stepped away from the control pannel and chair. I had others I had to make sure were alright. I had to make sure I ate so I didn't let my kids have a bad role model. I walked out of the control room, leaving the door open so I would be able to hear if something went wrong.
This is a memory from Sam, our gate keeper, physical protector, and the best Father. He has always been with us. Even when the host didn't know we were a system. This was wrote in his perspective of the event.
We Are One, We Are Many
But I’m questioning things
That seem to slip through rings
Not like monkeys jumping through hoops at the circus
But memories slipping from alter to alter.
But they aren’t slipping at all
It’s not the flow of blood pouring down a glass of rocks
It’s being co conscious
It’s not knowing who you are and accidentally sharing a memory
One that the host could have lived without
One that impedes on your life
One that makes you certain that what happened was wrong
And then another slips through
And your no longer so certain cause it wasn’t always bad
And you aren’t traumtised enough
Your situation wasn’t bad enough
Your trauma isn’t valid enough
Will it ever be enough?
Will you ever be enough?
And logically you know that’s not a fair question
The others scream at you to not listen
Even when their own mind has that voice playing
But we are not useless pieces
We are not a sum of our parts
We our individuals formed out of need
Individuals that deserve to live
Individuals who will let no man, woman, or being on earth put us through that again
We are strong
We are one
We are many.
However lately, I don’t know if I’m only one and I’m making it up
That the people in my head, that have memories I don’t
Are just imaginary
I don’t know
But I do know,
We are one
And We are many
However that came to be,
We are many