What we treasure most...
A lover of wisdom
Must first love truth
Else wisdom is simply folly.
It has no standard
By which to exist,
No purpose, no import,
And absolutely no risk.
Love of wisdom
that denies existence of truth
Is cowardice called
"the questions and search of youth."
Without truth there is no risk,
for reason and logic
and standards and aim
Do not exist.
For perceptions differ
And questions grow,
And so without truth,
There is nothing you can "know."
Empty, baseless, formless
Become the words we treasure most:
Love, wisdom, goodness,
Honesty, integrity, courage,
Kindness, compassion, hope…
The word ringing around me
in clouds of echoes
but how can we be so proud
of that which tears us apart
of that which causes us to scorn one another
in scathing testimonials
of our own moral superiority
how can we break out
in defiance
while alienating those
who most need
our guidance
I too ache at the thought
of what has been done
the people cast aside
trod down
turned back
I too mourn the fall of kind and respectful discussion
into brash accusations
and bombastic claims
I too feel
in my body
a little less safe
And I too want to pull
those I trust and love
But can we move forward
can we grow together and grow stronger
by only hearing voices that chorus
in agreement
with our own
I think not
And that is why
every time the word 'unbelievable'
climbs from the recesses of my mind
born of my distrust
and fear
and pain
and sadness,
threatening to spill
from my angered lips
I bite it back
and painstakingly dismantle
the words
I know
are born
out of
his hatred
and not
my love
Et Brute
Tauntingly, He cocked His head to the side - making His broadly intimidating presence even greater. Julius grew smaller, for he found himself tyrannized in this scenario. "It is not you I blame - you must know beforehand. You, despite the wit I drew for you, were tricked by one of the most malice games out there. Admittedly, it is an embarrassment. I crafted you, but your ignorance to the sport of manipulation astounds me," He told him.
"Bu- but, but," he stuttered, "I could never have foreseen. I could have never foreseen such a thing be inflicted onto me. I am a leader! I am respected! I am wise, and educated and powerful!" his words, though being screamed, held little volume in the spacious area.
"Caesar, oh Caesar. Anger never really is gratifying in the end, now is it?” He was not really asking a questioning, rather presenting Julius with no other option but to agree.
“I thought they still supported me. Do not misunderstand me - for I am aware that they were all power-hungry, malicious men. Yet, somehow, I had convinced the nagging thoughts of betrayal to be silenced. I should have let it roared, I should have terminated all of those men,” Julius boomed.
“And how would that have benefited you? In what aspect?” Julius felt Him grew angry, yet he know He was not capable of rectifying human emotions. “You would have had an uproar, anarchy, and would have ended up with same fate. You were meant to die today, yet it was not known how until today, the ides of March,” He stated simply.
Julius sighed, while no longer in his battered form, defeat was evident in all parts of him. He no longer stood as sturdy as the columns, but he was sullen. His age was present in the wrinkles and crevices that decorated his eyes and lips. It was as if an ash, the kind of ash that settled on priceless items that had become disregarded over time, had coated him. His head down, he sighed, “I played into their manipulation, their facade. I cannot believe I am dead now, facing You, the Almighty. Perhaps, I would have not been pathetic if I had not uttered the idle words, ‘Et tu Brute?’ What a waste of my last words, a contribution to the tale of manipulation. I sure hope I am not quoted with them.”
Inexplicably, he speaks with vulgarity
he will halt prosperity
he hasn't acquired a sense of clarity
isn't this just a game of popularity
The prejudice is candid
frankly demanded
Right or left, this will not be reprimanded
I'm in a frantic because of his antics!
And in my sincerity
while calling reality
I crown thee
with stomach-churning
a sentiment of burning