Crying in the Night
Aren't you watching?
Curled up in bed so tight,
scared of mom and dad.
A roof over her head,
clothes on her back
2 meals a day,
that's all she needs
But no one loves her
no one holds her
No one sees her eyes
crying in the night.
Don't you see?
The cuts on her arm
a testimony of her pain,
she increases the number
no one will care if she's dead.
No one was there for her
no one to witness her
crying in the night.
Why don't you act?
Lying out on the ground
nowhere else to sleep.
A child and beggar,
like everyone else here.
People with no one to provide
No one to embrace them
just crying in the night,
Why don't you act?
No one needs to see it
No one would even care
No one would listen
Even if he dared
No one wanted to see
his crying in the night
Will anyone see?
living in poverty
not their fault
parents trying
children wanting to live
no one to help
only crying in the night
Why don't you care?
Staring at the grave,
he was too late.
No one to comfort him,
No one to take his hand.
No one to dry his eyes
crying in the night.
We should have just left this door locked
"I'm done with school!"
*speaks in German or French or Russian* "I know what you're saying." (I don't)
"I know morse code." (I don't)
"I didn't kill my plants."
"His name is Frankinsence because he smells so sweet."
"I helped them."
"I published a book!"
"Dragon's exsist!"
"Iocane Powder, it is oderless, tastless, disolves instantly in water, and is amoung the more deadly posions known to man."
What I Leave Behind
The boy lay there, on the cot. The monitor reading his slow heartbeat. His dad sits there, helplessly watching.
"Daddy, I'm scared." The boy's voice trembled, barely a whisper.
"Scared of dying?" His father asked.
"No Daddy, I'm scared of what I'll leave behind."
The heart monitor flatlined.
An Icy Foundation
The crowd watched helplessly as the teenager stood, the ice under her feet cracking. There was nothing they could do. Suddenly the ice gave way, and she went down. She tried to swim in the freezing water. Her arms treding uselessly. She tried to grab hold of the edge, and pull herself up, but the ice just broke off. It would only take a few minutes fer her to be too cold to be able to move. She would just freeze to death. Shivering from the cold she wisphered 5 words...
"The Lord is my foundation." The ice near her started to harden. And again she said "The Lord is my foundation." Ice appeard near her feet. "The Lord is my foundation." The ice thickened even more. "The lord is my foundation." She said agian, pulled herself onto the ice. "The Lord is my foundation." She stood up, and walked toward the cheering crowd on the shore, unscathed.
(This was a dream I had a few years ago. I remembered it recently while in church. I decided to write about it here because it's too good not to share. And for those of you wondering this is a dream about Christianity, and yes, I am Christian. I always smile when I remember this dream.)
The adorable baby girl did her baby walk from one side of the extra bed to another. 2 teens were sitting there, talking. One was the baby's sister, the other was her best friend. Just then the baby fell down onto the mattress, but she got back up. Both girls laughed, and the baby smiled, abd picked up a glittery necklace.
"She's going to be one of those girls who is a girly girl but will just as easily get herself dirty and beat someone up for bullying their friend." Said the baby's sister.
"Definitly. Well if she ever needs help, she can come to me, I promise."
