Ignorance is bliss
I never wanted to know
when your friend told me
years ago
I walked away
ears deaf
to an ugly truth
I could not believe
I would not
let it soil
my reality,
I wanted to live
in the world we built
where we loved
Gone now
so long
alone with
my grief
I empty
the room
where we loved
a lifetime.
Under the bed,
our bed,
I find a
scrap of silk
and lace
I never owned.
My heart
frozen with grief
and turns to ash
in that moment
of revelation
I stuff
the lie
in a black plastic
garbage bag
along with
all the other
I never wanted know.
lonely intimacy
i find a bra under the bed
that doesn't belong to you
and it doesn't belong to me
lately you've been gone
so often it feels as if
i live alone.
you haven't been in
our (my) bedroom
for months.
i don't know where you're going
and i don't want to know.
but playing the guessing game is
killing me.
my nerves are strung out,
i lash out at the walls
but i stay silent when you come home
because this pain i feel is a lonely sort of intimacy;
intimacy that i've never felt with you.
we've had our passionate nights,
but i obviously mean nothing to you.
so i'm trying to pretend
that you're not everything to me.
this pain i feel is a
lonely intimacy
and every day you leave again
i dance with the ghosts of my tears
and wait for you to come home.
once we were just girls,
"experimenting" they said
and now i wonder are you
with me?
i live alone
in this shell of a heart
that used to be full of you.
Skinny :(
You've got to stay skinny, don't you, girl?
You've got to stay pretty while you can
You've got to stay hungrier for the fans
You know we are living in a fucked up world
And they'll try to burn you all up
The WORLD/SOCIAL MEDIA: Your face is rotten
Ugliest smile I have seen
Your name's forgotten
Now go on and cut yourself clean
Why won't you answer?
You think you're better than me
Go on, surrender
Another suicide teen
Your heart beats round my soul
Like a frozen day warming it’s goal
I would kill the past to watch you smile
Reading my might to guide us down the mile
The distance can’t fade your dimples
Loving you is like petting my pimples
We play cool but I can’t see our dreams
Disguise fact is calm but kills the beam
The future gets blur cause we lack the fend
Masking our love tricks us into our end
Anxiety dances across my pillowcase
It asks stupid questions; "like are you living right?"
such touchy subjects
I can't live the life I want to, cause I'm on a budget
A little bit of panic here and there
I know it's coming but I can't prepare
You can be king
here is my crown and this ring
And now we celebrate
If only for today
Now you're on top of the world tonight
You can do anything you like
And through that struggle, I made you a star
with just some tools and a mic and a big idea
You can keep the fame
I never wanted people to know my name
Weird History: 13
Behind Every Good Man
President Woodrow Wilson on October 2, 1919, suffered a severe stroke where he was incapacitated and bedridden.
Edith Bolling Galt Wilson, the president’s wife, did more than just take control of the president’s recovery, she also took control of the presidency. She would bring important papers to Woodrow, explaining them to him, but what she was really doing was making presidential decisions in his place. For the next six weeks she was the true power in the White House.
She has been labeled the “secret president” and even the “first female president of the United States. Mrs. Wilson was criticized and ridiculed by many as the “presidentress” who was running a “petticoat government.”
On a side note: Every U.S. President with a beard has been a Republican. They are Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, and Benjamin Harrison.
There is something behind me....
There is something behind me
There is something behind me
I can feel its breath on my neck
Its fingers tickle my spine
A blade or a gun? What's it gonna be?
Which should I choose?
that's just the wall.
Even if there was something behind me
What would I do?
How loud would I have to scream?
How fast can I run?
I locked the door, I won't open it fast enough
I'm too far away
From the door, from the world
What was that?!
that was just the TV
Why did I turn it up so high?
And as I feel what's not there
And hear what doesn't speak
And see what my mind should not seek
I know all I have to do
Is get off the couch and walk to the door
The world waits outside
Bright and loud
But I remain sitted
And I walk sideways
So I can see all sides, but my back still remains unwatched
And I'm alone in so many ways
And I still jump at every sound
All I have to do is walk out
But I don't
I chose to be lonely
But I hate this loneliness
But I can't change it
Afterall, I chose to be lonely.
The demage has already been done
I will carry the paranoia to the grave
When they asked what I wanted
Lonely was the answer I gave
And now I will never get the chance to be brave.
This is how my life started
And this is how it will end
What's that smell?
I swear, someone just set my house on fire
They are trying to set me ablaze!!
Oh, wait, that's just my food burning.
facing the dark corner
the old lady didn’t mind being
called crazy
or being laughed at for
spending her days
in her small cottage
facing the dark corner
of the room and
talking to
her dead daughter
encouraging her to eat up
and grow up
and complimenting her on the good
looks she’d gained
“Oh, I bet the boys are all dropping
dead in your wake, hehe. Look
at those legs. So slim and long and
deadly. You’re a beauty
among beauties, my dear. Here, have another
one. Eat up to grow up. You’re gonna
have hundreds of strong, beautiful
children, hehe.”
The neighbors and the world
could keep calling her crazy, she
knew she was just very happy
She grabbed another grasshopper from
a jar and ripped its hind legs
and placed it
on the spider’s web
“Here’s another one, dear. Eat up
and grow up, hehe.”
Pick up lines
1) Did you cut your hair recently?
Because you look like a cut above the rest.
2) Are you Batman's sidekick?
Because you’re robin’ my love.
3) *offers a muffin*
I didn’t have any flowers handy, but I figured flour in a muffin would be close enough.
[I know this one’s not really a pick up line, but I think it would be cute]
It's harder to say goodbye
Because what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're OK?
And saying that bad things happen for a reason,
will not stop the bleeding.
Because you moved on while I'm still grieving.
And my heart is breaking because you never said you were leaving.
Every time I reach for you, it takes a minute to dawn,
that you are truly gone.
Every time I remember,
all those nights in September
I fall apart in time with the seasons,
trying to battle my guilt demons
because I never got to say goodbye before you died.