There’s a bar near where I live
There’s a bar near where I live, and the bartender always forgets to put alcohol in my drinks. Go figure.
I look forward to joking with them about this. Talking, in general.
I look forward to being served drinks, period.
I look forward to the ambiance; dozens of people talking, laughing, drinking.
Cuddling at the bar. Kissing, openly, on the mouth with a guy I’ve actually been able to date. And I’m not talking Skype - I’m talking real and in person.
I look forward to the fire pit in the back. Cornhole with friends. Hugging said friends, for no reason other than to express my appreciation that they are in my life.
Above all, I look forward to entering that space. Smelling the greasy fries and anticipating what I’m going to say to my date. Being nervous to talk. But not because I’ve become so used to social distancing. Nervous for all the right reasons, this time.
My sister once told the bartender: you didn’t put alcohol in her margarita.
And I look forward to the apology, so that I can say: It doesn’t matter.
We’re back.