Villain or a hero?
I have thought about my purpose many times. I always felt like the main character of my story, like I was chosen by God to do something great. It sounds weird, I know but I always wanted to see myself as a hero. However the reality is I’m not always a hero sometimes I’m the villain. In stories the villain trys everything in their power to defeat the hero which just results in the hero becoming stronger . Whether I’m the villain or the hero I believe my purpose is to help persons even if I didn’t intend to.
#1 purpose
To leave this place a little cleaner
A little richer, a little smarter,
A little greener, a little more happier,
A lot more friendlier, a lot less evil,
A lot more full of love, a lot less haters,
To teach people how to be kind to one another,
To give you free advice even if you don’t think you need it. AND…..
My number one purpose in this life is…..
To make sure that all children
Understand that they are loved and
Special no matter what color, religion or country they come from because all people matter!
My Life
Purpose: something set up as an object or end to be attained.
This is one definition of the word from the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Now, as a big picture and science-y person, I usually try to avoid thinking of this. It used to be painfully hard for me to comprehend my true belief--purpose is not a thing for me. I don't actually believe there is a reason behind me (or honestly anyone) being alive. I wholeheartedly believe that the end object all will obtain is death. That being said, I landed on my 'purpose' being living out life however I please.