It was dark out, and the 13 year old girl stared out into the sky, wishing for night to fall. It was dusk, but she would be seen if it didn't become dark soon. She was on her High school's ground. She was hidden amoung the trees, next to a creek. But she was wearing blue, and would stand out in an instant. Her prayers were answered when it grew darker. She saw a figure walking around. A solider, not an ally. What a fool they were, thinking they could stay out of the war. It was impossible, and now her home was invaded. It was WWIII, she knew that's what they would call it. How could anyone call it anything else. She knew what they were going to do, and she tried to salvage as much as she could before they came. In the school there was records for every student to go through there, not to mention hours of footage. These were the people they would find and target. They would use this information to find where the strong young boys and girls were and what they were going to do with them. Some of them would be used in their army, others for labor. Most likely concentration camps. No one is quite sure how the war even got started, but several countries declared war, and then they all started to fight. And they are running out of soliders so fast that they are recruiting people who aren't even adults yet. They would children as young as 10. They go into the school, this was her chance. She walked quietly until she was sure no one would hear her, and even then she was careful walking. She ended up walking for hours upon hours, following the creek. She doesn't know how many miles she covered but she was exsuasted by the time she got to a bridge. She wanted to sleep, but she knew that she couldn't, not until she was hidden. She see's a bridge up ahead. She knows this bridge, it was about 14 miles from her school. She hurried towards it. She see's that it's getting lighter, she would no longer be able to stay hidden as well. The bridge in front of her had some good places to hide, and possibly sleep. Suddeny she stopped in her tracks upon seeing someone walking to the bridge. A few minutes later they exit with 2 kids behind her. One 11 or 12, and one looked to be about 5. She followed them at a distance, it getting lighter and lighter every minute. She gets a good glimpse and see's that the kids were being led by a solder. No way she would let them become another victim in this war. She followed all the way to the house, and they went inside. It's possible that they are now using people's houses at outposts, but she didn't think so. She recognised this house. It was her sister's best freinds house. Although not anymore she thought. She tried all other entrances, but they were locked with locks she couldn't pick, and she no longer had the key. She went to the front yard to try to find a way in, when the front door opened. She thought about running, but maybe she could talk her way out of this one. But it wasn't a solider at the door, but a woman in her early 30's. This was her sister's best friend, whom she knew well. She ran to her, and she was welcomed in. She ran into a hug from her, and started to cry when she was hugged back. She had been on her own for weeks, with no clue what had happened to anyone she loved.
"It's okay, It's okay, I've got you now." She said soothingly.
After some sleep on the couch she was invited to sit and join her for dinner.
"While you were asleep, I looked into the hard drive that was in your pocket. From the looks of it you have been trying to fight them all on your own." She nodded slightly.
"You don't have to. Come to the basement, I have somthing to show you. She followed her down into the basment There was about 20 kids from all ages there, with a few adults tending to them.
"As soon as children were being taken I opened a sancuatry for them. The basement is hidden, and even if they were to find it, there are dozens of hiding spots and multiple secret exists. But there's one other thing that you may love. From the other side of the room one of the adults turned. She almost started to cry again, for it was her sister.
This is what my cousin said to me yesterday. We were climbing the stairs to this ride I wanted to go on and the line was really long. Nerves were climbing in all 5 of us as we neared the top and I said, "****, don't let me chicken out." Amd she comes over to me, grabs my shoulders, shakes me, and yells in my face "WOMAN UP." And just like that, the nervousness was gone.
I love my family.
Lost, Again
Yesterday we went to the zoo. We were with my extended family. I made joke about how they lost me.
When I was 6 years old, I went with my dad's side of the family to the zoo. At some point I looked at the gazelle. I thought that it was a deer. I went to point it out to my family, but they were gone. It was at the Columbus Zoo and aquarium, one of the top 10 largest zoos in the world. And I was lost. I stayed there for a while, cried. Then a nice family came along and rescued me. They put me in their wagon with their 2 daughters. The wagon was a teal color. (I remember this vividly becuase it looked like the one that my babysitter had.) I don't know how my family found me, but they realized I wasn't with them. We eventually met up at Habitat Hollow. Why am I telling you this now?
Yesterday my little sister was lost at the zoo. We lost her around the aquarium. She followed another family around. (I'm guessing this part) When they realized this then they had the staff take her. They also gave her $40 for the gift shop. (I don't know why) We were looked for her, only for about 10 minutes when the Staff found us and gave her back.
As we were walking back I remembered somthing my dad told me about. I point to my younger brother.
"He once shut down Walmart." Nutrally my cousins were astounded. So I tell them the tale. He was 3 at the time. (Also we lost my brother o many times when he was little it's ridiculcous.) We were at Walmart when my parents realized he was missing. They look around, and eventually tell someone. They belive it's possible he was kidnapped, so they didn't let anyone out of the store. My brother eventually wondered back to us. To this day no one know where he went.
Later in the gift shop, (for the $40 my sister got) My mother and I were talking about Zoo Shirts.
"They should have a 'I got lost at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.' shirt!"