I am going to be a little more gentle here
Grammar/English has never been my strongest academic area. I am more science/math. There are words to this day I still have to look up to make sure I am using them properly. Thank goodness for built in dictionaries know! After looking them up a million times I do remember some of them know but I still find myself looking up various ones. So if I am not grammatically correct (which I can guarantee) or if I use the wrong form of a word - sorry - but I love to write and I don't have an editor to fix it.
Righting this hurt a little
How you use effect and affect can greatly effect you're writing, you see. It can make you seem quite uneducated, and that is not a good thing. However, they can bee misused two create character. And that can be a good thing, but also can be a headache for the reader. Your write if you think that using these troublesome words incorrectly is a horrible thing indeed.
Butt, things due happens, and mistakes can be made. Bee understanding, and no that these people just maid an honest mistake.
And I mean no offense too those who due struggle. I'm just going four a laugh heir.
Cuss words.
I don't have a fucking problem with knowing the damn difference between "they're" and "their" it's just that I always feel the need to cuss sometimes.
And I know it's "curse" not "cuss" but "cuss" sounds badass. Like I really fucking never ever felt the need to fucking make bad words in my post until now I feel like getting it all out.
I love this badass app. It's so bad that it's shitty. I can fucking write whatever the fuck I want too and not give a damn about no bitch that reads it. (You're not bitches I just need to cuss that's all, I love you all genuinely you creative little fuckers) and I need to take a shit right now, it's 3:40 am but my stupid ass can't sleep.
Dick pussy quirky shitty ass bitch fuck damn llama and bitches are all bad words to me.
Good night.