I am 20 years old . I have been writing for about five years now.
vist my site
The end of the road
Ok so anyone in the SPNF family write about how the show has changed you or your feeling of it ending. Lets give one final thanks
Ended September 26, 2019 • 2 Entries • Created by animbella2
Welcome season 15
This is for all of the " Supernatural" Addicts out there. Recently there was an annoucment that season 15 is a go, it will probley air in october and to celbrate why not make a fanfic for the chareters. Add you, your friends or keep it simple. Dirty or not its all up to you.
Ended April 13, 2019 • 0 Entries • Created by animbella2
The effect
Ok So this is the 2nd part of #EndTheSilence. I want you instead of talking about the left over pain that came after a tramatic exprince, talk about a the moment it happend, how it felt and what happend the following days. this can be what happend to you, a friend, someone you know, or just make it up. Rember to hastage it #EndTheSilence. Cant wait to see you guys heal!! Love you all
Ended March 15, 2019 • 1 Entry • Created by animbella2
Tell of rape, either from your exprience, though a freinds or completely make it up. add #EndTheSilence so people know that we need to talk about it. Help chage lives and teach people no means no but yes dosnt always mean yes
Ended February 7, 2019 • 4 Entries • Created by animbella2
Write the worst breakup imaginable and the pain that follows
No rules have fun!!!! winner will be decided with the most likes
Ended November 8, 2018 • 0 Entries • Created by animbella2
write about the most painful breakup or relationship you have been though
Ended October 15, 2018 • 0 Entries • Created by animbella2